My Best Theory Lyrics
There's only one life I know
But I have my own mind
I'll say so if it seems right
Rush out
I see your warm face with the soft mouth
But it speaks something else
I'll take my chances with the cast down
We can feel the air
Not like one side is any better
Stand up as they bend reaching
My best theory is already in me
Rush out
So many questions
And the answers come back unanswered
Let's hope the old script gets a new twist
You can feel the air
Not like one side is any better
Stand up as they bend reaching
My best theory is already in me
Neither plan nor mistake
Love what you have with your time
By dowsing, find my true design
My flag, my appetite?
I feel the air
Not like one side is any better
Stand up and escape and breach it
My best theory is already in me
Rush out, out from the center
Not like one side is any better
Stand up as they bend reaching
My best theory is already in me

And now, for the actual lyrics:
It's been a long time So long There's only one life I know But I have my own mind I'll say so if it seems right I see a warm face with a soft mouth But it speaks something else I'll take my chances with the cast-down
We can feel the air rush out, Out from the centre Not like one side is any better Stand up as they bend, reaching My best theory? It's already in me
So many questions And the answers come back unanswered Let's hope the old script gets a new twist
We can feel the air rush out, Out from the centre Not like one side is any better Stand up as they bend, reaching My best theory? It's already in me
In a lonely, real place Neither plan nor mistake Love what you have with your time By dowsing, find my true design? My flag? My appetite?

Just watched their music video for the song... It was strange to say the least. Not exactly sure what they were going for, so I won't say it was bad, just not what I expected. Anyways, on to the lyrics.
I agree with Unnoticedflare that it might have something to do with baptism.
From what I can tell it is primarily about the speaker finding religion in himself. The first five lines: "It's been a long time So long There's only one life I know But I have my own mind I'll say so if it seems right" could be interpreted as him being brought up in a certain way of thinking (be it religion, political view, etc.)but he can think for himself and doesn't at this time agree with his upbringing.
I see a warm face with a soft mouth But it speaks something else I'll take my chances with the cast-down
If we go with religion as the subject, it could be a school of thought or a girl that believes a certain way. She may be warm and inviting, and the religion may appear that way on the outside, but to him it is still flawed. So he chooses condemnation instead of following something he feels is a charade.
We can feel the air rush out, Out from the centre Not like one side is any better Stand up as they bend, reaching
This could be him distancing himself from the norm that was set for him and the relief it brings. He would rather stand on his own if all the different beliefs he see fail to give answers. He stands up they are left below him "reaching" for answers. As far as he can tell, the answers are in himself. Hence the lines:
My best theory? It's already in me
It goes on to talk more about this in the next few lines. With the "old script" getting a "new twist" he might be hoping something springs up that fits his new way of thinking.
In a lonely, real place Again, here he is on his own because what he believes in is himself, but its real.
Neither plan nor mistake Love what you have with your time By separating himself from the set path, not really having a path, he feels he is free from making mistakes. In his book, there are no set rules, so no mistakes. Just enjoying what he has.
By dowsing, find my true design? My flag? My appetite?
This serves to really broaden to concept of this song. Dowsing could represent baptism/religion. The flag: national/political ties. And his appetite... maybe the search for truth/himself?
I think this could go along with the title of the album fairly well, seeing as he is reinventing himself.
Well, that's my theory. That his "best theory" is himself.

I feel this song is about being baptized... but not because you believe in it. He's doing it for another person and trying to prove the point that it doesn't make a difference.

These lyric corrections are straight from the album booklet itself:
"I see a warm face with a soft mouth" - not "your warm face with the soft mouth"
"Stand up as they bend, reaching" - there's a comma in between bend and reaching. Not a big correction by any means.
"My Best Theory?" - there is a question mark after this line. This, I think, adds some depth to the meaning of the line.
"It's already in me." - instead of "My best theory is already in me." they're two different sentences. like a question-answer.
"By dowsing find my true design?" - again a question mark at the end, and no comma between "dowsing" and "find"
"My flag?" - a question.
"My appetite?" - another question.
that's it! sorry i just recieved the album in the mail today (a day before it officially comes out, might I add) and i felt like making sure the lyrics were all perfect!

So after seeing this video I can't help but think it's about politics, and in particular, gay rights. Every lyric can be perceived as "hey, whatever you think is right, is right" and the video takes it a step farther with the girls and masked people not seeing everyone for who they truly are. Maybe it's just me, but it's pretty blatant in my opinion.
Even so, video aside, song is about being who you are and not apologizing. You have a different view and you're not sorry for it.

Well, here is what the band has to say about it.
"The song is about finding your individuality in a world where extremes are more and more presented as your only option. We thought taking a science fiction approach would be a great way to demonstrate breaking free of what may be expected from an individual. We loved director Ron Winter's work and thought he was the perfect choice to help." — Jim
Can't argue with that.

The bridge is pretty much all guesswork. If anyone has corrections, post them and I'll fix it.

Correction: in the second verse theres a typo: you wrote "Lets hold the hold script" it should read "Lets hold the old script" lol, its okay though, easy mistake to make.
And as for the bridge, I think you've got all but the "My doubt sings faith" line correct, but since I cant think of what its saying, theres really no correction there. Just letting you know, if you're gonna re-listen to it, thats the line i think needs re-listening; the rest is great. Thanks for putting up the lyrics :)

This song has me super pumped up for the new album. THIS TRACK ROCKS!

in the bridge i hear "in a lonely real place" and "my doubt seems fine"
september 28th can't come fast enough