12 Meanings
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Alter Ego Lyrics

Said the voice from afar,
Don't you know it doesn't
have to be so hard? Waiting for
everyone else around to argee,
might take too long

When it won't be so hard,
(it won't be so hard)

Well it's true, yes, but you
wont't get far telling me
that you are all you're meant
to be, when the one from our
dream is sitting right next
to me and I don't know
what to do

Oh alter ego.

Get them to love you,
while the may depending
on your words and wealth,
the only one who's really
judging you is yourself.
Nobody else.

If I could part,
it wouldn't be so hard.

Well it's true yes, but you
won't get far telling me that
you are all you're meant to
be when the one from my
dream is sitting right next
to me and I don't know
what to do.

Oh alter ego.
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12 Meanings

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Cover art for Alter Ego lyrics by Tame Impala

I think this song is about hiding ones true self and creating an ‘Alter Ego’ to please everyone else. The individual’s true self is fighting with his fake alter ego stating that it isn’t that hard to be yourself. The line ‘the voice from afar’ suggests that the individual has become lost in what everyone else wants to see, and is trying to convince himself that ‘Waiting for everyone else around to argee, might take too long’ the next line ‘When it won't be so hard’ suggests that it wouldn’t be as hard to be yourself and others will accept you for who you are.

The individual battles with himself as the fake part of him is trying to convince himself that he is all he needs to be but his true self longs for more depth stating ‘Well it's true, yes, but you wont't get far telling me that you are all you're meant to be, when the one from our dream is sitting right next to me and I don't know what to do’

The song continues by stating all the things that is needed for an individual to be accepted and liked ‘Get them to love you, while the may depending on your words and wealth,’

The individual realises that the only person judging them is their ‘alter ego’ ‘the only one who's really judging you is yourself. Nobody else.’ the individual longs to part ways with his alter ego and show people his true self ‘If I could part, it wouldn't be so hard.’

Cover art for Alter Ego lyrics by Tame Impala

This song is very obviously about being yourself. "Don't you know it doesn't have to be so hard? Waiting for everyone else around to agree, might take too long" He's saying it would be much easier to act like yourself around others than trying to be someone else so people will like you, "Get them to love you, while the may depending on your words and wealth, the only one who's really judging you is yourself. Nobodyy else." Here he's saying the same thing basically, you're trying to get into crowds and hang out with people who are entirely superficial, and end the end it's not them who are judging you, but it's yourself. So basically, it's like you have an alter ego that isn't like who you really are.

Definitely agree with your take on it. Spectacular song.

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Cover art for Alter Ego lyrics by Tame Impala

This song is too much too handle on psychedelics, the erratic drums+introspective lyrics=me on my couch watching walls melt.

Cover art for Alter Ego lyrics by Tame Impala

this jam reminds me of ariel pink's "menapause man," where he laments, "you're trying too hard to be yourself / you're trying to hard to be what you already are."

Cover art for Alter Ego lyrics by Tame Impala

Oh also, the lyric you have listed as "When the one from my dream" should be corrected to "when the one from OUR dream" his delivery sorta tie the two together "from-our(sounds like fromah)" and his accent obscures the R sound, as noted in his pronunciation of Rs in "won't get Fa(r) telling me that you A(re)".

Lyric Correction

fixed :)

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Cover art for Alter Ego lyrics by Tame Impala

man, that's some intense shit- show this tune to everyone you know

Cover art for Alter Ego lyrics by Tame Impala

Brilliant, brilliant song - can just imagine speeding off into the sunset listening to this... I think it's about choosing between your ideals and success...although the first time I heard this it seemed like he was singing about choosing between two people? Though in a way, I guess he is; an alter-ego.

Cover art for Alter Ego lyrics by Tame Impala

this song is blowing my mind! I try not to kill it with over playing it - but its hard. man. one of the best tunes i have heard in a very long time.

Cover art for Alter Ego lyrics by Tame Impala

The lyric should actually be "When the one from MY dream is sitting right next to me" Someone above mentioned that it was wrong and then offered up the wrong lyric to fix it with. Great song, though, love the mix of old and new in this. Very trippy song.

Cover art for Alter Ego lyrics by Tame Impala

One of the most beautiful pieces of psychadelic music out there.