You've Got the Love Lyrics
I know I can count on you
Sometimes I feel like saying "Lord I just don't care"
But you've got the love I need
To see me through
And things go wrong no matter what I do
Now and then it seems that life is just too much
But you've got the love I need
To see me through
When friends are gone I know my Savior's love is real
Your love is real
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
Time after time I think it's just no good
'Cause sooner or later in life, the things you love you loose
But you got the love I need
To see me through
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
'Cause I know I can count on you
Sometimes I feel like saying "Lord I just don't care"
But you've got the love I need to see me through

Awesome song, actually I prefer this to the original. It's about God's unfailing love for us all, even though we fail ourselves (a lot). Good stuff

Absolutely beautiful song! I think it's pretty much a reminder that even though things may be rough, you may be feeling purposeless or pointless in life and though you may be in absolute poverty - God's love is stronger and bigger than that and often we seem to forget that IT IS REAL.
I love this line: "When food is gone you are my daily meal When friends are gone I know my saviour's love is real"

I love this song. I first heard it on the radio a few months ago when I was coming home late. I just pulled into my driveway, and this song came on, and it was so powerful that I waited until it ended to turn my car off. Amazing.
To me it is about God, his love being what I need to live.

I love this song, and although I'm not religious it makes me want to jump around like a rowdy baptist! (no disrespect you guys know how to party with the lord and rejoice, that's all I'm saying)
Baptists are NOT the only bouncers ;) It IS a good song, though :)
Baptists are NOT the only bouncers ;) It IS a good song, though :)
I did not know the baptists cannot dance? Why is that? I personally do not go dancing to nightclubs, but that is my choice. I still like dancing though :)
I did not know the baptists cannot dance? Why is that? I personally do not go dancing to nightclubs, but that is my choice. I still like dancing though :)
According to the 2011 South Baptist Convention, "The Southern Baptist Convention has not taken an official stance on these matters. Because each church is autonomous, each issue is addressed and determined by the local church." And if the Southern Baptists are allowing dancin', than it's likely all the other Baptists are hittin' the dance floor and boogy-ing :) My friend's mother used to send her daughter to the liquor store each week so she would be viewed as a good Baptist. The daughter used to run into her mother's best frineds' daughters while there...they all got a good laugh....
According to the 2011 South Baptist Convention, "The Southern Baptist Convention has not taken an official stance on these matters. Because each church is autonomous, each issue is addressed and determined by the local church." And if the Southern Baptists are allowing dancin', than it's likely all the other Baptists are hittin' the dance floor and boogy-ing :) My friend's mother used to send her daughter to the liquor store each week so she would be viewed as a good Baptist. The daughter used to run into her mother's best frineds' daughters while there...they all got a good laugh. I'm guessing God did as well :)

Amazing cover.

Although is does make clear references to God and Christ, it doesn't necessarily have to be a song about them.
The lines where she references either can simply be taking as figures of speech, "Oh Lord, what's the use?" is something many people say when they're frustrated - the first thing that comes out their mouth is, "Oh Lord/Oh God, why?" kinda thing.
The 'Savior' line could be referencing someone who really helped her through a tough time, and they've become the speakers pseudo-savior.
Perhaps it's because I don't believe in God but, my mind immediately goes to this song simply being about someone she cares for deeply, and they've been their person savior at times.
I agree, I really like how she made it that way so you could interpret it both ways not just religious.
I agree, I really like how she made it that way so you could interpret it both ways not just religious.
The fact is all songs can be about anything you want them to be. However, Candi Staton wrote this as a gospel song first, so it is a song about the love of God.
The fact is all songs can be about anything you want them to be. However, Candi Staton wrote this as a gospel song first, so it is a song about the love of God.

Although is does make clear references to God and Christ, it doesn't necessarily have to be a song about them.
The lines where she references either can simply be taking as figures of speech, "Oh Lord, what's the use?" is something many people say when they're frustrated - the first thing that comes out their mouth is, "Oh Lord/Oh God, why?" kinda thing.
The 'Savior' line could be referencing someone who really helped her through a tough time, and they've become the speakers pseudo-savior.
Perhaps it's because I don't believe in God but, my mind immediately goes to this song simply being about someone she cares for deeply, and they've been their person savior at times.

Actually, I've thought about it more, and I have another meaning.
To me this song is saying that no matter how I feel, no matter what my circumstances, God is always the one who has what I need. Reminds me of what Peter said to Jesus when most of Jesus' disciples left him. He asked Peter if he was going to leave too, and Peter said "Lord, where would we go? Only you have the words of life."

I think this song is a prayer to God/Goddess/Brahma/Universe/Source/whatever you believe in. It's basically saying "no matter how much I fuck up, God/etc will always be there for me"
i totally agree. and i couldnt have put it better myself.
i totally agree. and i couldnt have put it better myself.

For the people in denial that God doesn't exist and like this song and saying it's about someone special (a human being):
this song is clearly about God..
"When friends are gone I know my saviour's love is real"
If she was talking about someone on earth that she can depend on or someone that's a savior for always being there for her then wouldn't that "someone" be considered a "friend"? I mean I know if I had someone like that, I would definitely call them my friend...but she says "When FRIENDS are gone"....did u read that? "I know my saviour's love is real". It couldn't be more clear that this song is about God and I respect your choices of not believing but please don't try to mold things written about God into things of your liking by saying "it's about a friend or a lover so I now I have a reason to like it"
At least Shockdelica acknowledged that he/she knows this song is about God but doesn't care for it but just likes the track, so thank you for being honest and I respect your choice.
lol "denial"
lol "denial"
That's the great thing about music; it can be interpreted in many ways. It very well may be about God/Christ but, it doesn't have to be.
That's the great thing about music; it can be interpreted in many ways. It very well may be about God/Christ but, it doesn't have to be.
In general, the song is just a really great love song. Whether it's for a partner, family, or friends.
In general, the song is just a really great love song. Whether it's for a partner, family, or friends.
"people in denial that God doesn't exist".... Do you realize what you just said?
"people in denial that God doesn't exist".... Do you realize what you just said?