Lacrymosa Lyrics
cold and alone again
can this be what you really wanted, baby?
set your guilt free
nothing can hold you back now
I feel like myself again
grieving the things I can't repair and willing ...
and set your guilt free
I don't want to hold you back now love
not this time, I wont lie to keep you near me
and in this short life, there's no time to waste on giving up
my love wasn't enough
just set your guilt free, honey
I don't want to hold you back now love

Just to help out with the Latin:
"Lacrimosa dies illa" means "Tearful will be that day" or, in a rougher translation without the use of hyperbaton, "That day will be tearful."
Yes, this song is definetly one of the most obviously religious ones of Evanescence if you can understand the Latin (which is actually a clever way to hide a religious meaning to be found almost only by the religious people who will get and appreciate it). Sadly, in this day and age, most people won't take religious bands seriously, so I think Amy Lee wanted to only put blatantly religious things in Latin as a sort of "Easter Egg" (heheh "Easter," I made a funny) for those Religious people who probably know enough Latin to recognize it as Latin and Wikipedia it. Another example of this is "Whisper."

The spelling may be referring to something else, as well as the song. From what I have read on the Tool boards, lacrymosa refers to crying as a form of therapy. If that is correct, the song title itself could be a double reference, both to the classical music in the back, and to the tears she has cried.
actually the name Lacrymosa is a species of moth which means "saddness" or something like that. the picture of it is on the open door songbook and I could see so many refrences 2 ben moody in this song! but amy said that she wrote it for the chronicles of narnia the lion the witch and the wardrobe but i don't believe that :-D
actually the name Lacrymosa is a species of moth which means "saddness" or something like that. the picture of it is on the open door songbook and I could see so many refrences 2 ben moody in this song! but amy said that she wrote it for the chronicles of narnia the lion the witch and the wardrobe but i don't believe that :-D

Out on your own cold and alone again can this be what you really wanted, baby?
(Lacrymosa) Blame it on me (Dies illa) set your guilt free (Lacrymosa) nothing can hold you back now
Now that you're gone I feel like myself again grieving the things I can't repair and willing...
(lacrymosa) To let you blame it on me (Dies illa) and set your guilt free (Lacrymosa) I don't want to hold you back now love
I can't change who I am not this time, I won't lie to keep you near me and in this short life, there's no time to waste on giving up my love wasn't enough
(Lacrymosa) And you can blame it on me (Dies illa) just set your guilt free, honey (Lacrymosa) I don't want to hold you back now love (Amen)
Lacrimosa ot lacrymosa means Requiem and it is religious, I'm not going into the whole whether she meant it for religious reasons or not but the whole songs seems to have a sort of take the blame from Jesus kind of Goth feel to it. in Mozart's Requiem he talks about the sadness of man and the pity for them on judgement day....My comment is so that people don't think its a love song, because I think its anything but a love song, its a song about bereavement and sorrow and plain Goth analogies about Christianity which could in fact be aimed at Ben.

I think this is about how unwilling amy is in accepting that maybe people have problems that don't have a thing to do with her.

This song is freaking awesome. It was a redone version of Mozart's "Lacrimosa", and it simply turned out beautiful. The choir, the gigantic orchestra... pure genius.
As for the meaning, I guess it's about how Amy (or whatever) feels bad and guilty for controlling someone's life and just wants to let them go now since she knew they were suffering. She's guilty, and that's what I see it as... but for the this song, the lyrics don't matter! If you stripped the voice of the song, it would be AWESOME!!! I wonder if they have a program that does that...

Lacrimosa is Latin for tearful or crying. If anyone wants to argue that fact, I have a Latin dictionary on my desk.

The name Lacrymosa is part of the scientific name for a species of moth, Catocala Lacrymosa, also known as the 'Tearful Underwing'. If you have the CD, you will see that there is a moth motif on the cover and in the inner booklet.
Also you may find this quote interesting: "I saw Amadeus when I was nine years old and fell in love with Mozart. The part of Mozart's Requiem called "Lacrimosa" is my favorite piece of music ever. I always wished we could cover it, but with programming and guitars and make it cool. It's our moment to try all the things I wanted to and couldn't, so I started messing with it in Protools. Terry wrote some riffs and turned it into this awesome metal epic."

what would Mozart think of this song?

I absolutely love this song. The classical stuff is from a Mozart piece called "Lacrimosa", which was actually originally written in D minor, so Amy Lee helped the orchestra that did it for the song transpose it a whole step up to E minor to match the key of the song. A lacrymosa is also a type of moth: Catacola lacrymosa, which roughly translates in Latin as "The Tearful (or Weeping) Underwing", which is the moth's more common name. Just a little fact.
@weathergirl123 Lacrimosa is also Latin for "weeping" (and the moths name was derived from the word too)
@weathergirl123 Lacrimosa is also Latin for "weeping" (and the moths name was derived from the word too)

Woooow! I have only listened to the preview, but I liked the lyrics, and if they're correct, then I think the music will be even better! I can't wait for October 3rd! I think what Amy means by the lyrics is that she's in a relationship with a guy and she wants her to change, and although he offers her love, it isn't enough.. "I can't change who I am not this time, I wont lie to keep you near me and in this short life, there's no time to waste on giving up my love wasn't enough" And she has decided that this is it. Really cool lyrics!