Keep on Lying Lyrics
Maybe one day I’ll get through
There is nothing I can do
I’ll just keep on lying to you
Falling apart, already knew
But there is nothing you can do
I’ll just keep on lying to you
Would you ever let it go?
There is something you should know
But hell if I’d ever let it show
It was noon, now my shadow’s long
I guess I’ll go and tell you just as soon as I get to the end of this song
Soon I’ll be alone
Take all you can
Please understand

To me it seems fairly clear that the narrator has unintentionally led someone on and is having difficulties ending whatever is going on between them. A difficult attempt to explain that whilst he has a certain fascination for her, it never really was love.
The last verse is absolutely tragic and fills me with sadness yet I can't stop listening,
This album is simply astounding.
I agree!! So sad but a true expression of what being in this situation is like.
I agree!! So sad but a true expression of what being in this situation is like.

It seems like he was really into the other person, in love with her, but as things started falling apart, he had to lie to her and tell her that it wasn't love. It makes all the more sense when you get to the last verse. He is alone again, and the curse has won. But to make her feel better, he tells her it wasn't love -- that she takes as much as she can while it lasts.

I actually think the song's about cheating.
"Should my cover ever blow, would you ever let it go?" "Please understand that it never really was love"
Well, maybe not. Dunno. Just throwing it out there.

"I guess I’ll go and tell you just as soon as I get to the end of this song". Actually, this is a never-ending song with no specific beginning nor ending. And so are his lies to the girl he's talking to. And "It was noon, now my shadow’s long". Another lie as noon is the only moment of the day where sun is at its highest point in the sky, thus anyone standing under it will never have a "long shadow". To me this sounds as an echo to "Sun's coming down", when he finally stop lying.
My bad. It's "Sun's Coming Up". But you could guess...
My bad. It's "Sun's Coming Up". But you could guess...

Pretty sure it is "Falling Apart, Already Knew,"

To me it seems like the narrator was in a relationship but got caught up in a web of lies. Perhaps the lies had formed the foundation of the relationship. Ultimately it fell apart, and the narrator concluded that the relationship itself was a lie, expressed in the lyric "it never really was love."
Also, to me it sounds like "If only I already knew"

i see this song through the perspective of someone who also has a lying problem. he is genuinely invested in this relationship but cant keep himself from lying, and is self-sabotaging himself in the process even though he means well.
i dont see "falling apart" as the relationship but as a self-analysis... kinda like im falling apart telling all these lies but now that i have told them i have to hold them up and so im going to keep lying... the never-ending hole that lies create.
there's something the lyricist is hiding and its more than just relationship doubts.. deep trauma that he doesnt want to fully disclose but just give "little clues" and hope the recipient understands. and she doesnt and he keeps lying to cover up the initial embarassment and ugliness that comes from initially bringing it up.
i dunno thats what i get from it. its less about the direct relationship between the lyricist and his romantic counterpart but more about his own personal demons that he tries to hint at but cant fully bring up to his counterpart and it kinda kills him inside so he keeps on lying

I think that the song is about a guy who is in love with a woman but he doesn't have it in him to let her know. When he says he keeps on lying to you, he is lying about his love for her. Giving little clues that she does not pick up on. Should my cover ever blow is about her picking up on the fact that he is in love with her. And he repeats this same cycle over and over.

When you research "high noon" you come up with an idiom.
this means----------- "time, set out in advance, at which an important decision is to be made or a nemesis is to be confronted "
When you look up the idiom for "long shadow" it means an event which has a long lasting impact on the person or persons
be for that he says "here i am trying to be strong" so what ever he is planing to tell her, he has to be strong, and also that he has planned to tell her(NOON SUN) and that what ever he tells her is going to have a long lasting(LONG SHADOW) effect on one or both of them.
i agree with the dude above tho! i think this song is about a guy scared to tell a girl that he is in love with her because theyre probably just fuck buddies. or they could be just really close friends
he finially told her, the album is called lonerism so im pretty sure when he says "The curse has won again Soon l be alone" the curse is being a loner.
he realized it never really was love.

I agree that this is about the speaker trying to break up with his significant other. It sounds like he is trying to psych himself up to do it ("Maybe one day I'll get through", "trying to be strong", "I guess I'll go and tell you just as soon as I get to the end of this song"). She has already let on that she suspects he doesn't love her, but she loves him and doesn't leave ("Your poor little heart already knew, but there is nothing you can do"). That is such a terrible position for her to be in, feeling unloved but still staying with him. She has probably confronted him about his lack of love and he just denies it, so she stays hoping he actually loves her. He tries to convince himself to tell the truth by telling himself that it is a small step to tell her ("I only need to say its true"). If she asks again, all he needs to say yes instead of lying. I think the repetition of "to the end of this song" and the following verse are him rehearsing in his head. He is saying I'll tell her as soon as this song is over, but wait the song has another line, and another. I'll do it now...ok now...ok now... Then in his head he tells himself and her that he never loved her. It is just the curse of his life of lonerism / social awkwardness that he will be alone again, it isn't her fault that he is leaving. But this is all in his head. This is confirmed by the last verse (repetition of the first). All he gives are little clues, he didn't actually tell her. And the whole song can repeat from there, since we are back at the beginning. He will try again to tell her, but there is nothing he can do. Maybe one day...