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I Won't Give Up Lyrics

When I look into your eyes
It's like watching the night skies
Or a beautiful sunrise
There's so much they hold
And just like them old stars
I see that you've come so far
To be right where you are
How old is your soul

Well I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love, I'm still looking up

And when you're needing your space, to do some navigating
I'll be here patiently waiting, to see what you find

'Cause even the stars they burn
Some even fall to the earth
We've got a lot to learn
God knows we're worth it
No, I won't give up

I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily
I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make
Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use
The tools and gifts we got yeah, we got a lot at stake
And in the end, you're still my friend at least we did intend
For us to work we didn't break, we didn't burn
We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in
I had to learn what I've got, and what I'm not and who I am

I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up, still looking up

I won't give up on us (no I'm not giving up)
God knows I'm tough enough (I am tough, I am loved)
We've got a lot to learn (we're alive, we are loved)
God knows we're worth it (and we're worth it)

I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love, I'm still looking up
Song Info
Lyrics © Wixen Music Publishing
Jason Mraz, Michael Lee Natter
Joe Chiccarelli, Rick Rubin
Release date
Jan 03, 2012
Submitted by
oofus On Nov 25, 2011
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39 Meanings

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Cover art for I Won't Give Up lyrics by Jason Mraz

I saw this song as Jason Mraz's view on humans beings in general and their relationship with the slowly evolving world and God. I feel he is talking about God and how he doesnt give up on us. He loves us unconditionally. He then decides he wont give up on us either. He views humans as something special, because if God has faith in us then why shouldnt he? There good in all of us and for all of us, and we should all help each other out. Were in this together.

My Interpretation


Very well said!

@Daadanny it's not about fairly tales. It's about a relationship.

Cover art for I Won't Give Up lyrics by Jason Mraz

I think of my son with autism when i hear this song. All the years of fighting (the school system), the feeling of wanting to run away and and change my name sometimes because it all gets too much (the the frustration, worry and heartache) but then my son looks at me in a certain way, my mother's heart aches with love for him, and I know, I won't give up. Ever.

Song Meaning

Your story touches my heart <3 I hope your son will always know how much you love him.

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You epitomize the message of this song :) I hope you know that you are a wonderful human being.

@LBG hi there ! Just got here as i found some: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CgKXLeZpmfO/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= And a soul i shared with told me how she interpretated rough skies as chemtrails... And also since i live certain so called condition in d spectrum.... vaccines has generated all kind of illnesses etc, etc, etc,....on purpose to me. BUT WE'LL BE OUT OF THESE SOOOOO HARD TIMES!

Cover art for I Won't Give Up lyrics by Jason Mraz

I think it's obvious what perspective Jason was coming from when writing this song, but I've found another, hidden meaning to these lyrics.

I also see the song as sung from the perspective of a parent, who has had a rocky relationship with their son/daughter and are now seeing them off into the real world as they reach adult age.

When I look into your eyes It's like watching the night sky (old memories) Or a beautiful sunrise (The new opportunities and experiences that lies ahead for them) There's so much they hold.

And just like them old stars (like everyone who has been here before) I see that you've come so far (Watching them grow up throughout the years) To be right where you are (Graduation, ready to take on the world) How old is your soul? (Disbelief in how much time has passed and how quickly)

I won't give up on us Even if the skies get rough I'm giving you all my love I'm still looking up. (The chorus is a testament that parents will never stop supporting their children, no matter how old)

And when you're needing your space (Going off to the world) To do some navigating (Meeting challenges and experiences of life as a young "explorer") I'll be here patiently waiting To see what you find. (To help guide you through where I've been before too)

Even the stars they burn Some even fall to the Earth We've got a lot to learn But God knows we're worth it. (Even if you're not successful or meet all your dreams, we'll still be here)


I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily I wanna stay and make a difference I can make. Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use the tools, the gifts we've got. Yeah we got a lot at stake And in the end, you're still my friend at least we did intend for us to work we didn't break, we didn't burn We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in I had to learn what I got, and what I'm not, and who I am. (Dealing with all the struggles and hardships of the relationship between parent and child)

I know it's not the perspective Jason meant for us to see, but interesting none the less.

Song Meaning

That is exactly how I heard it. Parent to child.

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@Mortalias OMG!! THANKYOU!!! I am a single gay dad and I've raised my child since 9mths old. He will be 16 this month and for the next 28 days until his birthday I'll be weeping, grieving, rejoicing, reflecting, anticipating, worrying etc. Everything you said is EXACTLY how I'm feeling, and I pray I've given my baby boy the best foundations to be a man, the very best man he can be! I know he's gonna leave me soon, I know the world will, as it does for everyone sooner or later, break his heart, I could never weigh him down...

Cover art for I Won't Give Up lyrics by Jason Mraz

i dont know how i found this song but i remember i was searching for songs that talk about a guy liking a girl with a boyfriend and ran into this song but anyways this is what i get from this song.

ive been taking the same bus home from work everyday since JUNE 2010, there was always this girl i would see in the bus everyday, she was attractive but weve never talked, i didnt really pay attention to her though. a year later on AUGUST 2011, she striked up a conversation with me and we started talking, i started to really like her but unfortunately she mentioned a boyfriend. i got really sad but i continued to talk to her. even to this day i still continue to talk to her but she doesnt know that im really falling for her. ive always been wanting to ask her out to lunch atleast but im scared to do that because i dont want to ruin anything we have and since she has a boyfriend i dont want her to think that im trying to steal her away.

most people would tell me to just leave it alone but thats giving up too easily. i know i may not be her boyfriend but if i can atleast stay being friends, maybe one day she will realize that i am a great guy. i know there are many women out there but sometimes you find the one thats worth your time and no one else matters. you cant just give up on love that easily, sometimes you have to reach for the stars even if you dont know if youll actually get one.

Definitely remain her friend. But be wary of crossing that line. It's a mistake you will live to regret. I sympathize with your situation.

Unfortunately that has absolutely nothing to do with this song. Lol.

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This reminds me of the song: If it kills me from Jason Mraz. :) You should listen to it. :)

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This reminds me of the song: If it kills me from Jason Mraz. :) You should listen to it. :)

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Cover art for I Won't Give Up lyrics by Jason Mraz

I love not knowing exactly what this song is about. It's vague enough that we can all interpret it in our own way. I see him talking to a wife/girlfriend, a child. I personally think if my young siblings( we have a significant age gap). Also, I do believe he may be speaking to all of humanity. It's beautiful to think of it like that. If you think of it in that way (and you have a faith which believes in God) it's almost powerful enough to be a hymn. As if the song is God and humanity conversing on their relationship. It's a beautiful song. <3

Wow such great insight; I literally agree with everything you just said!

Cover art for I Won't Give Up lyrics by Jason Mraz

Man, this hits you right at the heart. But I think--more than tragic love between lovers, or beyond a parent's love for his/her child, etc.--this song conveys a message of the speaker's (Jason's? Jesus'?? God's???) hope in H U M A N I T Y. I guess, as shown in the music video, this powerful song is meant for everyone. There were couples young and old, children, babies, some smiling others crying...He's saying how his faith in man is undying. Shit happens and we fuck things up, but we ARE worth it.

I love thinking of the song in this way!

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Cover art for I Won't Give Up lyrics by Jason Mraz

This song encapsulates the true commitment of two people. It encourages us to keep trying and believing in love.

i agree : )

Cover art for I Won't Give Up lyrics by Jason Mraz

When I first listened to this song I couldn't help it... I had to cry! This song perfectly describes what I've been feeling in the past few months. My mom was hospitalized January 3rd of this year and she went through a long, agonizing battle until her heart finally stopped beating on February 28th.

“When I look into your eyes It's like watching the night sky Or a beautiful sunrise There's so much they hold”

Here it made me remember the moment when my mom’s beautiful dark eyes opened once again from an induced coma. I remember missing seeing them while she was in coma, and once they opened it felt like my whole life was starting over with a beautiful sunrise!

“And just like them old stars I see that you've come so far To be right where you are How old is your soul?”

Here it made me think of all the struggles she had to go through, and it reminded me of how she handled them. My mother was a very positive woman, always grateful for every day God had given her. Making the best out of the worst circumstances, and there is no doubt in my mind that she is right where she ought to be, in Heaven!

“I won't give up on us Even if the skies get rough I'm giving you all my love I'm still looking up”

This was the attitude I had during the struggle in the hospital. I never gave up. Not when the doctors told me that she wouldn’t make it, not when they were hesitant of practicing CPR even though my mom had requested it. Never giving up, always looking up, giving her all of my love.

“And when you're needing your space To do some navigating I'll be here patiently waiting To see what you find”

At this point I was almost about to stop the car because I couldn’t take it no more. This is exactly my attitude, I even posted something similar on Facebook a day after her passing. Now her soul needs her space to do some navigating, in the meantime I’ll be patiently waiting for her.

“Some [stars] even fall to the earth”

Days after my mom’s death, I would find myself looking at the dark sky, with all of its stars. And I would look at particular one and wonder if she became this star and if she could come down to earth to visit me. I later had a dream where she did.

“I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make”

This is what my mom thought me my whole life, and I applied it! I went to the hospital almost every day except for a couple of days where I became sick and didn’t want to make her get worse. I did everything I could, I helped as much as I could, I never walked away!

“I had to learn what I got, and what I'm not And who I am”

This was my lesson. I had to learn what I got, and what I’m not, AND WHO I AM. I GOT an immense love for my mother and a lot of Faith. I was reinforced the idea that even though I can try my hardest to make everything ok, the bottom line is that I’M NOT God to decide what was going to happen. I learned that I AM just a human being, who could only pray for the wellbeing of my mother, be it here on earth or up there in Heaven.

“I'm healing this broken heart”

My heart is broken because the bottom line is that I can no longer feel her warmth! But my broken heart has been slowly healing, because I’m slowly learning a different way of making her present in my life.

“No I won't give up”

I loved how this song ended. It reinforced my line of thought were even though the worst has happened, she is no longer here and there is absolutely nothing I can do to make her reappear, I won’t give up! I won’t give up loving her, I won’t give up making her part of my life, I won’t give up my faith, I won’t give up the hope that someday we’ll reunite!

My Interpretation
Cover art for I Won't Give Up lyrics by Jason Mraz

Saw him perform this at Carnegie Hall with Toca and it was incredible. Made me appreciate my wife even more knowing that we've been through so much stuff lately with our animals and despite frustration, we stuck together and didn't give up -- not on each-other nor on our guys.

My Opinion
Cover art for I Won't Give Up lyrics by Jason Mraz

Such a heart felt song. Hope they can work it out. Listening to both of their new songs, sounds like they are in different places in their hearts. Go listen to this one, just breaks my heart.
