Oceans Lyrics
But I can't bare the thought of one more day
I think I finally understand what it means to be lost
A million miles from where we burned the bridge
Can't keep pretending everything's gonna be alright
With the whole world falling down on me
Find the strength to say goodbye
In the end, you never can wash the blood from your hands
You'll never find what you've been searching for
Something to fill the void and
Make up for all of those missing pieces of you
Like I could only dream to do
Find the strength to say goodbye
Everything that we've believed in was a lie
Find a way to blur the line
In the end, you never can wash the blood from your hands
Heaven help me find a way to dream
We're in this nightmare
Find the strength to say goodbye
Everything that we've believed in was a lie
Find a way to blur the line
In the end, you never can wash the blood from your hands

Seems like a breakup where she had to end it. The guy was uncertain of what he wanted and treated her poorly, and she could never satisfy him. But her love for him is so strong that she has to cross these "Oceans" to get over him.

I wouldn't say this is your typical, run-of-the-mill "break up song."
It can be the broken trust between to individuals. Yes, the two distraught couple. Could be the broken bond between a brother with his brother, betrayal done between a girl from her trusted friend. A child forever hurt and tortured from neglect from their parents.
In life there are situations where we don't "want to be the one to walk away" but we have to. Everyone wants to be that one person to "make up for all those broken pieces" for our loved ones but sadly it's all a dream. Our expectations can be so high and unrealistic it's impossible to met any outrageous standards which leads to relationships being "millions miles away from where we burned the bridge." And then we're all left in a state of panic, fear, anxiety, and -worst of all - in agony.
I truly wish I could understand the minds of my loved ones. The way they're hurting, their point of view, what they see as truth and lies. To be able to "cross the oceans in your mind" to meet you at least half way to better understand. Then when life becomes too much, all the stress, the hard work, and reality of the world, selfishness and greed can cause us wanting to "find a way to blur the line" and brush our worries away. And no matter what, "everything was a lie" and between any parties there will no way to "wash the blood from your hands." We cannot escape whatever wrongs we committed to one another. Whether it be for all the right or wrong reasons. To finally tread on to find "the strength to say goodbye."
Nobody deserves to be in pain or suffer. Sadly enough, there are times where you just have to turn away and let that one person be.