138 Meanings
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Leave Out All the Rest Lyrics

I dreamed I was missing
You were so scared
But no one would listen
Cause no one else cared
After my dreaming
I woke with this fear
What am I leaving
When I'm done here?
So, if you're asking me, I want you to know

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed
And don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest

Don't be afraid
I've taken my beating
I've shed but I'm me
I'm strong on the surface
Not all the way through
I've never been perfect
But neither have you
So, if you're asking me, I want you to know


All the hurt inside you've learned to hide so well
Someone else can come and save me from myself
I can't be who you are


All the hurt inside you've learned to hide so well
Someone else can come and save me from myself
I can't be who you are
I can't be who you are
Song Info
Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group
Rob Bourdon, Brad Delson, Mike Shinoda, Dave Farrell, Joe Hahn, Chester Bennington
Rick Rubin, Mike Shinoda
Release date
Jun 03, 2008
Submitted by
theemceeking On Feb 20, 2008
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138 Meanings

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Cover art for Leave Out All the Rest lyrics by Linkin Park

honestly, the meaning really is straightforward but in a good way, this is such a good song. I think alot of you kinda got the wrong message. Maybe because alot of you are trying to dig too deep into the meaning when all you got to do is really look and he gives it away easily but strong. my opinion this is the best song on the album, but I still love every song on the album a whole lot.

The song starts out talking about when he dreamted about when he was dead and not part of the earth anymore, and then when he woke up after his dream, he thought about what will stay here (the people, the memories, how they will feel) when hes gone in the afterlife, and

'When my time comes Forget the wrong that I've done Help me leave behind some Reasons to be missed'

he's saying when his time comes for death, like all of us will have, he doesn't want people to dwell on all the bad things he has done, or what he didn't do. leaving behind reasons to be missed for him are kinda an assumption to us that he wants the people to remember the good times and good things, cause there were also alot.

'And don't resent me And when you're feeling empty Keep me in your memory'

as in, if you had hatred for something he did or he did something wrong to you or even if he wasn't in the greatest mood all the time (whatever the reason is), don't keep bitterness on him, forgive him not only because he is dead or gone, but because he is human, and if you are a person who really cared about him, keep him in your memory, like he said in the lyrics.

'Don't be afraid I've taken my beating I've shared what I made'

he did what he had to do on this earth, he took his share of being beat on, maybe not physically, but hes had his share of dislike, and he's shared what he's made (in chester's case, he's shared his music for the world. he shared what he made'.

'I'm strong on the surface Not all the way through I've never been perfect But neither have you'

he may of been strong shielded for himself but like all of us as humans, he had difficulty with things and broke down from time to time. He wasn't perfect, like all of us never will be. So don't hold the things he did wrong against him. we have all done things wrong.

'Forgetting All the hurt inside You've learned to hide so well'

hes talking about himself, and everyone else, about how we all try to forget the bad things that have happened to us, and we try to convince ourselves that we are okay cause we have hidden it 'so well'. That indeed is my favorite line in the whole song.

'Pretending Someone else can come and save me from myself

we all have hope that there is someone out there to help us through the destructive times that come about in our lives, so he is pretending someone can come help him, but he knows deep inside he has false hopes cause deep down it's like he just can't be saved. Alot of people feel like that, including me.

'I can't be who you are' - referring to the people who are living greatly in his life, or aren't in as much distress as he is dealing with right now, he can't be them because of the things happening to him.

This song really gets to me. Chesters voice is the perfect companion with the beat and song. I can listen to it over and over again and it will never get old, as with alot of LP's songs. It's almost as if they speak my life in all the right words, and I know alot of people can relate also. Truly great, great song.

Song Meaning

Honestly that is one of the best meanings or interpretations of the song. I want this song played at my funeral when my time comes. I want family, friends, co workers etc. people close to me to feel this song while I am away..

@jfshep94 this is what I feel when I listen to the song, entirely but I feel all this too, it brings so much fear, feeling and realization. My Favorite song in the album :)

Cover art for Leave Out All the Rest lyrics by Linkin Park

This song makes me cry all the freakin' time. This guy that I was very good friendswith/almost dated really liked Linkin Park. My favorite band is Alkaline Trio...So I got hime into Alk3, and he got me back into Linkin Park. He had Cystic Fibrosis, and he passed away a month ago today. He set this as his profile song on MySpace when he got sent home from the hospital, so it almost always makes me tear up, if I'm really thinking about it....Linkin Park, you amaze me.

Cover art for Leave Out All the Rest lyrics by Linkin Park

i think its a song about a teen sending a message to their parents says they've realised how horrible they've beena dn all the stuff they did that could have killed them, and they're sorry for everything and hope that when they die, the parents will remember the good things and not all the bad things they've done.

Cover art for Leave Out All the Rest lyrics by Linkin Park

my favorite song of the album!! "Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed" sums up the whole song.

Cover art for Leave Out All the Rest lyrics by Linkin Park

To me this song is about a person who's done some pretty hurtful things in his/her time and they want to be remembered not for the bad things they've done but the good, when their gone. It's pretty straight forward..really good song. It was on the Twilight soundtrack.

My Interpretation
Cover art for Leave Out All the Rest lyrics by Linkin Park

This song is absolutely amazing.

Clearly this song is someone talking to someone else because of "YOU were so scared" and other things like that. I don't know why, but I imagine someone writing this in a letter to someone that they love, but have hurt. They know that they are going to be leaving them (either through death or some other means)-- though not neccessarily immeadiatly because they are "writing" as a result of a dream-- so they are telling them not to remember them for the mean things they did, but for the love they had for the recipient of the letter and the other good things that they have done. Apparently they are just realizing that they have hurt this person, because they are talking about the addressee's pain that they "hide so well." Also that the person they are writing to is a much better person than they are.

That is my view. Peace, love, and music, Annabelle Marie

@AnnabelleMarie You are the only other human on earth who gets this. Thank you

Cover art for Leave Out All the Rest lyrics by Linkin Park

and suicide is out of the question in this song, he's definitely not talking about suicide. 'when my time comes', come on guys, think!

Cover art for Leave Out All the Rest lyrics by Linkin Park

To me this about the fear of dying and being remembered for the bad rather than the good things in your life. Older people will tend to reflect on their lives and wonder if they've lived one of worth and if they've accomplished everything they've wanted to accomplish. You want to die with the comfort of knowing you were someone of worth so you can have that sense of peace and content when your time does indeed come. He's saying that when he dies, he doesn't want to be remembered for the wrong he's done and he wants someone to miss him. It would be terrible to leave this earth and then no one would miss you when you're gone. I don't think anyone wants that. He basically doesn't want his wrongs to be the reason for someone to resent him. Rather he'd be remembered for his good qualities and to literally "leave out all the rest."

On the next verse where he states "Don't be afraid, I've taken my beating." It sounds to me like he's reassuring himself that he can die knowing that what's done is done and there is no need in grieving over it. He's paid for is wrongs and he's taken responsibility for them. So because he has done this, there is no reason for someone else to hold it against him. I like to use the phrase "What Right do you have to judge me for what I've already been forgiven for?" And if you want to put a religious spin on this and your relationship with God you can do that too. The moment when you repent and ask him for forgiveness and have this sense of peace with God and yourself, and so your only fear now is what others will think of you after you're long gone. Simple answer to that question: As long as you make peace with yourself and God, who cares what anyone else thinks? Especially if you're dead and gone I think the last thing you're going to be worried about is what people on earth are thinking.

But aside from all that, assuming you wouldn't prefer to look at it from a religious perspective, you could take it as again taking responsibility for your actions and your wrongs. And once you do that, no one has the right to blame you or judge you because you have already taken that upon yourself. This goes along with the lines "Forgetting all the hurt inside you've learned to hide so well...pretending someone else can come and save me from myself." Basically he's recognizing the face that there's no point in hiding from your past and your feelings and it's best to own up to them and let them go. Don't sit there and point fingers at anyone else for your own wrongs. Be mature enough to blame yourself sometimes. And also, don't waste time feeling sorry for yourself and waiting for someone else to come and help you solve your problems. No, you have to be that person to bring yourself from whatever darkness you're experiencing and to solve your own problems. It's okay to ask for help but don't rely solely on anyone else.

My Interpretation
Cover art for Leave Out All the Rest lyrics by Linkin Park

What I feel the message of this song is, about someone who has made some hurtful mistakes and he regrets it all, but it's human to make mistake as we all deserve forgiveness. Also, he tried to talk out his problems, share it with someone but no one payed attention and no one cared, I think that's the part that hurts the most. He woke thinking of the print or mark he'll leave when he's gone and he wants it to be a good and positive one. Then, he's asking this one favour that when it's his time to go, the ones he hurt should forget the wrongs that that he has done , they forgive him and instead of hating him because of what he did wrong, they should try to remember when he did good and use that to think of his name, forgiving him also. Don't resent me - don't feel angry or bitter when you remember or think of me and when you're feeling empty let Mr be you're source of happiness, joy, put me in your happy memory. Leaving out anything else. I've taken my own share of my mistakes, the bad things I did also affected me. I've also been hurt. The same way he hurt the them is the same way he was hurt, so he also shared that pain. ''I'm strong on the surface not all the way through, I've never been perfect but neither have you'' he means he's strong on the outside but not exactly. It's not so strong. He's never been perfect he has made mistakes cause he's human, and ad humans we've all made mistakes making us also none perfect. Forgetting all the hurts inside cause he's so good at hiding it from the world, he's used to keeping it to homself. He can't go on pretending someone else can save him from himself. No one can save him from the personal struggles his facing and pain he's going through but himself and the truth is he feels too damaged beyond repair, he feels he can't be fixed. He can't be you, those who are not in his shoes, will never understand what he went through and he can't be changed, he can't be them as they are probably better than he is. People think it's easy to change but he can't although he wishes he could but it's too late. My favorite part ''Don't resent me And when you're feeling empty Keep me in your memory rgetting All the hurt inside you've learned to hide so well Pretending Someone else can come and save me from myself I can't be who you are'' this is how I grew up cause no one in my family listened or understood me plus I was bullied all my years in school till college, things changed. I learned to hide the pain cause I realized no one cares but me.

@RebeccaBlooh I really like your thoughts on this. Thank you for sharing! Very well written.

Cover art for Leave Out All the Rest lyrics by Linkin Park


Forget the one that I've done

SHould be..

Forget the wrong that I've done.

I've taken my bail

should be..

I've taken my beating.

I'm struggling to surface

should be..

I'm strong on the surface.

You've learned to have so well

shoudl be

You've learned to hide so well.

On of the best songs in the new cd, LIVE ON FOREVER LP!


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