Invented Lyrics
Could we meet? Show me all the things you see?
I'm one more here
Some old-timer pioneer
Who believes with shaken faith
I still have some cool
I could leave you here with your 'people'
If I'm a flag you'd not prefer to wave
You're always in my head
You're just what I wanted
I live in constant debt
To feel you, invented
When I first came to LA I met you the old fashioned way
Too drunk
Even worse, much too lonely
I'll leave it there
A busted homesteader
Who believes in virgin grace
Somehow I'll stay proud
Any dick can roll up in a suit
But only I would know what really moves you
You're always in my head
You're just what I wanted
I live in constant debt
To feel you, invented
There's a cinematic end
I picture it just right
Having trouble with the right words
But you tell me with your eyes:
There's something good I miss
Something I cant' find
Do you believe me now?
Can you see it in my eyes?
You're always in my head
You're just what I wanted
I live in constant debt
To feel you, invented

Okay, I've been listening to this song A LOT and came up with my interpretation. I think the song has four chronological points. I am not sure how to interpret my fourth point, so I'm giving both of my ideas for that to let you people decide for yourselves. I think the song is mostly being told from the man's perspective, but a portion of it is from the woman's.
Point 1: Chronologically, the story of these two begins partway into the song when Courtney Marie Andrews starts singing. She talks about how they met: "When I first came to LA I met you the old fashioned way." He obviously lives in LA and they met on account of her being a "busted homesteader," i.e., she headed out there from New York. I'm assuming the "virgin grace" that she believed in prevented her from making it big in whatever she ventured out there to accomplish. She wasn't willing to sell out on her beliefs in order to do the immoral and unethical things it takes to succeed in this world. Because of that, she was lonely and started drinking. It was at this low point in her life that they met.
Point 2: After the woman moves back to New York, the man comes to visit her (this is where the song begins). He's obviously not familiar with the area because he "called it Houston Street." Houston Street is a major street in Downtown Manhattan. It is pronounced "haʊstən/, HOW-stən" (thank you Wikipedia), even though it is spelled like the city of Houston. He headed out to New York like an "old-time pioneer" hoping to find his new life with her. He still believes things will work out, even though his faith is a bit shaken at this point. Like their first encounter in LA, this one wasn't under ideal circumstances either. That seems clear when he says "I could leave you here with your 'people' If I'm a flag you'd not prefer to wave." I don't think he fit in well with her crowd, causing a hindrance in their (or at least his) attempts to develop something.
Point 3: The two above encounters have passed, and now the man is expressing what he believes will happen. "There's a cinematic end, I picture it just right, Having trouble with the right words, But you tell me with your eyes. There's something good I miss, Something I cant' find. Do you believe me now? Can you see it in my eyes?" Both of them are trying to express to each other how they truly feel, but of course, words just can't do it. The man envisions the two of them finally connecting by seeing the genuineness being expressed in their eyes.
Point 4 (option 1): They made it; they're together. "You're always in my head. You're just what I wanted. I live in constant debt, To feel you, invented." She's the love of his life and what he has always wanted, so naturally she's always in his head. He is living in a debt of gratitude, feeling as if he owes something to her, or the universe, or to whatever is responsible for him obtaining her. Why does he feel in debt? Because he has spent an entire lifetime creating the image of a perfect woman in his head. That perfect woman from his thoughts has now manifested in the form of this woman he recently met. In the end, he gets to feel her, invented.
Point 4 (Option 2): This one isn't as happy, but it seems to fit better logically. It's the same analysis, except he doesn't have her; they're not together. He is still living in a debt of gratitude, but not because he HAS her, but only because he MET her. He knows she exists, and he has actually felt his idea of perfection become invented, but he is still yearning to obtain her. If this is the case, then the "cinematic end" that he pictures just right has yet to occur and is still a dream, as contrasted to its assumed occurrence if you adopt Option 1.
But what the hell do I know?
omg your comment was amazing. I totally didn't catch the thing about Houston street even though i know thats a common mistake people make. The only thing is I don't think option 2 makes more sense, i think your option 1 makes the most sense cause he lives in her debt. And also the tempo of the song going up beat is meant to make your heart race, like when you see someone you love. The music makes option 1 (the happier one lol) seem correct. Just thought i'd give my thoughts.
omg your comment was amazing. I totally didn't catch the thing about Houston street even though i know thats a common mistake people make. The only thing is I don't think option 2 makes more sense, i think your option 1 makes the most sense cause he lives in her debt. And also the tempo of the song going up beat is meant to make your heart race, like when you see someone you love. The music makes option 1 (the happier one lol) seem correct. Just thought i'd give my thoughts.
Holy shit this is good. You must be a writer, because this is so poetic. Thanks Aces :)
Holy shit this is good. You must be a writer, because this is so poetic. Thanks Aces :)

A lot of references to wrestling with religion here, probably emphasizing the tradition more so than anything.
Some old-timer pioneer Who believes with shaken faith
Time has taken a toll on his faith, probably both in God and humanity
A busted homesteader Who believes in virgin grace
I think of the Virgin Mary, who was known for her grace (Hail Mary, full of grace)
I also love the line:
I met you the old-fashioned way
Meeting people in person, not through reliance on computers, cellphones, etc. Beautiful.

Holy fuck. This song is incredible.

My god.. the song totally suprises me in the end. It's fucking beautiful.. I think this is the best song on the invented-album. I really fell in love with this song.
the way jim sings "But you tell me with your eyes" <3

i agree. definitely the best song in the album. cant wait to get the CD!

This song is right up there with My Sundown and Goodbye Sky Harbor. The Way Jim Bleeds "I Live in Constant Debt, To Feel You Invented"

Agree this song is Amazing! I love how its slow then picks uo and get loud and then low again. Thia is a great album, Deff my new fav of Jimmy Eat World album. Soo GOOD! The album as a whole, it kinda in a way reminds me of some of their older stuff especially Futures.

anyone have an interpretation for what he means when he says "to feel you, invented"?

ugh. this song is incredible.

I am falling in love again to the sound of this song, and it is bloody perfect.