Drumming Song Lyrics
That starts when you're around
I swear that you could hear it
It makes such an all mighty sound
that throws me to the ground
I swear that you should hear it
It makes such an all mighty sound
Louder than bells
Sweeter than heaven
And hotter than hell
I hoped that they would clear my mind
They left a ringing in my ear
But that drum's beating loud and clear
Louder than bells
Sweeter than heaven
And hotter than hell
Louder than bells
Sweeter than heaven
And hotter than hell
Louder than bells
Sweeter than heaven
And hotter than hell
I can hear this beat it fills my head up
and gets louder and louder
it fills my head up and gets louder and louder
I pray that the water will drown out the din
But as the water fills my mouth
it couldn't wash the echoes out
But as the water fills my mouth
it couldn't wash the echoes out
Till there's nothing left inside my soul
As empty as that beating drum
But the sound has just begun
I can hear this beat it fills my head up
and gets louder and louder
it fills my head up and gets louder and louder
That starts when you're around
I swear that you could hear it
It makes such an all mighty sound
That starts when you're around
I swear that you could hear it
It makes such an all mighty sound
Louder than bells
Sweeter than heaven
And hotter than hell
Louder than bells
Sweeter than heaven
And hotter than hell
I can hear this beat it fills my head up
and gets louder and louder
it fills my head up and gets louder and louder

There�s a drumming noise inside my head That starts when you�re around
The Drumming noise to me, is her thoughts and feelings, collated into one mass, the drumming noise. It's basically desire, but more than just sexual, it's emotional as well. It's the sickening feeling you get when you see someone you utterly adore.
I ran to a tower where the church bells chime I hoped that they would clear my mind They left a ringing in my ear But that drum�s beating loud and clear
There are references to the church, and religion in this song. To me, that's about repressed emotions and urges, the side of love that's held back, and not allowed free. She goes to the church, to religion, trying to 'clear her mind', in an effort to get rid of the drumming sound, the church bells do leave an impression in her head, but the drumming noise is still there despite that.
Louder than sirens Louder than bells Sweeter than heaven And hotter than hell
This means her desire is far larger and louder than anything else she could ever hear, nothing could match it. 'Sweeter than Heaven, and hotter than hell', ties into religion again, this would be better than heaven, but possibly more sinful than hell?
I run to the river and dive straight in I pray that the water will drown out the din But as the water fills my mouth it couldn�t wash the echoes out
She either tries to cleanse herself in the river, or drown herself, whichever interpretation you prefer. But despite that, the echoes of the desire is still there, no matter what she does.
I swallow the sound and it swallows me whole Till there�s nothing left inside my soul As empty as that beating drum But the sound has just begun
Eventually she gives herself up to the noise, to the desire, till it's eroded everything else away, and she's just shell. The obsession had destroyed her life and herself, but it still continues. Despite everything.
That's my interpretation anyway, I like this song :)
I completely agree with Holihallow. This song is incredible.
I completely agree with Holihallow. This song is incredible.
I think the lines "Sweeter than heaven, And hotter than hell" are a reference to the horrific nature and places that love can take us, but, so-to-say, also one of sweetest emotions in life. That it is, at it's best, a difficult burden to carry.
I think the lines "Sweeter than heaven, And hotter than hell" are a reference to the horrific nature and places that love can take us, but, so-to-say, also one of sweetest emotions in life. That it is, at it's best, a difficult burden to carry.
"The obsession had destroyed her life and herself, but it still continues. Despite everything."
"The obsession had destroyed her life and herself, but it still continues. Despite everything."
it's so.. desperate. so true. she's crushed, she's given up, but it won't go away.
it's so.. desperate. so true. she's crushed, she's given up, but it won't go away.

Reminds me of the Master off Doctor Who.
That is EXACTLY what I thought!
That is EXACTLY what I thought!
I KNOW, it's amazing XD No it's almost ridiculous how appropriate this is for the Master, more specifically The Master and The Doctor.
I KNOW, it's amazing XD No it's almost ridiculous how appropriate this is for the Master, more specifically The Master and The Doctor.

It's all about that unbearable, painful and sexual desire just to be close to someone. Let's boil it down to the nitty gritty - It's about fucking.
I'd have to disagree with you on that one Tommy. It's more than just sex
I'd have to disagree with you on that one Tommy. It's more than just sex
very blunt. i like it.
very blunt. i like it.

the drumming is obviously her heart beat. it gets louder and faster as she moves her feat closer to him. she's excited. she goes to the river to try and cleanse herself afterwards because she sins, but she can't forget about it. she still wants more.

I would disagree with the view that this song is about lust, I believe very strongly that this song was written about the all consuming nature of love, and the attempt to retain an individual personhood, when not only the natural inclination of love is towards a unification, but ultimately that one can only truly claim love is through complete subjugation to it. But what this song explores and exposes is that love, is by no means, a kind master. Ultimately it is a monstrous creature that takes little regard towards ones own wishes and desires. The images and language seems to be drawn from religious descriptions of Divine Love. But, as most of the religious prophets and enlightens have noted, the "true" God is that of Love, and those who do service and live in love's survice ultimately worship and do service to it, not matter what the name or form it has taken.

Whenever I hear this song I actually think it's about murder. I figured the pounding could be the sound you hear when your heart is beating so fast it almost feels like a pulse in your head. I thought she was afraid of what she'd done, afraid she'd get caught for it.
"Louder than sirens" - could be police sirens. "And hotter than hell" - could be a reference to where she could end up, in some people's belief.
And with the whole "As I move my feet towards your body", body makes it sound so lifeless, almost like her feet are approaching its place on the floor.
Then I took it that she felt remorse for what she'd done. She couldn't live with the guilt and, ultimately, the noise, so she attempted to drown herself: "I run to the river and dive straight in I pray that the water will drown out the din But as the water fills my mouth It couldn't wash the echoes out".
Yeah, that's just my (rather morbid) take on it, haha. But I see what you guys are saying too. :)
actually it seems very plausable
actually it seems very plausable
the beating could almost be like the beating heart from Edger Allen Poe's "The Tell Tale Heart"
the beating could almost be like the beating heart from Edger Allen Poe's "The Tell Tale Heart"
Yes, I totally love this idea! Here's another spin on it, what if she's the victim? Her heart is beating from fear and she's scared that he can hear her. What if the drumming is her head throbbing from pain he induced? Your idea makes more sense, but it's still interesting.
Yes, I totally love this idea! Here's another spin on it, what if she's the victim? Her heart is beating from fear and she's scared that he can hear her. What if the drumming is her head throbbing from pain he induced? Your idea makes more sense, but it's still interesting.
Never thought of it like that, but after reading your post and listening to the song again it makes more sense to me than the love version.
Never thought of it like that, but after reading your post and listening to the song again it makes more sense to me than the love version.
I ran to a tower where the church bells chime I hoped that they would clear my mind- Seems like she's trying to clear the bad actions she did or is thinking about doing
I ran to a tower where the church bells chime I hoped that they would clear my mind- Seems like she's trying to clear the bad actions she did or is thinking about doing

Just watched the video for this... Florence is like some kind of epic unstoppable wafty force, and this is such a perfect perfect song.
i want to learn that dance!
i want to learn that dance!

It's about The Master on Doctor Who.
I love you
I love you

Vote Saxon
The drumming. It never stops.
The drumming. It never stops.

Umm... I'm pretty sure the drums are referring more to the feeling of lust than love, thus the lyrics about moving towards his body and "hotter than hell", and the attempts at religious ceremony to erase them (but it doesn't work)
mhmm , it is whatever it is to any person, but for me, that seems pretty accurate
mhmm , it is whatever it is to any person, but for me, that seems pretty accurate
Did you even listen to the song CAREFULLY? It's 'harder than hell', not 'hotter'!
Did you even listen to the song CAREFULLY? It's 'harder than hell', not 'hotter'!