Reckless Serenade Lyrics
Doing semaphore
Wave their flags as she walks by
And get ignored
On a rainy day
When she walks her footsteps sing
A reckless serenade
Call up to listen to the voice of reason
And got the answering machine
Where teeth collide
When she laughs the heavens hum a stun gun lullaby
With a shining spiral eyes
Their hypnosis goes unnoticed when she's walking by
Call up to listen to the voice of reason
And got his answering machine
And now I'm stuck here wondering
How it's meant to be
Reckless serenade
Reckless serenade
Reckless serenade
Reckless serenade
Reckless serenade

to me Reckless Serenade is The Girl From Ipanema through Turner's mind, and may I say, it freaking rocks

If a boy sang this song about me. I don't know what I would do. Its such a beautiful song about a girl he finds breath takingly beautiful.

The "Topless Models/ Doing Semaphore" bit is such a clever metaphor that he could see the craziest thing ever and not even flinch when he sees the beautiful girl. The topless ladies could be programming and waving flags at him and he wouldnt even notice them.

I feel like this is a song about a girl who is attractive without even trying. Not even pretty necessarily, she just has a wonderful kind of aura that draws people in, obviously from the first four lines. I feel like the next four lines explain that she never strived to be like this, her serenade is reckless and almost oblivious. Then the person who's point of view this is from is trying to pinpoint exactly why he's so attracted to her and realises he has no idea, there's no reason behind it. "did he fuck get back to me". from her point of view, talking about how he meant nothing to her when she was his dream girl, i feel.

Just heard this for the first time today, apparently a leak from suck it and see. I like it, although much different from the other two songs released from the album.
p.s. it's "I left my message but did he fuck get back to me"

Agreed, beautiful. Alex is a genious. Love the bit where he says: "those twinkling vixens, with the shining spiral eyes, their hypnosis goes unnoticed when she's walking by." Pretty obvious what the song is about. Can't wait to buy the album! soon soon xx

I don't believe she's necessarily physically beautiful. He talks about teeth colliding and then laughter. I believe he loves her (period). The other women are gorgeous, but they hold no candle to her. He wants her, but he's not sure how he's going to get her because she appears so perfect.
Hey, I'm just an armchair quarterback. And an unpaid one at that. She's obviously being compared to ones who are physiclly beautiful, but her beauty is different...special(at least to him), which is why he's sitting back and deciding if he should be reckless with his heart. But what the heck do I know. No, that's not an invitation to tell me :)
Hey, I'm just an armchair quarterback. And an unpaid one at that. She's obviously being compared to ones who are physiclly beautiful, but her beauty is different...special(at least to him), which is why he's sitting back and deciding if he should be reckless with his heart. But what the heck do I know. No, that's not an invitation to tell me :)
"ain't necessarily physcially beautiful at all" is not necessarily true. Beauty, both inside and out, is subjective. What ones eyes sees will never be what anothers eyes see. Regardess, outter wrapping is merely what generates lust. What's inside is what generates real love.
"ain't necessarily physcially beautiful at all" is not necessarily true. Beauty, both inside and out, is subjective. What ones eyes sees will never be what anothers eyes see. Regardess, outter wrapping is merely what generates lust. What's inside is what generates real love.
ew, he loves her period
ew, he loves her period

i think this song is about guidance he needs help with his relationship he loves this girl so he describes her a bit.he speaks to a higher power that of course cannot communicate back with him so he goes on with his life still lost. when he says "ive been trying to figure out exactly what it is i need" he means he doesnt know if shes the right one so he "leaves his message but did he fuck get back to me and still he wonders how its meant to be" love this song and the guitar solo at the end is mind melting

sounds like "Evil" by Interpol!!!

Thank you to the guy below for explaining this song as I was clueless...and he's been playing this often lately ;)