Cloud Nine Lyrics
if you want to go, let go
I'm not afraid to dream- to sleep, sleep forever
I don't need to touch the sky
I just want to feel that high
and you refuse to lift me
guess it wasn't real all along
its where I belong
if you want to go, let go
I'm never gonna be your sweet, sweet surrender
guess it wasn't real all along
no light to lead the way
remember that all alone is where I belong
will you give your love to me
beg my broken heart to beat
save my life
change my mind
no light to lead the way
remember that all alone is where I belong

This song, in my opinion, is definitely about the mania of bipolar disorder. She has another song on this album called "lithium", a drug to treat bipolar, which is why I can be so confident this is what it's about. I also deal with bipolar myself, so I can relate. When you're manic, you're not rational, but you think that EVERYTHING is better. You think that situations are different than they are and that EVERYTHING will work out the way you want it to. (Cloud nine). "If I fall and all is lost no light to lead the way" When you "fall" or go into the depression from mania, not only do you realize that the things you thought were okay in mania are not, but it's the other extreme. EVERYTHING'S WRONG. Nothing will work out. Thus, all is lost. "Remember that all alone is where I belong". It's the most lonely feeling because you realize at some point that the truth gets swallowed up in the mania and depression. Also "I don't want to touch the sky I just want to feel that high". She realizes the mania is a lie, but the feeling is addictive. Hope this helps. :)
Thank you so much. I have Bipolar myself so this song speaks so much to me. But are you sure that Amy has it? I know that Ben Moody has it but i never heard that Amy had it
Thank you so much. I have Bipolar myself so this song speaks so much to me. But are you sure that Amy has it? I know that Ben Moody has it but i never heard that Amy had it

No, I think whoever said it was about breaking up was spot on, Amy said this about it:
"It's about breaking up. There are a lot of relationship struggles on the record. I always write about what I was feeling, because then it's genuine. I was struggling with a relationship and felt like a waste of space. The first lyric says it all, "If you want to live, let live/ If you want to go, let go/ What are we doing here?/ Because I can live without you."

Yeah i have to agree. The new songs seem very attitude-ful. (Invented a word).

the more i listen, the more evanescence sounds like "fighter" by christina aguilera. very attitude-ful, like midnightfairy25 said.
the main problem i have with these new songs is that certain notes are held waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay toooooooooo loooooooong (like that)

This is a good song. The beginning is the best cuz when they start the song, it has a haunting sound.

Aaah people using my word. I shall die happy.
But in something i probably should have mentioned before and should be talking about more. I think this song is Amy wanting somebody to love her. Their not being what she wants so she needs to let them go but she can't let go of the fact that she could still have them if they were who she wanted them to be.
Lord knows if that made sense or if it is even correct but that's that i think.

I honestly thing this song is about giving up beliefs about God. When she sings "If I all, and all is lost- it's where I belong," I think she is saying that if she makes a mistake, she will have to pay consequences and no 'spiritual' force will be there to save her.
"Guess it wasn't real after all, guess it wasn't real all along" I think this line is pretty self explanatory.
"If you want to live, let live- if you want to go, let go" I think this line relates to the first line I quoted about recieving the consequences of any action- yet without faith.

it was really cool that amy wrote about what she felt and all, but i kind of sucks that she "wasn't really thinking about the fans" when she was writing the album- it makes it less relatable and catchy. i mean, i know the whole screw-mainstream part of it, i'm not disagreeing with the people that approve the weird new sound, i'm just saying...fallen had a certain mystique to it. and now this album seems more random and hard to follow. i still like it, it's just...different. oh well. evanescence is unique, and they've proved that yet again with this album.

yes the album is different...i have to admitt my reactions when i heard the fallen album were better than when i heard this one...i still like this album though but it might take longer to grow on me...but there are some songs on it tt really stand out! this song wasn't one of them....some of the songs sound kinda samey

This is about a relationship ending, for sure. There were certain things Amy wanted to feel, to receive, yet she never got those things, so she feels she must move on alone.