Remain Nameless Lyrics
Screaming out a love song
All the broken chords and unnamed cries
What a place to come from
And live without shame
'Cause what's in a name, oh
I still remain the same
You can call me anything you want
You can call us what you want
You can call me anything you want
In this brief? hole of a town
What a difference of the rushing out
Tell me what you're running from
And I'll do the same
But know I'll always be around
This can remain the same
Call me anything you want
Darling believe me
Nothing I haven't done before
Call me when you need me
Darling believe me
Darling believe me
Call me when you need me
Darling believe me
Darling believe me
Call me when you need me
Darling believe me
Darling believe me

I don't know if anyone understand my interpretation, but i would like to share it. To me this song means (my) coming out.
I was born in a big grey cloud Screaming out a love song All the broken chords and unnamed cries What a place to come from
- It seems to me that this is the period in 'the closet' a very unhappy (grey cloud) place. screaming out a love song, all the broken chords and unnamed cries refers to all of the confusing thoughts i've had.
I wish to remain nameless And live without shame 'Cause what's in a name, oh I still remain the same
This refers to the point where i'am now. I just want to be me. And not me, the bisexual. Cause what's in a name, I still remain the same (What's the point whether i would be straight or gay, it's still the same person)
The rest of the song are people who are supportive, where you can count on.
this interpretation is amazing.. i completely hear it.. made me love the song even more <3
this interpretation is amazing.. i completely hear it.. made me love the song even more <3
It's so weird, the first time I heard this song I loved it because I could relate to it. I could see why people liked songs like "Shake it out" more and "bedroom hymns" but this one stood out the most to me on the album. I also saw it as being about my sexuality except in this case the first verse was me entering a world of confusion, where I was told to be a certain way. "Everybody let's you down..." this reflected the way I tried to drop many hints to my mother and thought she understood but suddenly...
It's so weird, the first time I heard this song I loved it because I could relate to it. I could see why people liked songs like "Shake it out" more and "bedroom hymns" but this one stood out the most to me on the album. I also saw it as being about my sexuality except in this case the first verse was me entering a world of confusion, where I was told to be a certain way. "Everybody let's you down..." this reflected the way I tried to drop many hints to my mother and thought she understood but suddenly she started with little homophobic comments etc and trying to push God on me. "I wish to remain nameless and live without shame...I still remain the same." my favourite line. People have been trying to get me to declare my sexuality and it's been worse being around "out" lesbians because I felt guilty but I feel like I dont have to label myself because I'll always be me. "You can call me what you want." Being gay means that you're going to be called many derogatory names or labelled, you just have to let it wash over you sometimes. "call me when you need me." If I met another person who was struggling with their sexuality I'd feel it was my duty to help them - "Everybody let's you down, I'll do the same." - even though I'd try to help them, I probably wouldn't be able to do enough.
I was afraid to post this because I thought I was the only who saw that this could also be interpreted as someones struggle with their sexulaity, so your comment made me happy. I'm glad you have people who support you :]
Nice to hear that my interpretation gives you a little support. :) Be honest to yourself, give it some time and never, ever give up on who you are! I'm extremely confused the last weeks because i just can't seem to figure out who I am. A lot of 'friends' are acting awkward when i try to start a conversation about this subject, but luckily there's one friend of mine where i can always speak up my mind. Good luck with your feelings and family. :)
Nice to hear that my interpretation gives you a little support. :) Be honest to yourself, give it some time and never, ever give up on who you are! I'm extremely confused the last weeks because i just can't seem to figure out who I am. A lot of 'friends' are acting awkward when i try to start a conversation about this subject, but luckily there's one friend of mine where i can always speak up my mind. Good luck with your feelings and family. :)

This is the most beautiful song about God, light, universal spirit I have ever heard. I believe this song is about the spirit that breaths life into this planet not needing to be boxed into one religion or one view point. That no matter what we call he, she, it, they there is something bigger out there. This verse speaks of the start of creation.
"I was born in a big grey cloud Screaming out a love song All the broken chords and unnamed cries What a place to come from"
This next verse speaks of the universe's "God's" desire not to be associated with any one religion or way of thinking. How many times have people done terrible things in the name of God? God no longer wants to be associated with pain and suffering. "Whats in a name? I still remain the same"
"I wish to remain nameless And live without shame 'Cause what's in a name, oh I still remain the same"
The following verse explains the Universe "God's" confusion with our obsession with the afterlife. Instead of being in the present moment in the here and now, so many belief systems focus on a "heaven or afterlife" God wants us to enjoy the world he/she/it created. Not rush out back to where we came from.
"Everybody lets you down In this brief, hole of a town All the different souls rushing out Tell me what you're running from"
This next verse is about coming to grips with the fact that there is pain and suffering on this planet. That doesn't mean that something bigger doesn't exist, it's just a part of life.
"I know everybody lets you down And I'll do the same But know I'll always be around This can remain the same"
The hope comes with the following repeated verse.
"Call me when you need me Call me when you need me Darling believe me Darling believe me"
Expressing that no matter what you believe in or don't believe in there is a bigger force out there in the universe and if ever we need to, all we have to do is call out.
So, so beautiful.
I logged in just to say I love your interpretation! I didn't think of this and, while I'm still not sure it's the truest meaning to me, it's definitely fitting. I really, really like the idea. :)
I logged in just to say I love your interpretation! I didn't think of this and, while I'm still not sure it's the truest meaning to me, it's definitely fitting. I really, really like the idea. :)
@gigglemore24 that's exactly what i thought about the song but with better words hahaha
@gigglemore24 that's exactly what i thought about the song but with better words hahaha

I analyzed this song for about a week and I came to a conclusion that both above write-ups are correct. It is yet another lyrical masterpiece by Florence that is not limited to a single meaning. Bravo.

"I was born in a big grey cloud Screaming out a love song All the broken chords and unnamed cries What a place to come from"
Two people in the throes of passion made life, made florence. But their love was in a big grey cloud, I'm guessing it was either forbidden or very turbulent. These have always haunted her.
I wish to remain nameless and live without shame Cause what's in a name, oh I still remain the same
In 'small brief towns', everybody knows everybody by name. So her wishing to remain nameless is a tact to hide the identity of coming from this town. She's met another damaged individual and doesn't want him to trace her by name back to the chaotic world of her town.
You can call it what you want You can call me anything you want You can call us what you want You can call me anything you want
Let's do a give and take, this relationship can work for us both but there's no need for labels. A fling, a companionship, something more, it can be whatever you want it to be just don't label it with a name.
"Everybody lets you down In this brief? hole of a town What a difference of the rushing out Tell me what you're running from"
Everybody let's you down in this place, but now that we've rushed out and we're free of labels tell me what you ran from and I'll reciprocate.
"I know everybody lets you down And I'll do the same But know I'll always be around This can remain the same"
I'm no saint. I'll let you down if you're looking for a defined labeled relationship. But you can count on me to be around to continue whatever it is we have. Whatever it is we're doing.
Call me when you need me Call me anything you want Darling believe me Nothing I haven't done before
Exactly as the lyrics imply, call me when you need me and I'll always be there. But be warned, this is not new to me for a reason.
Very beautiful song, right up there with Seven Devils as my favorites off this album. Florence has this way of surprising people even in a concept album as well thought out as this.

If this was a classroom I'd be the kid who knew the answer but would smugly keep quiet :) I think I've got this figured out, but I can't write a whole novel here like others did. Song's about a call girl, escort, whatever you might call it.
"All the broken chords and unnamed cries" "I wish to remain nameless and live without shame" - these women often change their "stage names" "'Cause what's in a name, I remain the same" "You can call it what you want, you can call me what you want" "Everybody lets you down, and I'll do the same" "Darling believe me, nothing I haven't done before" "Call me when you need me"

This sounds to me like a description of a fallen angel/demon. It was "born in a big grey cloud, screaming out a love song..." brought into existence to worship God, taking part in the music that is described as taking place continually in heaven. Now, cast out of heaven, it masquerades as a spirit guide, or... call it what you want. It's there when you need it, if summoning is your thing. It certainly fits with the themes of other songs on Ceremonials.

my new favorite florence song

This song is such a great example of Florence's lyrics having simple and profound meanings at the same time.
I take this song in it's most simplest meaning, considering that the music is so representative of our most basic emotional/sexual needs.
She is basically saying she doesn't care what anyone wants to label this affair as, she just wants to make it clear of what it is not. Also, she doesn't want to put a label on the relationship either ("remain nameless") because it would only lead to dissappointment/confusion/expectations.
The relationship is "born from a big gray cloud, screaming out a love song" the cloud is emotional trauma from past experience from both people (a likely cuplrit of the individuals ending up in this circumstance) and "screaming out a love song" represents that they are romantics. later, in the lyrics, she sings "I know everybody lets you down, I'll do the same" again a reminder of being let down in past relationships and that if the other person expects a commitment, she will do the same.
"Call me when you need me Call me anything you want Darling, believe me Nothing I haven't done before
Call me when you need me, call me when you need me Call me when you need me Darling, believe me, darling, believe me Darling, believe me, darling believe me"
Is just reinforcing her affirmation that she will be there, and there aren't any strings attached.
"call me anything you want" is basically stating to the other person that they have free reign to make sense of it however they feel they need to.
I think it is a really simple concept, however it is very complex when you think of it in the context of our social norms. I think relationships would start off better from honest one night stands than they would from all of the bullshit and lying that occurs when everyone is trying so hard to get somebody to like them. The first step would be to learn how to emotionally respond to the word "no", but I digress.

Well I think that this must have been written for someone who makes mistakes. Some people is born by a "mistake" (there are no mistakes in life, everything happens for a reason) and this person thinks so, that's why "I was born in a big grey cloud" because maybe she might be born somewhere she wasn't desired and she had a bad life experience, so she became a whore and that's the "call me when you need me" because she migh have fell in love with someone and that someone let her down... This is what I think, idk if you guys agree!

My first interpretation when listening that kinda becomes my second interpretation by the end of writing it. lol Hope you have fun reading it and like it.
"I was born in a big grey cloud Screaming out a love song All the broken chords and unnamed cries What a place to come from"
From what seems like chaotic mess, two people find love and from all the commotion of their love and the act of conception, she is born. How crazy is it that through something as rare, messy, unpredictable, and potentially ugly as love, two people are brought together, and from seemingly nothing, create miraculous beauty, create life, create Florence? >_ "I wish to remain nameless And live without shame 'Cause what's in a name, oh I still remain the same"
A name is something we use to hang our perceptions up on when make decisions about what we think we know about people. Don't name me. I don't want to be reduced to what you perceive me to be. My name is useless; were it anything else or nothing at all, I am me.
"You can call it what you want You can call me anything you want You can call us what you want You can call me anything you want"
Call it, me, us, really anything whatever you would like to. All the names are arbitrary and meaningless until meaning is given to them. Already she has said she does not want to be offered a meaning from any external source. (Perhaps one step farther, it, me, us, everything, we are all the same. All made from the same interchangeable atomic building blocks. Is there really a point in even making a distinction when all things are one?)
"Everybody lets you down In this brief? hole of a town What a difference of the rushing out Tell me what you're running from"
You can't please everyone. There has never been a person that could meet the expectations of everyone around them or even the expectations of only one other person... so duh. Compared to the what we perceive the eternity of a lifetime the infinite vastness of the universe, practically any segment of time, any particular location is a impossibly minuscule speck in the grander scheme of things. Your movement within our small speck is hardly moving at all. "Tell me what you're running from," (and perhaps we can work through it together because what ever are running from won't be far behind. Face it and let it be done.)
"I know everybody lets you down And I'll do the same But know I'll always be around This can remain the same"
Oh, and btw, heads up, just cuz I'm saying all this cool stuff and piercing into your soul n' junk, don't think I am perfect either. I will bring you disappointment just as those before me have, but because I love you I will be here. Under no conditions will that change.
Call me when you need me Call me anything you want Darling believe me Nothing I haven't done before
When you need me, call for me and call me whatever you want because I will be what you need when I arrive. BELIVE IT! ^_^ (Nothing I haven't done before - this could mean that what you need, I will bring to you as I have done in the past... or in the instance what what you ask she has not done in this life, surely when her form was not yet her own and her components were scattered throughout creation, she was a part of something animate or otherwise that either was what is needed, knew what was is need, performed what is needed, encountered what is needed... so basically in one form another, I carry an imprint of or literally contain a part if everything in existence. I'm leaning towards the second interpretation because the )
I have a flexible perception of reality. To me, god is expressed as life, our consciousness all invisibly interconnected. If there is a god consciousness that is completely independently aware, it would still rely entirely on each organism, each consciousness available to draw experience from. This shared experience, whether it is embodied in a separate sentient consciousness or just embodied within the unconscious of every living thing, is what moves us collectively toward a better existence. Because to me god is this, every living thing and all things necessary to support life should be treated with respect and perserved from extinction or complete exhaustion so that this process is not diminished.
So because god is everything and everything is god, this song can literally be about anything. The relationship between two people, the relationship between this collective consciousness and the consciousness of individual that might not always be in the position to see the bigger picture and feel calmed by knowing the method to the madness, or even the relationship between you and chair. Remember the chair has a history, has a past life as the components used before it was made and even holds the hopes, aspirations, intentions, and every random occurrence in the lives of the people. All this coming together to create a chair, that after looking at it like that, can you really say it does NOT want to be sat in? It wants to be there for you, easy your suffering, and free to fail sometimes when things go wrong or when it's no longer able to fulfill its duty, or when new super chairs come along. lol.
So hah, all interpretations are correct! YAY ^_^ Such good songs from Florence, like alls the time, yeah!!?!?!? Yep
You beat me to this post! I completely agree with this interpretation but thought I'd add a few things.
You beat me to this post! I completely agree with this interpretation but thought I'd add a few things.
"I was born in a big grey cloud Screaming out a love song All the broken chords and unnamed cries What a place to come from"
"I was born in a big grey cloud Screaming out a love song All the broken chords and unnamed cries What a place to come from"
Two people in the throes of passion made life, made florence. But their love was in a big grey cloud, I'm guessing it was either forbidden or very turbulent. These have always haunted her.
Two people in the throes of passion made life, made florence. But their love was in a big grey cloud, I'm guessing it was either forbidden or very turbulent. These have always haunted her.
I wish to remain nameless and live without shame Cause what's in a name, oh I still remain the same...
I wish to remain nameless and live without shame Cause what's in a name, oh I still remain the same
In 'small brief towns', everybody knows everybody by name. So her wishing to remain nameless is a tact to hide the identity of coming from this town. She's met another damaged individual and doesn't want him to trace her by name back to the chaotic world of her town.
You can call it what you want You can call me anything you want You can call us what you want You can call me anything you want
Let's do a give and take, this relationship can work for us both but there's no need for labels. A fling, a companionship, something more, it can be whatever you want it to be just don't label it with a name.
"Everybody lets you down In this brief? hole of a town What a difference of the rushing out Tell me what you're running from"
Everybody let's you down in this place, but now that we've rushed out and we're free of labels tell me what you ran from and I'll reciprocate.
"I know everybody lets you down And I'll do the same But know I'll always be around This can remain the same"
I'm no saint. I'll let you down if you're looking for a defined labeled relationship. But you can count on me to be around to continue whatever it is we have. Whatever it is we're doing.
Call me when you need me Call me anything you want Darling believe me Nothing I haven't done before
Exactly as the lyrics imply, call me when you need me and I'll always be there. But be warned, this is not new to me for a reason.
Very beautiful song, right up there with Seven Devils as my favorites off this album. Florence has this way of surprising people even in a concept album as well thought out as this.