54 Meanings
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My Propeller Lyrics

If you can summon the strength, tow me
I can't hold down the urgency
You've got to make your descent slowly
And oil up those sticky keys

Coax me out my low
And have a spin of my propeller

It's a necessary evil
No cause for emergency
Borrowed the beak of a bald eagle
Oh, momentary synergy

Coax me out my low
Sink into tomorrow
Coax me out my low
And have a spin of my propeller

My propeller won't spin and I can't get it started on my own
When are you arriving?
My propeller won't spin and I can't get it started on my own
When are you arriving?
My propeller won't spin and I can't get it started on my own
When are you arriving?
My propeller
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54 Meanings

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Cover art for My Propeller lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

Everyone seems to assume he's singing about his own experiences. Remember he's a songwriter, not a diarist.

I assumed propeller was a metaphor for being down and needing someone/something to bring you up, like when you feel as if there's only one person/thing who can make you happy. It seems to be about obsession, like a lot of AM songs. Alex Turner makes it universal by not specifying whether it's a friend, partner, drug, or whatever that's capable of making him happier.

I'm not denying the sexual connotations, just saying it could be about a lot of things, but yeah, I think the gist of the propeller being whatever brings you up (as in being happier) is pretty straightforward.

Cover art for My Propeller lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

OK, you are all greatly mistaken. this song is quite literal: so this guy is down and as most men do when they are down, they buy useless stuff online. this guy bought one of those electric RC helicopters, but unfortunately the batteries were not included. he is now stuck with a useless piece of plastic with propellers that won't spin, and he orders some batteries online and he waits for them to arrive, because he can't get the propellers going on his own. and he wonders "when are you arriving?" 3 times, by the fourth time the batteries arrive and the song ends because the guy went outside to play with his awesome new toy.

My Interpretation

@TheWag finally someone who actually understands song lyrics thankyou!

Cover art for My Propeller lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

Good song, it's got a real dark quality. I'm not certain of the meaning, but I think the first line- "If you can summon the strength, tow me" is important, he's depressed and feels trapped in a slump, and only the person (girl, presumably) can help. I don't know if it's a conscious change in style or genuine personal problems, but I feel like there's some pain in this song.

My Interpretation

does anyone else think he sounds like Matthew Bellamy in the first line?

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Cover art for My Propeller lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

Alex Turner had been asked before if there's some kind of sexual thinking behind the song, and in this interview he said that it's wrong, it's more about a feeling he had, and not about sex. it's at 20:53 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yeYyg3PYpY&feature=fvsr

all that talk about that every song in humbug it's about drugs sounds to me a little low. that would be very bad lyrics if that's the true.

Song Meaning
Cover art for My Propeller lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

I think of this as more of a propellor of the min, like alex has had a writers block and the one person (most likely a girl) is not around, creating lack of inspiration. The ideas of a propeller being reference to a penis, i think, is a bit odd, because what penis spins around at very high speeds? he could have used a better metaphor to get across the point of the lack of excitement downstairs. "My proppeller wont spin and i cant get it started on my own, when are you arriving".....i could be wrong but it just seems a bit farfetched for a man in his 20s to be incabable of arousing himself.

Cover art for My Propeller lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

This might sound cliche but it almost sounds like he's talking about a drug addiction. He needs whatever drug he's taking to wind him up and he has reached a point where he can't really operate creatively without it (My propeller won't spin and I can't get it started on my own). At first I thought it was about a girl as well but lines like "It's a necessary evil" and "Sink into tomorrow" seem to argue a different explaination

Cover art for My Propeller lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

Well his relationship with Alexa Chung is widely publicised, and he's proper in love with her, I think it definately has sexual connotations but it also taps into his dependency on her, not just to sexually kick start himself but his life, as if his life stops without her... maybe? LOL

Great tune anyway, defo an amazing opener.

Cover art for My Propeller lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

Im a bit annoyed with people saying this song is about his cock although i cant say the thought didnt cross my mind when i first heard the song. Ive heard Alex say the song is about describing a mood. We have all been there, for example maybe at the start of a night out when you might feel constricted in yourself almost as a propeller chugging away but cant get into a momentum. And the right person can rev you up and flip your introversion into extroversion. Just look at Al in interviews he so inside himself and introvert. Hes also said this is the most if not the only 'personal' album hes written. So Im pretty sure that is what the song is about. God i love this man.

Cover art for My Propeller lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

The person who wrote the lyrics is wanting a booty call because he can't get it up on his own.

My Interpretation
Cover art for My Propeller lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

Well, I think this song is about asking for help to start something. I don't think Alex would write about being lazy about sex... Seriously. He's a great lyricist, so there's something that is being covered in this song. Wonder what he thinks about our interpretations hahah