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Doncamatic (All Played Out) Lyrics


Download me
Make up for the time you've wasted
Come slowly
And claim back the boy you left behind

Close the white book
Unplug the brain from the game
'Cause it's time to wipe out
To the stars
Get on the fame

The song is not the same when we're
All played out, played out, all played out
They said the memories
All fade out, fade out, all fade out
Tell me did you feel that?

Don't slow down
Even if it's only to escape
Just down, low down
Before somebody steals your place man

Close the white book
Unplug the brain from the game
'Cause it's time to wipe out
To the stars
Get on the fame
And the conversation's over

We're all played out, played out, all played out
(talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, talk to me)
You see the memories
All fade out, fade out, all fade out
(talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, talk to me)
Tell me did you feel that?


Down lowly
Make up for the time you wasted
Come slowly
Claim back the boy you left behind and
Close the white book
Unplug the brain from the game
It's time to wipe out to the bar get on the fame

The song is not the same when we're
All played out, played out, all played out
(Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, talk to me)
You see the memories
All fade out, fade out, all fade out
(Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, talk to me)

The song is not the same when we're
All played out, played out, all auto tuned
(Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, talk to me)

The song is not the same when we're
All played out, played out, played out, played out
(Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, talk to me)
Tell me did you feel that?
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19 Meanings

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Cover art for Doncamatic (All Played Out) lyrics by Gorillaz

Its like drugs for the ears

Cover art for Doncamatic (All Played Out) lyrics by Gorillaz

Some parts that i heard differently :

"Download me"

"Unplug the brain from the game"

"till the stars get all the fame"

"You see the memory's all played out"

"Claim back the void you left behind"

Lyric Correction
Cover art for Doncamatic (All Played Out) lyrics by Gorillaz

I found this on YouTube. it was a comment from 'ltvg4g';

Damon in a recent interview:

"I just wanted to make a pop song; I just wanted to get back on the radio. I was just fucked off no-one was playing me on the radio. When Melancholy Hill came out in England Radio One said ‘Oh no we are trying to keep our core audience under thirty’ and I was like well ‘fuck you then!,’ and radio two said ‘Oh no this is way to edgy for our over 30 audience’, so I found myself totally barred from radio and I was like, that’s not fair."

in essence, everyone who's said it's about the music industry is pretty spot on. it's a generic pop song, but I think it still stands out & is a lot better than the rest. funny thing is, people don't always pay attention to the lyrics, & I think Damon knows that so this song is pretty clever.

I love this. I COMPLETELY get it. BUT! i think Damon shouldn't have to sell out just to be played on the radio. I'M NOT CALLING HIM A SELL OUT!!!! Gorillaz is FARRR from sell out.

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That's such a shame! I wish that he wouldn't go solo... I love the Gorillaz. /:


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As a HUGE fan of Daley and Damon Albarn and his work, especially Gorillaz, it makes me sad to see them not get on the radios, and see Gorillaz go through (for lack of a better word) issues, and be helpless. Guess the only thing I can do is what Daley says, and dwnload them off iTunes :\

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Cover art for Doncamatic (All Played Out) lyrics by Gorillaz

"Just download now, Before somebody steals your place" - People don't stop to THINK about and appreciate music. Just download anything and everything, more 'stuff' - less attention span. "And the conversation's over" - Long ago an album was a collection of songs to be expored in context - a 'conversation' with the artist, a connection with the artist. No more. "talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, talk to me" - Close the Macbook, slow down, reconnect.

@JeffMcClintock i agree . But when he says claim back the boy you left behind do you think he means to do some thing that makes you feel like a kid again . (kinda dumb but that is what i think

Cover art for Doncamatic (All Played Out) lyrics by Gorillaz

i feel this song is about all the technological convieniances we have today ( internet, ipods, cellphones) are something we have grown dependant on, even addicted to. the song speaks about escape, even for a moment to the real world.

Cover art for Doncamatic (All Played Out) lyrics by Gorillaz

I don't know about you guys, but I like the version where it's live better - where it has the xylophone (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmrs2neAgGQ). It just sounds way better to me.

Cover art for Doncamatic (All Played Out) lyrics by Gorillaz

Lizatar's right. It's definitely not "down lowly" or "unpluck". Those don't mean anything at all. "Download me" and "unplug" make much more sense.

Lyric Correction
Cover art for Doncamatic (All Played Out) lyrics by Gorillaz

I thought it sounded like "claim back the boy you left behind" (his childhood) but i can't tell. Anyway, i think its about the autonomous music industry of today and how the same songs get played over and over until the listeners are bored. Then the next batch of songs is crapped out. And so on. Also, when he says "close the white book, unplug the brain from the game cause its time to wipe out till the stars get on the fame" it makes me think of a macbook laptop and facebook. Its as if he is saying, "I'm gettin the F*** out of this robotic video game of a life while i can, and the rest of you can have your 'famous' lives in magazines and social networking sites. This song is a sign of what is to come from Damon ALbarn I think. He's going solo. My guess is he's going to parody pop singers like Lady Gaga.

^(-.-)^ hmmm

My Interpretation

I kind of agree with you about the music industry bit.

To me Doncamatic sort of sounds like a lot of the music we hear on the radio today. A lot of the songs that have taken over the airwaves have that same run-of-the-mill pop sounds in them like the auto-tunes and other effects.. It's "all played out." Originality is lacking in the pop music world.

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I never considered the white book being a laptop, but once your told and you read the words arund it, it makes sense. I don't understand why the reference couldn't have been made clearer because unless people are familure with the term it's waisted on most people.

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@KittenCabada Pop is the safest on the radio

Cover art for Doncamatic (All Played Out) lyrics by Gorillaz

I agree that this song is about pop music's homogeneity, but I think it's also directed our taste--many look for the "played out" sound, style, demeanor that pop culture presents. The lyric "WE'RE all played out" addresses those that don't try to move on to something new. The line "tell me did you feel that?" could suggest that there's no emotion in mainstream songs..or in our response to them.

Does anyone else think the "white book" is a macbook? Used in reference to using computers to synthesize music? It's a clever parody, and damn catchy. I think "take back the boy..." refers to the sexually driven or serious nature of male singers. Seriously, where has humor gone?

In response to Polyphonic, I think this is closely related to Gorillaz' latest sound. The beat is reminiscent of "Stylo" or even "Dare." And Daley provides an emotional contrast to Damon's usual deadpan. From what I heard, Plastic Beach is Gorillaz "final album" so I'm not sure if it's appropriate to imply that their sound is heading in one direction or another. They just sort of step on the scene, give everyone a good shaking, and return to the depths. Love it.

Evidently not their final album - "The Fall" was just released to members of Sub Division, and will probably be released to the general public by the end of the month.

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Cover art for Doncamatic (All Played Out) lyrics by Gorillaz

I thought of a netbook or e-reader or something of the like in regards to the 'white book' too. I interpret this as another song about disposable culture and disposable music. I like the beat and the vocals, but then I like pop music in general - or, I should say, I don't automatically dislike pop music. Just because something falls under the remit of pop doesn't make it inherently cheap and meaningless. It's just the corporate-backed prancing models who give the genre a bad name. This song seems to have a similar idea to it, that the creative minds in pop are shunted out by Simon Cowell types who reduce ideas down to their lowest common denominator components and stick them on a pretty face, the copies thus outselling the innovators.