Europe Lyrics
A black sun is rising as the gods of europe sleep
Come back into your strength awaken
Catastrophes atrocities shall summon you my love
The place i love so butchered ravaged scarred and raped
The years have passed us still we're fighting
'til once again somewhere green lands shall be in sight
Glory glory how we watch in europe
Let nations east and west tremble at the sight
'til standard bearers' eyes are hungry
And reason dead forever - god let it be soon

I think it's about being trapped between the two superpowers of the East and West and only being able to watch on as the world ends. Then hoping that Europe will pick up the pieces after?
The black sun represents nuclear war and the sleeping gods of Europe represent the old empires.
Your right about everything except for the "Black Sun" was actually a concept used in Medieval Alchemy and it was also a symbol used by ancient Europeans and later by Germanic mystical occult societies until Heinrich Himmler (leader of the SS in Nazi Germany) adopted it into his own Nazi-style occult society. It is still used in Germanic neo-paganism and Germanic mystical societies today.
Your right about everything except for the "Black Sun" was actually a concept used in Medieval Alchemy and it was also a symbol used by ancient Europeans and later by Germanic mystical occult societies until Heinrich Himmler (leader of the SS in Nazi Germany) adopted it into his own Nazi-style occult society. It is still used in Germanic neo-paganism and Germanic mystical societies today.
The sleeping gods of Europe represents the dominance of abrahamic religion in Europe over the old ancient...
The sleeping gods of Europe represents the dominance of abrahamic religion in Europe over the old ancient roots and how the black sun rises up despite that..