Slowtown Lyrics
Wouldn't it be
Great, great
If we could just
Lay down
And wake up in
I wanna go
Away, 'way
'Cause things are too
Fast now
I wanna be in
My feet
Just so that
My sole won't
Fall through
My toes
Through my door
Just so
I don't
Fall through
The floor
My brother
And other kids
From neighboring houses
Would get together
I'd ride my bike
And my brother would ride his
Put cards in our spokes
And make our engines
Sound like traffic
Do not use the holographics
So bold and fearless
In the risks we'd take
Laugh in the face
Of gravity as its laws
We'd break
On trampolines so high
We reach for the sky
But I do not
Look up anymore
And I don't why
My feet
Just so that
My sole won't
Fall through
My toes
Through my door
Just so
I don't
Fall through
The floor
Fast, fast
Save us
Fast, fast
Save us
Fast, fast
Save us now
My door
Just so
I don't
Fall through
The floor
Wouldn't it be
Great, great
If we could just
Lay down
Wake up in

The lines "I put my socks on my feet / Just so that my soul won't / Fall through my toes / And I walk through my door / Just so I don't Fall through the floor" I can really identify with anxiety, and obsessive overthinking and seeking out patterns as a way to cope, to a point where it becomes toxic. Your brain begins to associate - in this song's case - putting on socks to keep yourself alive; irrational, but a thought process no doubt a complete possibility in the mind of somebody suffering from anxiety. The idea of repeated actions as a means of coping with life and not panicking, for me, is what these few lines mean.
They also link to Fairly Local, in the lines "I truly don't have a chance Tomorrow I'll keep a beat / And repeat yesterday's dance ... Ii truly do have a chance / Tomorrow I’ll switch the beat / to avoid yesterday’s dance". The idea of breaking a cycle you get stuck in.

i see someone in the comments say that this is kinda like fairly local. im not calling them out. im not saying that they are wrong. i could be wrong, we could both be right, but i believe this is more with stressed out. how they are stressed to grow up & they just want to slow down & avoid responsibility

My interpretation is that this song is about growing up too fast and wanting to go back to when things were so simple as a young kid.
I'm getting ready to graduate and I think about it all the time. Getting older is scary, when your a kid you're easily entertained and you're biggest worry is if you'll be allowed to stay up just a little while longer to watch sponge bob. I don't know that's just what I got from it, I love this band and everything they stand for and I hope they continue making great music

In my opinion I think that he has a flash back about when he was a kid with his brother playing pokemon cards and he realizes how much time has passed so then he starts to wish that we could wake up in slow town where I guess time slows down and we don't have to sorry about time going so fast

I agree with previous opinions, but I think about this song a bit deeper. To another point of view the song could be about scientific progress. When we were kids we rode bikes and played pokemon cards and all that stuff. But nowadays kids only play with their gadgets. And he's singing like "Do not use a holographic". And scientific progress is so fast and there's so much things that we could live without and "We reach for the sky But I do not Look up anymore And I don't why" That's why he is falling.

That's exactly what I think. Its equivalent to stressed out. But has a little more anxiety played out into the song. Like how things are going to fast, not only is he talking about time, but he's talking about how his brain is moving way to fast, and he's thinking about everything, and he wishes he "could turn back time to the good old days" when he didn't have this problem as much.
But also means the same thing as stressed out. Just the earlier version.

Child hood fun turns into drugs and alcohol

I feel like it does have ties to "Stressed Out", but also "Hometown". It has a very nostalgic feel to it, like it does make me imagine like, a little Tyler Joseph riding his bike around with his friends and stuff. He's using the Pokemon cards to make his bike sound like a car; he was ready to get older so he could drive and stuff, the holographic cards were actually pretty cool/valuable and over time when the cards get rubbed by the tire, they wear out; he doesn't want all the cool/valuable things about childhood to get worn out by the "tire of life" so to speak.