Runway, Houses, City, Clouds Lyrics
there's everywhere I'd rather
go. It's true that some things
have to change.
or I might notice where I am.
It's true that some things
have to change.
to change.
as I ascend into the sky,
but I'm the one who's
left behind.
I know some things have
to change.
incase it isn't quite the same.

I think this could be a deep inner reflection, I get the sense it describes your mind feeling different or liberated. Suddenly you find your self in a whole new universe of experience similar to a dreamlike state and you are look back at your old identity and "self" differently altogether. I think when he says don't remind of home, hes talking about his old self and doesn't want that to detract from the current experience.

In my opinion, i think its about being homesick. Being bored and sad in his new place of living, and reminiscing how happy he was home.

This song is so beautiful! My interpretation of this song is generally that Tame Impala is still new to touring, and all the traveling they have to do.. and how they've changed as people from their experiences. This song is more straightforward than my interpretation.. its sort of hard to explain, but hopefully you get the right idea!
I love Tame Impala btw. They should come back to Dallas ASAP

Someone is leaving home, by plane, maybe never coming back, for a reason. Things had to change.

This reminds me of how I felt when I first got to uni, I loved living in the moment and enjoyed myself, providing I didn't start thinking of home. Then I'd just freak out and realise that I was inevitably growing up and that I would never experience home as a child again.
"And don't remind me of home, or I might notice where I am."

Kevin tours pretty much all the time, but the lads and him love Perth, though it's so different. Tour life and home life in WA they really don't compare. He feels like he is at home, like part of him can phycically acsend into the sky, but he'll be left behind. If he is reminded of home, he'll realize he misses it, but he knows leaving is something he has to do.

this is one of the songs that emotionally impact me the most so it definitely might be shortsighted. i feel like he doesn't want to be reminded of home (regardless of his memories being good/bad about it) or something that could be used to reference his position in life at the moment because there's changes that have happened. maybe he doesn't want to stop and think about it because its been like a rocket to him; continuously going, but no time is given to stop and look around to see where it's really taking him, so he's left behind in that sense. from all of the lyrics i've read, he's got that strong sense of introversion and in my experience, introversion and the idea of 'change' can clash extremely at times.

While it's pretty likely that this song is about the lyricist's personal experience with touring, the genius of the lyrics is that there is so much room for the listener's personal interpretation.
That said, my main takeaway lies in this phrase: "And gazing out the window, as I ascend into the sky, but I'm the one who's left behind." To grow as a person, it's important to leave the comforts of home. This includes not only venturing outside your comfort zone, but doing things, meeting people, etc. that you might not have planned or expected. You're going to have to leave yourself behind, at least a little, if you want to be open to new things.
"And don't remind me of home, or I might notice where I am." In this phrase, there's a feeling of homesickness. Not a negative kind of homesickness, but the kind that comes with exploring the world and wanting to live outside your day-to-day life.
"It's true that some things have to change." There is a little reluctance there. It's natural to resist change, even when you want it very badly. Acceptance is the best way to go however, because you can't stop your world from changing.
"There is nothing that is safe." Every choice we make is some kind of risk. "I know some things have to change." I will adapt and move forward.
There's such a strong feeling of ambivalence in these lyrics, but ambivalence is a good thing if you're facing changes that are beyond your control. It's better than diving in head-first with utter negativity or overt optimism. Just take it as it comes. Forget about comfort, and face the changes with an open mind.
Most tl:dr comment ever...? I hope not, but if you read all of this and hate me for it, I send you sincere apologies and an invisible unicorn delivering massive nugs on the tip of its horn. Might take a few weeks to get there, depending on where you live. Listen carefully or you might miss it.

this fits pretty well with the album, gives you that feeling of being lost and bored, without any meaning

It Sounds Suntastic !!! Actually they have their special way and arent lost and bored imo.