Dead Memories Lyrics
But you asked me to love you and I did. Traded my emotions for a contract to commit. And when I got away, I only got so far. The Other Me Is Dead.
I hear his voice inside my head�
We were never alive, and we won�t be born again.
But I�ll never survive with Dead Memories in my heart.
You told me to love you and I did. Tied my soul into a knot and got me to submit. So when I got away, I only kept my scars. The Other Me Is Gone.
Now I don�t know where I belong�
We were never alive, and we won�t be born again.
But I�ll never survive with Dead Memories in my heart.
Dead Visions in your Name.
Dead Fingers in my Veins.
Dead Memories in my Heart�

So what i see this song as is a dude/chick about to kill himself/herself (the bitter pills of fate) because he/she got into a shitty relationship that he/she feels he/she cant get out of because he/she promised this person he/she would love her/him and even thought he/she doesn't anymore he/she feels like he/she would be breaking his/her promise by ending their relationship anyway hes/shes looking back on how he/she got to were he/she is today and his/her past self (the way he/she used to be) is telling him/her from deep inside that there is no hope for him/her and it has even forgotten that it ever existed (we were never alive and we wont be born again and we will never survive with dead memories in our head) the dead memories are feelings habits things that made him/her who he/she once was that he/she feels he/she can never bring back, (im not completely sure that the bitter pills of fate refers to suicide infact theres probably several differant meanings it could take on but if it douse then the person in this song isnt very bright i feel that there are certain circumstances that make suicide reasonable (please note there are very few and im not making any suggestions) but this is not one of them you can always go back to who you were mentally (not always physically) (note) please excuse the his/her thing i realize it might have gotten annoying and been unnecessary i just wanted 2 make it obvious that it could go both ways.
1st word 4th line -thought+though
1st word 4th line -thought+though

To me its about coming out the other side of a relationship feeling so broken you know you will never be the same again as long as you remember them. The memories rot and poison you like decaying meat.

lol yeah i get what you mean funkymonks11. I don't feel like overanalysing this song since i feel like a broken tape recorder. I reckon it's about him coming to terms with where the relationship or his past experiences have left him at present. I think he might be regreting some of the experiences/memories he's gone through and wishes he could go back in time to prevent the problems from even occuring. But i think he realises that he's a slave to both fate and time. either that or he can't control the aftermath/consequences of his actions and decisions in life in his own favour. life doesn't always work out the way you want it to in the end.
"We were never alive, and we won’t be born again." this could be referring to a relationship thats gone bad. It's ended and won't be sparked up again. Or it could even be referring to the "other self", meaning the person he once was before the relationship. He was complete, an individual not needing to rely upon another until he committed himself to her, he let that bit of him die thinking he was a "changed man". Now he's left in the darkness once again and realises he can't go back to how he once was (living his life without her) and that part of him died the moment he let her into his life. His own independence removed since he probably became dependent on her to keep standing.
snuff, dead memories, gehenna (maybe other songs?) seem to share similiar concepts.

I agree, Didn't like it at first. But now it's one of my favourites in their discography. =|

It's about selling your soul and all you are for love or to be with a woman. *Hint the other me is dead.

Cory was on Squizz XM the other day doing Lockdown..and explained this song was about the person he once was, for the past 10 years of his life. He didn't mention a relationship and I really don't keep tabs on his personal life...BUT, that appears to be what he was talking about. He also mentioned that he purposely didn't scream at all throughout this song because "you don't need to scream to show emotion." I agree...this is one of my favorite songs.
I would also think that it may have to do something with his father only start to talk to him when he was 32 (he said this in a interview) because when he sings "We are never alive, and we won't be born again."
I would also think that it may have to do something with his father only start to talk to him when he was 32 (he said this in a interview) because when he sings "We are never alive, and we won't be born again."

i agree with surge3 cuz i heard on rockline when they were doing an interview that corey said this song is about saying goodbye to the last 10 years of his life. so i think this song is about trying to foregt the past and say goodbye to and forget past memories....and just forgetting who u used to be so u can focus on who u have become and r now. idk i might be wrong.

in my opinion,this the second best song on the whole f*cking cd! 1.butchers hook 2.dead memories 3.snuff

Times change. Get over it.

Like many of their songs, the main message seems to be "whats the point to living?". The line "we were never alive, and we won’t be born again" is just a way of saying this is all we've got. We were never alive (no previous life i.e. Budhism) and won't be born again (they don't believe in a heaven like in Christianity). good song though
I feel this song is generally about childhood, or a long period of life where you are made to either be obedient or caring of someone who doesn't give you what you need in return. You waste your life giving into others needs, and when all is over, you are left with nothing. You can't move past it all because of everything you learned which have become second nature, and all the good moments you spent with those people are engrained in you. You can't move on, without letting go of these "dead memories".