13 Meanings
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What You Want Lyrics

Do what you what you want, if you have a dream for better
Do what you what you want till you don't want it anymore
(remember who you really are)

Do what you what you want, your world's closing in on you now
(it isn't over)
Stand and face the unknown
(got to remember who you really are)
Every heart in my hands like a pale reflection

Hello, hello remember me?
I'm everything you can't control
Somewhere beyond the pain there must be a way to believe
we can break through

Do what you what you want, you don't have to lay your life down
(it isn't over)
Do what you what you want till you find what you're looking for
(got to remember who you really are)
But every hour slipping by screams that I have failed you

Hello, hello remember me?
I'm everything you can't control
Somewhere beyond the pain there must be a way to believe
Hello, hello remember me?
I'm everything you can't control
Somewhere beyond the pain there must be a way to believe

There's still time
Close your eyes
Only love will guide you home
Tear down the walls and free your soul
Till we crash we're forever spiraling down, down, down, down

Hello, hello it's only me infecting everything you love
Somewhere beyond the pain there must be a way to believe
Hello, hello remember me?
I'm everything you can't control
Somewhere beyond the pain there must be a way to learn forgiveness
Hello, hello remember me I'm everything you can't control
Somewhere beyond the pain there must be a way to believe
we can break through.

Remember who you really are

Do what you want, you want.
Song Info
Submitted by
dereksan On Jul 23, 2011
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13 Meanings

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Cover art for What You Want lyrics by Evanescence

I'm loving this song!! Amy Lee has explained that freedom is a constant theme on the new self-titled album & this isn't any different. Amy seems to be singing about finding something beyond the pain, a way to deal and move past it. Conquering fear and living how you want to live! Also the second verse has a hint of suicide to it; like, it isn't the answer. In any way, shape or form. How there's an alternative & you can find your happiness if you do...what you, what you want!! Evanescence is BACK & I'm soooo excited! :)

My Interpretation
Cover art for What You Want lyrics by Evanescence

This song is about the struggle within. "Hello, hello remember me? I'm everything you can't control" refers to the part of the self that is running rampant on your life. By "remember[ing] who you really are," you can "do...what you want." Amy Lee sings that "Somewhere beyond the pain, There must be a way to believe we can break through" Great message, great song.

My Interpretation
Cover art for What You Want lyrics by Evanescence

I think it's a song about freedom (duh?) from someone or something who/that's been very controlling, and part of achieving that freedom as well is to learn how to forgive.

My Interpretation
Cover art for What You Want lyrics by Evanescence

The song is about not being afraid to face chaos in life

Song Meaning

@nikkichicky22 very true ... reminds me of the saying:

"life is what happens when you're busy making other plans"

Cover art for What You Want lyrics by Evanescence

I feel like it's her mind telling her to do what she wants to do; be who she wants to be. But throughout the song it says things like.

Hello Hello its only me infecting everything you love.

This is others around her bringing her down and trying to make her do what they want her to do.

But in the end she wins going past the pain and doing what she wants!!

My Interpretation

@Evanecence2001 I wonder if the "everything you can't control" is the world / people around her, or is it her own internal doubts / concerns / sadness etc.??

But yes very much an internal struggle going on within her own mind ... do we all have these battles regularly??

@Evanecence2001 I also like @nikkichicky22 's take, that is the chaos in life (or if you prefer "life is what happens when you are planning something else"

Cover art for What You Want lyrics by Evanescence

I think that this song is about some form of Mental Illness (Depression, Bi-Polar) or some sort of Disease like Cancer. Mostly because of the chorus-- "Hello, hello remember me? I'm everything you can't control" Whoever it is, she/he can't control the illness. Maybe the person had been through it before and thought it was gone for good, but it slowly creeps up on the person again. The person can't control the illness even if she/he wants to.

"Hello, hello, it's only me, infecting everything you love" I think this part is about how Depression changes the person. the guy/girl is so consumed by their pain that they bring it out on those around them, especially the people they love.

"Somewhere beyond the pain, there must be a way to believe we can break through" I think this is about accepting the fact that you have a problem and that you need help. believing that there is a way to get better and move on with your life.

That might not be what it is about, but that's my interpretation. :)

My Interpretation

@laurenjessecawdell I definitely can see the angle you are coming from ... can easily see her struggling with her inner demons (whatever they may be) in this song

Cover art for What You Want lyrics by Evanescence

Do what you what you want, if you have a dream for better Do what you what you want till you don't want it anymore (remember who you really are)

Do what you what you want, your world's closing in on you now (it isn't over) Stand and face the unknown (got to remember who you really are) Every heart in my hands like a pale reflection

Hello, hello remember me? I'm everything you can't control Somewhere beyond the pain there must be a way to believe we can break through

Do what you what you want, you don't have to lay your life down (it isn't over) Do what you what you want till you find what you're looking for (got to remember who you really are) But every hour slipping by screams that I have failed you

Hello, hello remember me? I'm everything you can't control Somewhere beyond the pain there must be a way to believe Hello, hello remember me? I'm everything you can't control Somewhere beyond the pain there must be a way to believe

There's still time Close your eyes Only love will guide you home Tear down the walls and free your soul Till we crash we're forever spiraling down, down, down, down

Hello, hello it's only me infecting everything you love Somewhere beyond the pain there must be a way to believe Hello, hello remember me? I'm everything you can't control Somewhere beyond the pain there must be a way to learn forgiveness Hello, hello remember me I'm everything you can't control Somewhere beyond the pain there must be a way to believe we can break through.

Remember who you really are

Do what you want, you want.

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Cover art for What You Want lyrics by Evanescence

They're baaaack! Love it!

My Opinion
Cover art for What You Want lyrics by Evanescence

it's about our free will and internal struggles to make choices. And the regrets that come with the wrong decisions. But the towards the end there's a glimpse of hope or yearning for hope. " There's still time, close your eyes, only love will guide you home".......Just my quick interpretation of the song after hearing it a couple of times.

Cover art for What You Want lyrics by Evanescence

I'm everything you can't control... love it. I can't wait to hear the rest of the new album.