Sketchead Lyrics
He's coming to your party
He's walking up your drive
And he's swinging all his keys round
He's seen you with your top off
He already knows your boyfriend retain your introductions
That cumbersome protagonist
The pips in your quince
The eye behind the spyhole
The itch you can't itch in your ear
And the knock that shattered your packet of peppermints
There's poison in his spit
He'll compliment your tits
And leave you to your wits
Convincingly insisting the tyres were bald when you gave him the car
Still coming to your party
Still walking up your drive
And still swinging all his keys round on his finger
As a pendulum to un nerve
You've changed
I approach you like you were the same
But soon it was apparant a new name was required
New lips went and fired accomplishments at me
While I'm captivated by your magazine skin
The tint on your limbs is obscures to begin
And you know full well
That anyone who says that
They don't prefer the sequel
Will still be swinging on themselves tonight

i think its 'cumbersome' protagonist, not 'cunts a ' protagonist lol

Insane track!
And not every song has to be a drug related story...
Its a song about a guy whos a douche and theres no deeper meaning behind it.
"getting sketched" means to be tricked, fooled or to be played by someone, and thats what the guy is doing at the party =D
"They are behind the spoil" = "The eye behind the spyhole" =P

without analyzing the whole song and just analyzing the song title - sketchead seems to be the sketch head, just today i've watched the results of lsd experiment, where the man has been given some acid and in some periods of time he was painting the sketch head to let scientists understand what's going on with his mind

sketchead is a total deutsche bag

haha, awesome song...probably the best on humbug. which kinda sucks, i was really looking forward to the album. if only all the songs on Humbug were like this. Alex seems to be holding back his vocals on the whole album. Too subdued for the Arctic Monkeys. but this song is halarious and more like them. "He already knows your boyfriend retain your introductions"=hilarious

Haha. Saw them live last night was a great show. Anyways, before they played the song, Alex Turner said something along the lines of: "This next song is about a man. A man that if you see him coming at a party, your hands start to feel oily and you can hear him walking toward you like it's the sound of galloping hooves."

I believe that "They are behind the spoil" should be "The eye behind the spyhole"

"He'll compliment your tits, and leave you to your wits" XD This song has brilliant lyrics.