35 Meanings
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Weight of the World Lyrics

Feels like the weight of the world
like God in heaven gave me a turn
don't cling to me, I swear I can't fix you
still in the dark, can you fix me?

freefall, freefall, all through life

If you love me, then let go of me
I wont be held down by who I used to be
she's nothing to me

Feels like the weight of the world
like all my screaming has gone unheard
and ohm I know you don't believe in me
safe in the dark, how can you see?

freefall, freefall, all through life

If you love me, then let go of me
I wont be held down by who I used to be
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35 Meanings

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Cover art for Weight of the World lyrics by Evanescence

i love the lyrics to this, but the music is if-y. i don't know. it just seems a little too hardcore for the subject, but i do love the guitars-- i'm just saying maybe they could've made this one softer and left the guitars for the more hardcore songs. =\ still evanescence though, so it's still amazing.

Cover art for Weight of the World lyrics by Evanescence

i heard that this song is about how amy knew that people were going to judge her/the band about the new album and how it's different than fallen. 'i won't be held down by who i used to be', i.e. musicians can't keep writing the same music over and over, and as she changed as a person the way she wanted her music to sound changed too. i think the 'if you love me then let go of me' part means if you liked my past stuff get over the fact that my newer music might sound different and enjoy how my writing has grown. the weight of the world is being pressured by people's expectations to write the same type of stuff as she did before versus what she wants to write.

Cover art for Weight of the World lyrics by Evanescence

I always thought it was about how Amy's fans look up to her so much, but she is just human. She can't save everyone. And all of her fans are looking to her as their Dark Goddess and she doesn't get it because if she's dying inside and they know it, why are they trying to be like her?

just my opinion. even if i may be one of those fans who look up to her like that, in all honesty.

Cover art for Weight of the World lyrics by Evanescence

the music-box sound is really creepy. this sounds sorta like lacuna coil (another pseudo-goth band), but less heavy and a bit slower.

in this song, amy wants her love (shaun?) to leave her for her own good.

Cover art for Weight of the World lyrics by Evanescence

it's doesn't really remind me of Lacuna coil. The lyrics remind me that within temptation would right. Well that's my opinion. Or when ben told her she can't write that and hold her back.

Cover art for Weight of the World lyrics by Evanescence

I like this one too. Its one of my favs

Cover art for Weight of the World lyrics by Evanescence

you could also download it off of isohunt... that way you help other people download it.

Cover art for Weight of the World lyrics by Evanescence

I like the song from 2:53 to the end, it sounds cool.

Cover art for Weight of the World lyrics by Evanescence

Basically its about Shaun. How his problems were like a weight on her. But now she is free, and not the same person she was like when she was with him. A definate "i am woman, hear me roar" song lol.

Cover art for Weight of the World lyrics by Evanescence

This is a very strong song. I like the lines "I won't be held down by who I used to be" I keep telling that myself all the time.

I think it's about someone who doesn't let you be who you really are and you feel pressured. When you try to free yourself the person still clings to you thinking he loves you but you realize that you can only be happy if the person leaves you and "lets go".