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Cut Lyrics

I made it
And now there's no turning back
I know there's no depth you wouldn't sink for the chance
I'm sorry, boy
I'm not cut for this no more

You came in
Yeah, you happened to me
So I waited and nothing else has since
I'm sorry, boy
But I'm no good for you no more

If it's your name in lights
And if the time is yours,
You'd be on your back
You'd be on the floor
It's the kind of night that I'd always hoped
And he's the kind of guy worth waiting for

There's always some baggage you've got to check
I'm trying
Hope that you'd understand
I'm sorry, boy
I'm not cut for this no more

Yes I loved you, boy
But I'm not cut for this no more
Song Info
Submitted by
marsenea On Sep 03, 2010
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15 Meanings

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Cover art for Cut lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

While I'm sure this song is from a female perspective, it's interesting that Jim sings the song that way. I mean, in a different context this song could totally be about a gay relationship. Especially with the "I'm not cut for this no more" parts, it sounds like the narrator loved another boy but couldn't commit to it in the end. Unfortunately, I'm sure the song isn't that deep at all and is just another girl-dumps-boy song.

Cover art for Cut lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

My brother thinks that he is reading a letter from his exgirlfriend I must agree with him.

Cover art for Cut lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

I kind of agree and disagree with a lot of you. I agree that it's most likely from a female perspective but I don't think it's about a girl who feels she is better than her boyfriend.

"It's the kind of night that I'd always hoped And he's the kind of guy worth waiting for"

That, to me, sounds more straightforward to me. The girl has reached a crossroad. Her dream of being an actress or a musician--basically famous; "your name in lights" or she can chose her boyfriend the "kind of guy worth waiting for." But she can't have both. Like going on an airplane you can't take your bags with you. "There's always some baggage you've got to check." I like to think that you can get your baggage back but that's just me speculating.

She made her decision. "I'm sorry, boy but I'm no good for you no more." She still loves him in the end but she's chosen a hopefully more famous life. Her dream. "Yes I loved you, boy but I'm not cut for this no more."

I really like the song. It's deep yet I think that it's really straightforward and how in life we are faced with decisions that have consequences that could hurt the people around us while, at the same time, bettering ourselves.

Song Meaning
Cover art for Cut lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

Is it strange that I'm taking this song as Jimmy Eat World's "hey, we're done making music" song? The whole if it was your name in lights line makes it seem like "hey, boy, you can do it without us now, we've got nothing left to offer"...i don't know. It may be my worry that this is the last jew album

I like that interpretation, but I think this may be less about leaving music, and more about leaving the major label leagues and attempting at being the popular band those labels always really want their acts to be. No more disco-rock attempts, no more Butch Vig, no more names in lights. Just the Jimmy Eat World they're good at being.

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refer yourself to an interview Jimmy Eat World did about Invented. The reason they chose the title "Invented" for the album is because that's exactly what it is. The emotions expressed in these songs were not directly experienced by the band members. The reason this is unique is because the exact opposite happened with their darker albums, such as Futures. When they wrote Futures, JEW was in a very dark place and the members were dealing with some very heavy situations. This, however sad, allowed them to write some very emotional, very profound, and very sincere work. On the other...

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Cover art for Cut lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

Either that or a the song is written in a female perspective. seems

Cover art for Cut lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

This song is great, but it is freaking sad for me.

I can totally imagine my ex-girlfriend singing it to me.

Cover art for Cut lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

My brother thinks that he is reading a letter from his exgirlfriend I must agree with him.

Cover art for Cut lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

definantly from a female perpective.If you read he says the writing technique he used on th album is he looks at photos and imagines the story and emotions behind the subject of it. Look at the labum there all pictures of a certain woman.. i think those pictures may have been used for some of the songs. I think its about a girl coming of age, looking for the right guy. She thinks shes found him,he says he likes her but is screwing her around. Hence "im not cut for this no more" shes sick of the crap shes getting, and although she loves him and wants him, she cant wait no more. It also explains the "baggage" perhaps hes attemtiong to get over an ex? or is taken and shes waiting for him to break up with her. Reminds me of the feeling every girls wants to feel after there prom or wedding. ps im a guy and i still love this song

Cover art for Cut lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

Looks like this song is a case of a girl who has gotten too good for the man she's been with. They used to be on the same level but aren't anymore. I would go further and say she's gotten a career upgrade of some sort, maybe she "made it big" and she has moved and can't take him with her. (I made it and now there's no turning back) Her new life has made her think she deserves better now that she's in the spotlight.. When she says "if it's your name in lights and the time is yours, you'd be on your back you'd be on this floor", this had an interesting double meaning to me. It either means "you'd be doing the same thing if you were in my shoes", or "you'd be the guy on the floor with me if circumstances were different".

The song title, other than it's obvious use in the chorus, also describes how the boy feels. Cut out, not making the "cut" anymore.

This metaphor of our significant other going for the "bigger better deal" and leaving us behind is something most of us have experienced at least once, so it's a sad but pretty relateable theme. I'm sure this isn't how Jimmy Eat World was really narrating this song, but next time you listen, just try to picture the woman writing a letter from her new posh hotel room and the guy reading the letter back home in his apartment. Does anyone else see this from the lyrics?

Cover art for Cut lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

I think He's talking about like letting go a son..