The Change Lyrics
I know the words I need to say
Frozen in my place
I let the moment slip away
Can you hear me, can you hear me? (ah, ah, ah)
Say you love me but its not enough
but I’m not the girl you think you know
The more that I am with you
the more that I am all alone
Can you hear me, can you hear me? (ah, ah, ah)
Say you love me but its not enough
Not that I don’t see the dying light of what we used to be
But how can I forgive you- You changed
and I’m a liar by your side
I’m about to lose my mind
Can you hear me, can you hear me
You’ve been dreaming if you’re thinking that I still belong to you
and I’ve been dying cause I’m lying to myself (ah, ah, ah)
Say you love me but its not enough

I personally think this song is about About Ben Moody.

It's about a relationship that's not working out. She feels that they've both changed and grown apart. She wants to break it off but can't bring herself to do it (Thought that I was strong / I know the words I need to say / Frozen in my place / I let the moment slip away). They both still love each other but she feels that it's not enough to build a relationship on.
Just caught this song a few times on another music site. I do believe you hit the nail on the head. It's a very honest song, much like another I heard tonight on this site. I love the honesty. One can build a life around honesty...make the best decisions for all involved, etc. Good song. Happy to hear honest music. It simplifies life, even when it can be painful.
Just caught this song a few times on another music site. I do believe you hit the nail on the head. It's a very honest song, much like another I heard tonight on this site. I love the honesty. One can build a life around honesty...make the best decisions for all involved, etc. Good song. Happy to hear honest music. It simplifies life, even when it can be painful.

This is probably my favorite song off the album. My interpretation is clearly reaching haha but anyway, here it goes...
I feel like this is one of the "truest" songs off of the album. I agree with leamie about it being reminiscent of old Evanescence. I think it's an allusion to how they were forced to put out a much more commercial album than usual to meet the guidelines for their label. The title of the song itself depicts a change in style. I think it's a message to the fans about how Evanescence isn't being true to themselves, lying with their songs in order to produce a more mainstream product.
"I've been screaming on the inside And I know you feel the pain"
This means that they want to put out music more like the old style that their fans know and love, and that it hurts to change their style just to please their label.
"I thought that I was strong I know the words i need to say"
This could be evidence for the fact that their lyrics are being somewhat controlled. Maybe Amy is saying that she doesn't have the creative power that she thought she would have.
"You've been dreaming if your thinking That i still belong to you And I've been dying 'Cause I'm lying to myself"
This is a message to the fans saying that Evanescence can no longer afford to make the music we are accustomed to. They don't belong to us anymore. They belong to their label and must make music according to their guidelines -_-
"Say it's over Yes, It's over But i need you anyway Say you love me But it's not enough"
This is solidifying the fact that Evanescence, as we used to know them, is over. We love them, but it's not enough to convince their nefarious label.
"Not that I'm so different Not that I don't see The dying light of What we used to be But how can I forgive you ? Just change And I'm a liar by your side I'm about to lose my mind"
More evidence to my interpretation. ...Anyway, long story short, i feel like this is a cry out to their fans. I mean, we all know about the previously recorded album and material that was completely scraped under the new label so they had to rerecord their songs. Plus the delays and stuff... Idk, maybe this interpretation isn't so far-fetched?
I don't actually believe this lol. But it would be interesting if it were true considering how many of the fans are complaining about this change in style. Personally i love the album, but i have to admit that it seems to have a more mainstream sound than previous albums.
Either way... I LOVE EVANESCENCE!! <3
Wow i just realised how long this was.
Wow i just realised how long this was.
This song makes me think about the relationship between Amy Lee and Ben Moody.
This song makes me think about the relationship between Amy Lee and Ben Moody.
About how when they were writing music together. They each had their own creative differences. They wanted to produce different sounds altogether but they didn't want to give up on their similarities. In the end it wasn't enough to keep them together. They each wanted something different. And this song is about Amy battling in herself wanting to write the way she wanted but not being able to find a way to let Ben go or separate.
About how when they were writing music together. They each had their own creative differences. They wanted to produce different sounds altogether but they didn't want to give up on their similarities. In the end it wasn't enough to keep them together. They each wanted something different. And this song is about Amy battling in herself wanting to write the way she wanted but not being able to find a way to let Ben go or separate.
Ben made Amy feel like she was an object....
Ben made Amy feel like she was an object. He said in an interview that he "convinced her to never again write with anyone else. And she's been 'mine' ever since."
"You've been dreaming if you're thinking that I still belong to you. And I've been dying, cause I'm lying to myself."
Her staying with him made her feel like she wasn't who she really was because she had to lie to herself and everyone around her, including the fans, about the music she was producing with him.
Sad but true u.u
Sad but true u.u

So I'm probably wrong on the song meaning but I think it's about two people growing apart cause of reasons. I'm going to say friends. So there are two friends, both girls. They get along well and are like sisters. But over summer break they slowly change without the other one knowing. The friend the girl knew is close to being gone. Now she realizes it and forces to lie to herself saying stuff like, "We're still friends" "She still cares about me" "She's just made new friends and spend more time with them, no big deal," but the other half of them (grief and anxiety mostly) keeps eating at them and inside they know the truth that the friendship is near the end.
I'm actually going through this.

I think maybe is about someone you love is always making believe his/her mistakes are all your fault and know you suffered and he/she didn't care and you love him after all and it's driving you crazy

This comes close to being the other side of the relationship in "Made of Stone" which was about a person who has stopped listening.

This song is very reminiscent of old Evanescence (especially the verses). Which is so good!!! Good to see they are going back to their original sound a bit.