Strangeness and Charm Lyrics
Hydrogen in our veins, it cannot hold itself, my blood is pooring
And the pressure in our bodies that echoes up above it is exploding
And our particles that burn it all because they are for each other
And although we stick together it seems that we are stranging one another
Feel it on me love
Feel it on me love
(strangeness and charm)
See it on me love
See it on me love
(strangeness and charm)
A pattern to pattern oh can you see it on me love
Atom to atom oh what's the matter with me love
You're a chemical that burns there's nothing like this
It's the purest element but it's so volatile
An equation heaven sent, a drug for angels
Feel it on me love
Feel it on me love
(strangeness and charm)
See it on me love
See it on me love
(strangeness and charm)
A pattern to pattern oh can you see it on me love
Atom to atom oh what's the matter with me love
You're a chemical that burns there's nothing like this
It's the purest element but it's so volatile
An equation heaven sent, a drug for angels
You're a chemical that burns there's nothing like this
It's the purest element but it's so volatile
An equation heaven sent, a drug for angels
Feel it on me love
Feel it on me love
(strangeness and charm)
See it on me love
See it on me love
(strangeness and charm)
Feel it on me love
Feel it on me love
(strangeness and charm)
See it on me love
See it on me love
(strangeness and charm)

Strange & Charm are the names of the 2nd generation of Quarks, along with Up & Down and Top & Bottom, they combine to create the atomic particles which I think leads to the physics and chemistry references which make up the rest of the song

Best song on the album imho. Firstly, primarily I love it for the sound, but also I think these lyrics are brilliant. It's more than just a love song with the way it's exploring how amazing it is that all this crazy chemistry and physics and so on has formed into her feelings. You could argue it both ways, that it's using physics to explore the concept of love, or that it's using love to explore physics. In reference to the latter concept, I really appreciate the way she turns all that stuff into all those metaphors and poetry... the "drug for angels" line is really cool.

"Strange" and "Charm" are names of quarks, and the music talks a lot about chemicals.
Florence is genius.

Your lyrics are terrible, they're all wrong.
Hydrogen in our veins, it cannot hold itself, my blood is boiling And the pressure in our bodies, that echoes up above, it is exploding And our particles that burn, it is all because they yearn for each other And although we stick together, it seems that we are stranging one another
Feel it on me love Feel it on me love Feel it on me love (Strangeness and Charm)
See it on me love See it on me love See it on me love (Strangeness and Charm)
An atom to atom oh can you feel it on me love A pattern to pattern oh can you see it on me love Atom to atom oh what's the matter with me love
Strangeness and Charm
The static from your arms, it is a catalyst You're a chemical that burns, there is nothing like this It's the purest element, but it's so volatile An equation heaven sent, and you'll forever inject
Strangeness and Charm
Feel it on me love Feel it on me love Feel it on me love (Strangeness and Charm)
See it on me love See it on me love See it on me love (Strangeness and Charm)
An atom to atom oh can you feel it on me love and A pattern to pattern oh can you see it on me love Atom to atom oh what's the matter with me love
Strangeness and Charm
The static from your arms, it is a catalyst You're a chemical that burns, there is nothing like this It's the purest element, but it's so volatile An equation heaven sent, and you'll forever inject
Strangeness and Charm x10
The static from your arms, it is a catalyst You're a chemical that burns, there is nothing like this It's the purest element, but it's so volatile An equation heaven sent, and you'll forever inject
Feel it on me love Feel it on me love Feel it on me love (Strangeness and Charm)
See it on me love See it on me love See it on me love (Strangeness and Charm)
Feel it on me love Feel it on me love Feel it on me love (Strangeness and Charm)
See it on me love See it on me love See it on me love (Strangeness and Charm)
Oh, Oh, Down, Down down down x4
I was having a conversation with my father and he was talking about this thing - strangeness and charm. It's actually the name of the two smallest particles that there are when you split the atom, so I wrote a song around it. I even managed to fit the word 'hydrogen' in there. Isn't that a nice thing for scientists to call them though? Florence Welch Read more at
I was having a conversation with my father and he was talking about this thing - strangeness and charm. It's actually the name of the two smallest particles that there are when you split the atom, so I wrote a song around it. I even managed to fit the word 'hydrogen' in there. Isn't that a nice thing for scientists to call them though? Florence Welch Read more at

Okay, my thoughts on this song. The first four lines are in my opinion about the effects of love, it makes you feel like you are going to explode, the 'reaction' starts, but then the feel of a lovers arm sends the adrenaline pumping, acting like a catalyst to speed up the process. But as we are only human, its hard to cope with this feeling and 'although we stick together it seems that we are stranging one another' to me means that because we cant cope with the pressure love gives us, we enevitable mess it up..
The next verse reiterates my point, saying that love is volatile, sometimes the 'hit' you get from love is amazing, sometimes it upsets you, sends you on a massive down.. the verse, an equation heaven sent, a drug for angels, to me suggest florence is saying it was a strange gift from heaven, the angels treat love as a drug that they can use without all the negative effects, because they are angels and they know perfection and purity. Maybe they where wrong to give this 'drug' to the humans as we cannot cope with it like the angels can. I dont mean this like there are littoral angels, just metaphorically.
Like she also says, there is nothing like the feeling of love, its utter craziness, unpredictable, it can escalates feelings, anxieties stress and all emotions at once. Its like shes maybe comparing it to heroine, like, when its pure, it gives a better feeling but it can still kill you, when its cut with crap, the highs is still what an addict needs, but its more dangerous because it makes you feel worse..
Strangeness and charm, strangeness is the feeling of love, but no matter the experience of it, at some point it has a certain charm that makes you want it.

Such a beautiful song. Love her accent in this.

This song's beautiful. I wish there was a studio version available of it yet.

This is about something her dad told her and it inspired her to write a song about it. I don't know any more than that, but my uncle will XD

I'm pretty sure that the first line should be "Hydrogen in our veins, it cannot hold itself, our blood is boiling". This would make much more sense with the next lyric about pressure above building, and it sounds like what Flo is singing. Also, the word is "catalyst", not "catalyct". Catalysts are substances that allow chemical reactions to happen at lower than normal energy requirements, without getting used up in the process.
Also, on other sites I've read, and I hear this as well, that it's "The static of your arms, it is the catalyst".

I honestly don't know what she's saying after 'An equation heaven sent' but I don't think it rhymes with 'inject'.
Anyway this is a lovely song, I was kind of expecting it to actually have some higher level scientific metaphors in it but they aren't there really. i think the point of the song is 'I'm so in love with my boyfriend, it's so magical a bit like science which is also kind of magical cos i don't know much about it'. And I don't mean that in a sneering nasty way, but she's obviously watched a couple of science documentaries then written a love song.