Piledriver Waltz Lyrics
And did a swap for the sand in an hourglass
I heard an unhappy ending
It sorta sounds like you're leaving
I heard the piledriver waltz
It woke me up this morning
And sat in the back booth by the pamphlets and the literature on how to lose
Your waitress was miserable and so was your food
If you're gonna try and walk on water make sure you wear your comfortable shoes
Go green when you answer
But the red on the rest of the questionnaire never changes
To shoot me out of a cannon
I heard the piledriver waltz
It woke me up this morning
And sat in the back booth by the pamphlets and the literature on how to lose
Your waitress was miserable and so was your food
If you're gonna try and walk on water make sure you wear your comfortable shoes

"I etched the face of a stopwatch on the back of a raindrop And did a swap for the sand in an hourglass"
I have this feeling that Turner, with his unpaired gift, just wanted to say the person was by a window, waiting for something, as the raindrops would slowly fall on the window, like when we watch time pass looking at sand falling in hourglasses... this is just a token, in my opinion, of how Alex humiliates a whole generation of composers with his lyrics...

Is it just me, or, the intro to this song sounds like an ambulance siren. And at the end it sounds like it's moved past us! Great song, anyway.

No comments? This is the Mardy Bum,Fluorescent Adolescent,Cornerstone of Suck It And See.Cool song,from that movie.
@Banezi93 I feel like some of the best Turner songs go completely unnoticed by a large amount of people. I think Piledriver Waltz has some of the most spectacular lyrics.
@Banezi93 I feel like some of the best Turner songs go completely unnoticed by a large amount of people. I think Piledriver Waltz has some of the most spectacular lyrics.

I just fucking LOVE the change to 3/4
The whole song is in a sort of 3/4... in the verses they play each chords in a 6 times pattern
The whole song is in a sort of 3/4... in the verses they play each chords in a 6 times pattern
Technically, the only part of the song not in 3/4 is the little intro bit. :P Assuming you were referring to the break before/after every chorus, that's just a tempo change.
Technically, the only part of the song not in 3/4 is the little intro bit. :P Assuming you were referring to the break before/after every chorus, that's just a tempo change.

i wish i knew what's a piledriver lol

It's about feeling empty and used after having sex with somebody you have feelings for.
'piledriver waltz'
clever name.

Alex Turner on 'Piledriver Waltz':
"This one is on the Submarine soundtrack although I didn’t write it specifically for that. I had a couple of things lying around that were too quiet to be Monkeys tunes — well, that’s what I thought, anyway. So I said, what about these and Richard [Ayoade] liked them. But then we were putting this together and I really thought it might fit in with 'Thunderstorms’ and 'Suck It And See’. So we thought why not just do another version [recorded with the full band] because the one on Submarine is just me and James, he played drums and there’s some strings and stuff on it. I think doing that Submarine album did lead me into some of the songs on this album too.”
Read more at http://www.nme.com/blogs/nme-blogs/arctic-monkeys-alex-turners-guide-to-suck-it-and-see#HAcwschmhiedRam1.99

Log Driver Waltz is a Canadian folk song with hidden sexual innuendo in the lyrics. Very well known in Canada because of an NFB animated short. Could be a coincidence, but I suspect not.

My interpretation is that the singer is talking about finally breaking up with a bad/controlling girlfriend.
"I etched a face of a stopwatch on the back of a raindrop, And did a swap for the sand in an hourglass" flipping over the hourglass signals the end of the relationship and the beginning of a new period of his life.
"I heard an unhappy ending, it sort of sounds like you leaving" The split was not amicable and there was a loud argument
"I heard the piledriver waltz, it woke me up this morning" the morning after the breakup, he's woken up by the sound of pile driver construction machines outside his house. Normally this would be an annoyance, but he's in such a good mood that it sounds like a waltz to him.
"You look like you've been for breakfast At the Heartbreak Hotel And sat in the back booth By the pamphlets and the literature On how to lose" After the breakup, his ex is acting sad in an over-the-top way to try to guilt him into coming back.
"Your waitress was miserable And so was your food" He's calling her out for only concentrating on the bad things, probably like she did during their relationship.
"If you're gonna try and walk on water Make sure you wear your comfortable shoes" She can act like a martyr (like Jesus walking on water) all she wants, he doesn't care and won't get back together with her.
"Mystery's flashing amber Go green when you answer" Green, amber represent the lights on a stoplight. Because she wants to get back together, she come clean about the 'mysteries' aka secrets she kept in the relationship (possibly cheating?)
But the red on the rest of the questionnaire Never changes" Red is also on a stoplight, and the red pen used to fill out questionnaires which record people's opinions. So he's saying nothing she says now is going to change his opinion about her.
"I heard the news that you're planning To shoot me out of a cannon I heard the piledriver waltz It woke me up this morning" Now what she knows he's seen through her tricks and is done with her for good, she can only badmouth and vent about him behind his back.In contrast, his mood has never been better.

I think it's about a break up. He sees it coming, but the way you say it to someone can be hard. It doesn't matter how you say it, the other will always be angry or sad.
"You look like you've been for breakfast At the Heartbreak Hotel And sat in the back booth By the pamphlets and the literature On how to lose Your waitress was miserable And so was your food If you're gonna try and walk on water Make sure you wear your comfortable shoes'
He was up all night and didn't sleep well so that explains the face. He thinks very hard about what he is going to say. But the harder he thinks the more he realize he is a loser. He comes to the realization that it is impossible to bring this news well so, if you want to do something impossible, better get comfortably dressed.