Why Won't You Make Up Your Mind Lyrics

Why won't you make up
your mind?
Give me a sign!
Why won't you make up
your mind?
Give me a sign!
Am I wasting my time?
Living in my head?
You'll be sorry when I make
up mine instead.
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Cover art for Why Won't You Make Up Your Mind lyrics by Tame Impala

Simple; a guy likes this girl, and he's not completely sure if she likes him back. She is undecided, and he is growing impatient. He thinks he might be wasting his time pursuing and fantasizing about her. Unless she gives him a sign or makes up her mind, he might decide to move on to new things and new girls.

This band is amazing, that's all I should have to say.

Cover art for Why Won't You Make Up Your Mind lyrics by Tame Impala

This is one of my favorites next to Solitude and Lucidity. The meaning's pretty clear. He wants the girl to stop playing games. The song is beautiful.

It seems like almost all of Tame Impala's songs have a sort of groove feel to them. I love it.

Cover art for Why Won't You Make Up Your Mind lyrics by Tame Impala

I guess on a different level it maybe could be that maybe the narrator is asking himself/herself why she/he cannot make up their mind. If they believe living in their heads and imagining a better world is a waste of time or if he/she should be active in the development of the world doing hands on. And he/she is telling herself/himself that they may end up making their minds up and just say fuck it I'll do what I'm doing now and if it doesn't then oh well lol. But that's just my deeeeeeep take on it hahaha! Could or could not even be that lol. Who knows?

Anywho, I've always thought about Tame Impala songs as being deeply spiritual for some reason. Everytime I listen really closely I go "whoa, that's really deep and at the same time kinda trippy in a way and interpretable in a spiritual way". Yeah it's a mouthfull of thought haha!

Love to all!

i can never make up my mind. it's called 'ambivalence'. the ultimate question: who am i? i have no fucking idea any more. i am so confused.


i made up my mind about a certain someone like six seconds after he left my bedroom, but it was some weird giant plot and i had no clue what was going on. and now i'm confused and hate my life.

i made up my mind about a certain someone like six seconds after he left my bedroom, but it was some weird giant plot and i had no clue what was going on. and now i'm confused and hate my life.