56 Meanings
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Superfast Jellyfish Lyrics

This morning you've got time for a hot, home-cooked breakfast
Delicious and piping hot in only three microwave minutes.

Yo, pretty packages of frosted delights
Look, it comes with a toy hehe, I like that.
I wanna number four, a number six, and throw in a plastic doughnut
Just enjoy the gritty crunch, it tastes just like chicken.
Rappers of many bite sizes
Man, are you frickin blind? That's a rock.
All mixed in the pot full
Momma's homemade from scratch, but not quite.
Toasted over flames, they be tasting quite right.

All hail King Neptune and his water breathers
No snail thing to quick for his water feeders
Don't waste time with your net, our net worth is set ready, go.
Many know others, but
We be the colors of the mad and the wicked
We be bad, we re-brick it with the twenty four hour sign
Shower my habits while you dine like rabbits
With the crunchy, crunchy carrots (that's chicken)
Gotta have it superfast!

(A whole lot of breakfast you got time for!)

Superfast superfast, I come in last, but just in time for breakfast
Keep it through, keep it through, whatever blue
The night, the night throws at us
Aluminum I crush your fun aluminum
The sea is radioactive
The sea is radioactive

All hail King Neptune and his water breathers
No snail thing to quick for his water feeders
Don't waste time with your net, our net worth is set, ready, go.
Many know others, but
We be the colors of the mad and the wicked
We be bad, we re-brick it with the twenty four hour sign
Shower my habits while you dine like rabbits
With the crunchy, crunchy carrots (that's chicken)
Gotta have it superfast!

Superfast superfast, I come in last, but just in time for breakfast
Keep it through, Keep it through, whatever blue
The night, the night throws at us
Aluminum I crush your fun aluminum
The sea is radioactive
The sea is radioactive

Superfast Jellyfish
Superfast Jellyfish
Superfast Jellyfish (Don't waste time!)
Superfast Jellyfish
Superfast Jellyfish
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56 Meanings

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Cover art for Superfast Jellyfish lyrics by Gorillaz

Yea this mite be my fav from the album so far that ive heard! and i think i understand the basic message of it all to =)

"This morning you've got time for a hot, home-cooked breakfast Delicious and piping hot in only 3 microwave minutes."

There commenting on the music industry putting out stuff that was made to quickly for the convenience of the listeners. Albarn was quotes as saying "I suppose what I've done with this Gorillaz record is I've tried to connect pop sensibility with ... trying to make people understand the essential melancholy of buying a ready made meal in loads of plastic packaging"

emphasis on how he compared it to a 'ready made meal', thats why they made a brekfast reference, i think there saying something about how all this work goes into the cd and its all superfast convenience to the listeners OR something about 'rushed' music that lacks a soul because it was made to fast.

"Look, it comes with a toy, haha I like that"

'TOY' is a term in hiphop (more popular known in graffiti culture) that refers to someone whos a noob to the culture and doesnt know what there doin or just puts out real stupid stuff.

"I wanna number 4, a number 6, and throw in a plastic doughnut Just enjoy the gritty crunch, it tastes just like chicken."

I think the first part of this has an ungreatful attitude, like ppl just demand the music and its all plastic sealed ready for them and maybe there not greatful enough for the art they just purchased. 'it tastes just LIKE chicken' but it isnt chicken, its something generic thats not the real deal. Wich leads back to the theory that there insulting ppl who rush there music and end up coming up with dumb stuff.

"All mixed in the pot for momma's homemade from scratch, well, not quite."

I think there commenting on ppl who claim to be completely original, just like a moms homemade recipe, but there lieing ("well, not quite") so there saying theres ppl out there who are pretending to be original while ripping off others stuff

"With the crunchy, crunchy carrots (that's chicken) Gotta have it Superfast! "

Notice this time there not saying it tastes LIKE chicken, there saying thats chicken. period. Like its the real deal, maybe this is around the part where there saying something about themselfs bein the real deal. But everyone wants it 'super fast' like the fake stuff, but they dont understand the only reason the other stuff came out so fast is cuz it was wack!

"Superfast Superfast, I come in last, but just in time for breakfast"

when you do your music 'super fast' it comes in last cuz it sucks, but its just in time for when everyone wants it so there happy.

I think the basic stuff is clear, it has a vary sarcastic funny layed back mood i love it! The song just rides you like a wave. <3

i. looove this song. such a great beat

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agree, and to further that I'm pretty sure jellyfish have no brains and no hearts, kind of like some of the artists coming out today

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On the dvd making of he damin trys to explain the song and says somethin about "in the future well all be eating frozen jellyfish" he was telling that to the to guys in the biggining of the song

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Cover art for Superfast Jellyfish lyrics by Gorillaz

Personally I think the meaning is exactly what it says it is. I think it's just commenting on how everything of worth or depth is cheapened these days, and sped up to keep up with the fast-paced world we inhabit.

Food is used as the main example here, so let's go with that. Has anyone else seen those commercials for the microwavable pasta bowls? The one where it shows a flashback to Italy and an old woman spending hours to make homemade noodles and sauce for her amazing pasta. The scene then cuts to her granddaughter pulling a plastic bowl full of instant noodles out of her microwave, "Now I can have delicious pasta just like grandma used to make, in just five easy minutes!"

Just a slightly sarcastic comment on how the heart and soul is ripped from everything to make it faster, cheaper, and more accessible to people who aren't deep enough to get it in its original form. Pretty simple.

Cover art for Superfast Jellyfish lyrics by Gorillaz

Once saw a documentary on how in the future all that's gonna be left in the sea is going to be jellyfish and that we'll probably end up eating it... dunno if it helps?

Cover art for Superfast Jellyfish lyrics by Gorillaz

On the CD that comes with Plastic Beach, Damon's talking about this song, and he was saying that at some point in the future, jellyfish are all we'll have left, so they will be our only source of food, and we'll still find some way to take that and cheapen it like we do all our other foods. Considering that comes straight from Damon himself, I'd say that's PROBABLY what he indented the song to mean. Also, I personally don't think they "toy" idea is right. Pretty sure he's just further using that to show how we cheapen food.

A) I think that De La wanted to add a slight subtext about the music industry because what else could a "plastic doughnut" mean? B) LoLz, What Damon indented?

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A) It could mean, oh, I dunno, a fake, plastic, cheap doughnut. B) Yeah, what's the problem?

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A)The "wrappers of many bite size" line also seems to be referring to the music industry- specifically what makes a pass for hiphop these days. I also somehow doubt that the plastic doughnut line was actually referring to plastic donuts. It just seems. . . Uninspired.

B)I hate to be Google search, but are you sure you didn't mean 'invented'? Indented is, well. . .

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Cover art for Superfast Jellyfish lyrics by Gorillaz

In my opinion you guys have some crucial parts of the lyrics wrong, here's what i think it is...

"yo, pretty packages of frosted delights, look! it comes with a tallboy, heh heh i like that"

tallboy is a 24oz can of beer, speaking of some humans bad habits of overindulgence

"don't waste time with ya net, our net worth is set, ready go"

don't waste time trying to fish because there are none, hence eating the jellyfish, (which are breeding in record numbers right now because of climate change)

"shower-mind habits, while you dyin' like rabbits, with the crunchy crunchy cabbage, gota have it, super fast"

shower mind habits i believe is the same as mind-shower, which is the P.C. way to say brainstorm (that being offensive to epileptics), so they are brainstorming while the rest of us are dying like rabbits (a prey animal) with our cabbage, another word for money, and "gota have it super fast" speaks of our need for instant gratification, not caring about long term consequences.

"aluminum, nutrition from, aluminum"

aluminum is not good for you especially in high doses, as we have lots of trash that is made of it

I think that most of this album is about pollution, climate change and other things humanity has done to screw up the earth, and now its catching up with us. The Plastic Beach is the end result of what will happen when we continue to fill the oceans with our garbage, The Great Pacific Garbage Patch being the leading example, the plastic and trash there does not break down, it gets smaller as it is worn, so eventually all the beaches will be plastic not sand. This is deadly for sea life, jellyfish are the only ocean dwellers that are in a population boom because of climate change.

Lyric Correction

I agree with you on pretty much all of this, the album is definitely about pollution and other things we have done as a species to harm our planet. While it does talk about pollution in general and includes mentions of many other environmental concerns such as our overuse of electricity, I believe the main focus of the album is our overuse of plastics and other non-decomposing materials in our everyday lives. I believe this song focuses mainly on the fast-food industry.

First of all, I am pretty sure the lyrics are "It comes with a toy." This, coupled with...

Cover art for Superfast Jellyfish lyrics by Gorillaz

"I want a number four, a number six, and throw in a plastic doughnut" To me it sounds like when people hear bands all they care is for the singles and they don't enjoy the music. So its like saying I only like song number 4 and song 6, so throw it in a 'plastic doughnut' or a CD..

My Interpretation

Holy cow I never thought of that

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I think you're on the right track, especially since 4 and 6 on this album are Rhinestone Eyes and this song.

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I'd say you nailed it, considering Plastic Beach's track 4 and track 6 are two of the four singles released from the album.

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Cover art for Superfast Jellyfish lyrics by Gorillaz

Considering the overall theme of this album, I think the lyrics are literally about unhealthy, earth-destroying diets (agricultural-based = destruction of topsoil and the conversion of the living planet into a desert), fast food, and unnatural processing.

People don't care that the (terrible) food they are (quite literally) addicted to can only exist at a cost to the planet. Overfishing for cheap fish (destroys ocean), factory farmed meat (destroys animals right to natural and trauma-free life), GMO'd grains on monocultural plots (that destroy topsoil, and required the removal of the ecosystem that existed there prior). Our food industries are terribly, terribly destructive, and "fast food", especially, comes at a cost.

I agree completely. I also think Damon is being very subtle, but mocking our culture. Fast food is an icon of over-indulgent, selfish, modern behavior. We are all in such a rush to get things done, we lose the value of it all. Our rushed, hectic, unhealthy lifestyles are ruining exactly what we mean to enjoy.

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Cover art for Superfast Jellyfish lyrics by Gorillaz

Once saw a documentary on how in the future all that's gonna be left in the sea is going to be jellyfish (because we will have killed everything else) and that we'll probably end up eating it... dunno if it helps?

Cover art for Superfast Jellyfish lyrics by Gorillaz

I agree with Bash the Fash one hundred percent. Gorillaz mean what they say. These lyrics are literal and that's why I love this song. Stop wasting resources and eat locally grown organic food!

Cover art for Superfast Jellyfish lyrics by Gorillaz

You know, it could just possibly be about both...


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Amen indeed. These assertions of "this strictly means this" is making me annoyed. ): All interpretations are viable as long you have an logical explanation to back up your ideas.

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