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Mind Mischief Lyrics

Feels like my life is ready to blow,
Me and my love we'll take it slow.
I hope she knows that I'll love her long,
I just don't know where the hell I belong.

How optimism led me astray,
Two hundred things I took the wrong way.
But I saw her love gauge running low,
I tried to fill but it overflowed.

She remembers my name
Could be blown way out...
It's all going to change
She remembers my name.

But she was only messing around,
Please, no more playing with my heart.
Ooh, go with mr. right just for once!
Oooh, no more mischief with my mind.

Then it all just came out
Guess I'll hold it in next time...

No more getting it wrong,
I'll be frozen here on.
If forever we'll see,
but no more guessing for me.

Oh, I was just so sure of everything
Ooh, that's what you get for dreaming aloud
Oh, the day that words are clearer to me.
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10 Meanings

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Cover art for Mind Mischief lyrics by Tame Impala

The title of the song is mind mischief but it should really be called Mind Fuck. Basically standard story of, in this case, a guy being fucked around by a girl. The song insinuates a possible relationship between the two and then the girl leaves the guy. Guy has only recently got an idea that she's been feeling like this recently so is understandably a little bit messed up in the head. After a while she comes back to him after a while and fucks with his mind a bit more. Probably had sex like often couples who have separated do after a long time. Post break up sex.

'How optimism led me astray, Two hundred things I took the wrong way But I saw her love gauge running low, I tried to fill but it overflowed.'

This verse pretty much confirms this for me. The first line is him realizing that his optimism about the situation had confused him about what was actually going on and the next line reinforces this. He's looked on the relationship in a more positive way than he should have, taking 'two hundred things..the wrong way'. The next line is is the moment he notices the change in the girl and he tries to save it but his efforts basically make it worse.

She remembers my name Could be blown way out, way out It's all going to change She remembers my name

In this verse basically he's mega excited as he's basically met the girl again and she remembers his name. He's under the impression that this may change everything and they'll be happy together again and that he could have blown everything out of proportion. As in real life... it's not the case as we see in the next verse.

But she was only messing around, Please, no more playing with my heart Ooh, go with Mr. Right just for once Ooh, no more mischief with my mind.

Well shit. possible post break-up sex. Either way she's up and gone again. Nothing's changed. Back to heartbreak city for the poor guy. Now he just wants it to stop the mind fuck so he's telling her to go find 'Mr.Right' who it seems isn't him.

No more getting it wrong, I'll be frozen here on. If forever we'll see, But no more guessing for me

The lament of the heartbroken, never ever ever again.

Oh, I was just so sure of everything Ooh, that's what you get for dreaming aloud Oh, the day that words are clearer to me

Sucks to be him right now. A lesson to all, if this hasn't happened to you at some point, it will. This song is a pretty good interpretation of the feeling associated. Another amazing song by Tame Impala.

i thought you were doing ok until you said, "Now he just wants it to stop the mind fuck so he's telling her to go find 'Mr.Right' who it seems isn't him. " he's asking her to go with "Mr Right," himself.

i think this song is about the way you can feel mislead and confused, mixed signals, missed connections.

You are right :) ... i only add that the video of the student, ¡fit perfectly on the lyric!, the poor guy was like a school boy with that girl...

Cover art for Mind Mischief lyrics by Tame Impala

I don't actually think they were romantically involved. I think it fits better with the theme of the album is the poor guy is just lonely and pulls every little thing he sees from the girl out of proportion. "She remembers my name" means "that's it. It's official. She loves me. From here on we're just gonna take it slow. I'm gonna love her like no man has ever loved a woman before."

In reality though, she's probably just being nice, and when he starts to realise that maybe he was mistaken, he's heart-broken. She's just living her life as she normally would, but being the guy so desperately in love, he yet again pulls it out of proportion and thinks she's doing it deliberately, I guess because he still thinks she might love him.

Finally, he lets loose about his feelings, and everything he's said up to that point. Of course, this is a mistake, because it's not only a complete shock to her that he's feeling this way, but most likely very weird for her because she's never seen or felt the things he's mentioning. "But you remembered my name, and you gave me signals! I could tell you were looking for love. Don't you know I'm Mr Right for you?"

Aaaaaaand the guy gets ditched and is left feeling rather sorrowful about himself. This song is then followed by Music To Walk Home By, which is about him dreaming about the one he loves, and then Why Won't They Talk To Me, which is rather self-explanatory. I think it's much better in keeping with the theme of loneliness in the album if the two people never actually got together and have hanky-panky, as some people are suggesting, but simply had a lovely relationship in his head.

this is so good

Cover art for Mind Mischief lyrics by Tame Impala

If you wanna know what this song is about, watch the video (the teacher is hot!)

Cover art for Mind Mischief lyrics by Tame Impala

Message seems pretty simple to me. She led him on. He believed that she loved him back.

From "She remembers my name" "Me and my love we'll take it slow"

To "But she was only messing around, " "Ooh, that's what you get for dreaming aloud"

Seems that he was so into her that any sign she gave him, he took it as love. She wanted to hook up and he wanted to fall in love.

My Interpretation
Cover art for Mind Mischief lyrics by Tame Impala

Put yourself in the shoes of someone who, based on their previous experiences with women of being shoved aside and not wanted, and then there's one girl who doesn't do that. She's just being a nice person, doesn't mean anything by it, but it's received as flirting/interest.

It fits the album concept of a loner well. That's what I think of it anyway.

My Interpretation
Cover art for Mind Mischief lyrics by Tame Impala

i think "i'll love her long" is "i'll never let on"

Cover art for Mind Mischief lyrics by Tame Impala

Sorry but the video has no relevance on the lyrics, the video is a beautiful interpretation of the song. The best thing about music and lyrics, which way to often these days is confused as music, is that we can all have an interpretation which is as correct as each of us choose to believe. For me the song (not just the lyrics) has a very innocent feel and an adolescent story about a young boy in the throws of puberty, who is besotted with the popular, pretty girl in the class (or girls school next door). It is narrated backwards from the present to the past. His feelings of inadequacy and insecurity leaves him scolding himself and vowing to learn from the relationship which meant more to him than to her. He is less aggrieved by the unrequited love than he is in falling for what he thinks is love. And as soon as it begins it is over and his mind has only played tricks on itself. The last verse is testament to the introspectiveness of the song. "Oh, I was just so sure of everything Ooh, that's what you get for dreaming aloud Oh, the day that words are clearer to me"

My Interpretation
Cover art for Mind Mischief lyrics by Tame Impala

To me it sounds like "I hope she knows that I love her alone"

Cover art for Mind Mischief lyrics by Tame Impala

after watching the video this makes so much sense, its about a young student who is having fantasies about his teacher. he is reading the signs all wrong "Two hundred things I took the wrong way." or " she remembers my name/ could be blown way out[of proportion]" and although the signs are wrong, the teacher is kind of a tease since " i saw her love gauge running low" and then i think the line " Then it all just came out Guess I'll hold it in next time" means that he prematurely ejaculated. this song is great, with this come of age feel that we've all felt when our sexual desires start to appear and "just don't know where the hell i belong"

My Interpretation
Cover art for Mind Mischief lyrics by Tame Impala

Almost too obvious to me that this song's about a guy masturbating to fantasies, or at least fantasizing about a girl and feeling down when he realizes that she doesn't feel the same way about him. I don't think there was ever a mutual relationship. It's about unrequited love. The lines similar to "ready to blow" and "then it all just came out" imply that he's masturbating to these fantasies. It could also imply that he told this girl his feelings for her, believing that she felt the same based on those "200 things [he] took the wrong way".