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Someone's Missing Lyrics

Someone's telling the toll to me
I'm cut and I'm weeping like a rubber tree
but i don't care who's left behind
lost revelations that I'll never find

in the long hall pipes are whispering
blues prepared for anti-christening

somewhere there's an honest soul
to mirror teeth where neon lures troll
and what's extinct might come alive
a purple smoke in some internal shrine

with a long sigh let the hissing in
stones deformed by gentle kissing and
all the closed eyes start to glisten
but it feels like someone's missing
yeah it feels like someone's missing
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24 Meanings

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Cover art for Someone's Missing lyrics by MGMT

Correct me if you disagree, but i feel like this song has some Catholic undertones. Perhaps the passage of someone going to heaven. I figured this because of the lyrics "revelations", "long hall pipes" (a church organ), "anti-christening", "soul" and "stones" (gravestones). Overall, I view this song starting out as a very dark, final melody (the period of grieving over death) and the later part of the song as the joyous passage into a better world. "All closed eyes (passed ones) start to glisten."

My Interpretation
Cover art for Someone's Missing lyrics by MGMT

I think Andrew said in an interview (regarding this song) that sometimes he feels like there should be someone (he doesn't know who) in the band that isn't, and that's how this song came about.

/will post the interview when I find it again.

That makes a lot of sense but that beat at the end makes me also think of a Michael Jackson sound. Perhaps comparing the feeling of realising he is gone to the feeling that there should be someone (he doesn't know who) in the band that isn't. That whole thing did happen whilst they were working on the album I guess. Long shot I know, thought id mention it in case anyone else thought it.

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Yes, totally reminded me of "I Want You Back" with the bass line at the end!

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Cover art for Someone's Missing lyrics by MGMT

Have you ever read Shell Silversteins "the Missing Piece?" This song, especially with the build up at the end, reminds me that we all have these empty spaces which we feel we need to fill...Questions maybe about life that go answered...persons, places, things we feel we miss out on...yet in the end we become somewhat satisfied with our unanswered realizations.

Cover art for Someone's Missing lyrics by MGMT

From my perspective:

I agree this song is about the band. He's talking about how the band and how there is an intelligent musician that he fells like should be in the band. He's just telling it how it is.

I am probably wrong, who knows? Let me know

Song Meaning
Cover art for Someone's Missing lyrics by MGMT

Hmm. I don't really see this as a sad song...like, when he's saying Yeah, it feels like someone's missing" in the outro with the faster beat, I can't help but smile...it makes me feel relaxed, and happy.

it's the realization that you've lost yourself.

Cover art for Someone's Missing lyrics by MGMT

I'm thinking on the lines of religion and the end days. i think of this song as a story.

Cover art for Someone's Missing lyrics by MGMT

Yeah, I definitely get the weird death feeling from this. I love the song, though.

Cover art for Someone's Missing lyrics by MGMT

I feel like this song represents a hole in Andrews life that was onced filled but is now ripped out, and the song shows how he misses whoever it is. But then as the verse ends and the music hits the peak of the rise and begins to trail off, I can't help but feel some satisfaction or euphoria, as if he now realizes the hole is there but he's ok with it or he has come to terms with it (for lack of better words.)

I think to fully understand this song we need to look at it musically, not just lyrically.

Cover art for Someone's Missing lyrics by MGMT

might possibly be about being in a cult


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