'Til We Die Lyrics
And still we keep hoping, to fix all the defects and strengthen these seminal ties
We go on together for better or worse, our history is to real to hate
Now and forever we stay until morning, and promise to fight for our fate
'Til we die
The sky is still clearing, we're never afraid and the consequence opens the door
I've never stopped trying, I've never stopped feeling like family is much more than blood
Don't go on without me, the piece that I represent complements each and every one
'Til we die
This war we've acheived has allowed us to win
'Til we die
Let it be spoken, let it be screamed, they'll never ever take us alive
'Til we die
This war we've acheived has allowed us to win
Carry on
We'll never be broken, we won't be denied, our war is the pressure we need to deny
'Til we die
This war we've acheived has allowed us to win
Carry on
'Til we die
'Til we die
This war we've acheived has allowed us to win
We'll never be broken, we won't be denied, our war is the pressure we need to deny

is it just me but the line "the peice i represent" sounds like actually "the beast i represent" anyone else hear same thing?

This is a beautiful song! The meaning is about the bonds between the members of the band and all the things they went trough together!
They are destined to be one of the greatest bands in history!

for the record the lyrics are wrong in one spot he says "I can't let you down anymore" not "I can" as the lyrics above suggest..

fucking beautiful song! its obviously about the frendship between Slipknot's 9 members. Really well put and meaningful. All Hope Is Gone is a masterpiece!
The song is saying what the matter is to there band ect
The song is saying what the matter is to there band ect

This is a bonus track off the new album.
I say it's about being true to yourself until the day you die and not selling your soul for anything.

good interpitation but it is a song written for the band for all the shit they have been through together and make it through it all together as freinds(family) cause they see each other as family. some people say this will be slipknots last album but i think this song tips that they arent going away

i agree with SlipknotTillWeDie to some extent but i believe this is their last album. I think its really about staying friends after they split. No matter what happens, they will always stay friends and that bond will never be broken

I fken love this song. lol. It's so inspirational and the vocals, chords, and lyrics just scream out the strength of the friendship shared between all nine of them.
This is their song. A tribute to their friendship and the fact that they'll continue to face whatever shyt life throws at them or whatever fate has in store for them, they'll soldier on till death.
Regradless of all the shyt they've faced together in their personal life as well as music careers, their negative/positive experiences faced together only strengthens their friendships.
Their "war" is their determination and strength to endure their struggles and not to crack under the pressures of their lives.
"I've never stopped feeling like family is much more than blood" They say blood is thicker than water, but i think to eachother blood doesn't mean a shyt, it doesn't come between the fact that after all the shyt they've gone through together just as any family does in life. They're a band of brothers.
"Don't go on without me, the piece that I represent, complements each and every one" I think it's hinting something about the band here. That if any one of the nine were to decide to up and leave or "kick the bucket" (which i hope not, God forbid), the band would no longer go on, since each and everyone of the nine (#0, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8) compliments a piece of the whole puzzle, the band i.e.
To lose a member would be to lose a family member as well as a bit of the "tie" that creates the knot, a.k.a "Slipknot".
freezedrysealdan, I hope this isn't their last album. Slipknot keep the spirit of metal music alive. \m/.

"My last true confession will open your eyes, I've never know trust like the nine Let it be spoken, let it be screamed, they'll never ever take us alive!!!"
^^Most epic line in this fucking album!!!! I agree that piece does sound like beast in this song.

Hey, I agree with you all and I reckon this song is actually written by Corey about himself and how he feels about Slipknot. There was loads of uncertainty leading up to them all getting together to create the new album, partly because Corey was having some success with Stone Sour and maybe the other members of Slipknot felt that things were coming to an end?
It just seems to be from Corey's point of view. It put a smile on my face but got me thinking..........is this the beginning or the end?