Over the Love Lyrics
I’ve turned it over in my mind
I sang by the piano, tore my yellow dress,
And cried and cried and cried
To undo what has been done
Turn off all the lights
Let the morning come
Now there’s green light in my eyes
And my lover on my mind
And I sing from that piano,
Tear my yellow dress, and
Cry and cry and cry over the love of you
Against the current of (?)
Everybody see I love him
Cause it’s a feeling that you get
When the afternoon is set
On the bridge into the city
To undo what has been done
Turn off all the lights
Let the morning come
Now there’s green light in my eyes
And my lover on my mind
And I sing from that piano,
Tear my yellow dress, and
Cry and cry and cry
With an ocean in the way
But I’ll get around it
I’ll get around it (x2)
And my lover on my mind
And I sing from that piano,
Tear my yellow dress, and
Cry and cry and cry over the love of you
(I can see the green light, I can see it in your eyes)

Four different people have submitted lyrics for this... haha.
This is a great song! Great Gatsby references, anyone? It seems to be told from Daisy's point of view (although painting her in a far more sympathetic light than I ever would) and mentions the "green light..." So much love for Over The Love.

Considering that this was recorded for the new Great Gatsby film, I love how this is written from Daisy's point of view. In my mind, it's really biting in terms of Daisy's silliness and vapidity, especially with that lyric "I don't wanna see what I've done". The chorus is gorgeous as well.

I agree with others that this is written from Daisy's point of view. To me, this song is about someone you lost or someone you want but know you can never have.
"Now there's green light in my eyes and my lover on my mind"
I have not read The Great Gatsby so I do not know the exact significance of the green light. However, I own something that reminds me of certain people I have "lost." Whenever I see it, memories come flooding back and I feel a certain sadness. In the song, I'd say the Green Light signifies that person you have lost. It is far away but it is always there reminding you of your past lover. The singing from the piano then, tearing the yellow dress and crying over the love of him/her is just unleashing the great emotion you feel.
This is one of those songs that just puts an ache back in my heart! So beautiful

This song is one of the songs of the soundtrack of the film 'The Great Gatsby' 2013.
"Over the Love" is, as many of Florence and the Machine's songs, a baroque pop ballad. It builds towards the end of the song and talks about a girl crying over the love for her boyfriend and the distance that separates them.
It is written from the perspective of Daisy, who is a lifelong crush of Gatsby's. Throughout the lyrics of the song we can see F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel symbols, like the yellow dress Daisy wears or the green light that appears outside her home in East Egg's dock. Moreover, the line "'Cause you're a hard soul to save with an ocean in the way, but I'll get around it" symbolises the space between East Egg and Long Island Sound in West Egg where Gatsby awaits Daisy. An alternate interpretation would be that it is a reference to the Atlantic. It was Gatsby's service in WWI that originally separated Daisy and Gatsby.

This song is truly captivating. I don't understand why some people say that this doesn't have a deep meaning. Lyrics could be interpreted in many different ways, and it doesn't have to exactly be linked to the movie.
"The Great Gatsby" is a movie about a romantic relationship between a man and a woman in the early 1920's. This song is in fact from Daisy's point of view, but in a way it could also be from Gatsby's point of view. If we were to cut out the part about the yellow dress, and singing by the piano, it literally explains how Gatsby felt about Daisy.
I have watched both versions of the movie, and read the book. This song symbolizes the pain and deep emotion Daisy felt when Gatsby went to war. Though it could also symbolize the pain Gatsby went throughout when he couldn't return from the war.

I love both of the Great Gatsby movies and ive also read the book. This song has to be one of my favorites on the whole soundtrack, its so beautiful.
I agree with everyone when it comes to it being in Daisy's POV. But i think it also has some of Jays perspectives as well.
"I sang by that piano, tore my yellow dress and Cried and cried and cried" this line is obviously the main focus of the song. And to me, it symbolizes Daisy's sadness at the loss of Jay, both when he went to war and when she makes her decision to stay with her husband. The color yellow symbolizes happiness and peace, and she lost all happiness and peace when Jay left, her crying is obviously expressing her grief and depression she felt.
"And I don’t wanna see what I’ve seen To undo what has been done" this is Daisy not wanting to forget Jay, or let him go. She doesn't regret meeting him but at the same time she wishes she didn't because she doesn't want to feel her pain anymore, she wants to keep him in the forefront of her mind, but she knows she has to pretend he never existed to try and move on.
"Turn off all the lights Let the morning come" again this is Daisy trying to move on, for another day to come so she can get further and further away from the thoughts an feelings she had of Jay.
"Now there’s green light in my eyes And my lover on my mind" This is where i think Jay comes in, he sees the green light at Daisy's dock, thinking of her, his lover. I think this was put in the song to show that Jay is also Thinking of and wanting to be with Daisy. And that he couldn't let her go even after all that time.
"On this champagne, drunken hope Against the current, all alone" this to me is one of the saddest parts of the song, though the song is all sad. This is Daisy being drunk and rebellious the night she gets the letter from jay and shes against her family for making her marry someone else though she loves and wants Jay. Shes going "against the current" going against the rules of society and her family for loving jay though hes poor and shes rich and expected to marry into wealth.
"Everybody, see, I love him" this line could be seen in 2 different lights from Daisy's POV. everybody could see her love of Jay, how happy she was with him. Or it could be seen as sarcasm and referred to Her husband. She wasn't in love with him, only his money. But to the outside world they were a great match and perfectly in love together.
"‘Cause you’re a hard soul to save With an ocean in the way But I’ll get around it" this is Jay coming back into the song. He knows Daisy is in love with him but shes greedy and materialistic, greed is a sin, he wants to save her soul. He doesn't care what obstacles he has to go through, he is determined to be with Daisy no matter the consequence.
"I can see the green light I can see it in your eyes" this again is Jay. The green light represents his want and need and dreams of being with Daisy, he sees it in her eyes. He sees his future in her eyes.
"Over the love of you" is about all the pain and suffering they have gone through all for the love of the other.
The yellow dress being torn is in the book someone says they tore theirs and gatsby sent a fixed or new one the next morning. i think it's there just to relate to the book but also the meaning of the color yellow happiness and peace and it was torn
The yellow dress being torn is in the book someone says they tore theirs and gatsby sent a fixed or new one the next morning. i think it's there just to relate to the book but also the meaning of the color yellow happiness and peace and it was torn

Obviously the lyrics refer to The Great Gatsby but I'm not sure I buy that it is from Daisy's point of view. If you closely study the book, Daisy is not only always wearing WHITE, her car is white (when she meets Gatsby) and the color white is supposed to relate to her own unique innocence. The color white is always emphasized with Daisy for a purpose. If the person singing is Daisy, then why does she emphasize the color yellow?
The "yellow dress" alludes to Chapter 3 at Gatsby's first party where the twin girls are in yellow dresses. The girls are mentioned numerous times and late in the night one ends up "playing the piano" with a tall red-haired young lady. When I first heard this song, that's immediately what I thought of.
I guess if the voice in the song was supposed to be about Daisy, the composer should have used the color white instead of yellow.
The yellow dress being torn is in the book someone says they tore theirs and gatsby sent a fixed or new one the next morning. i think it's there just to relate to the book but also the meaning of the color yellow happiness and peace and it was torn
The yellow dress being torn is in the book someone says they tore theirs and gatsby sent a fixed or new one the next morning. i think it's there just to relate to the book but also the meaning of the color yellow happiness and peace and it was torn

its about how we wanna know the truth but live in lies. think about it- we wanna know if our husband cheats, but we also wanna keep the family together. lies r always better but its our animal nature that want to know the truth

“Over the Love” is from Daisy Buchanan’s perspective. It’s been over a year since I’ve read the story, so if I get anything wrong, please correct me.
“Ever since I was a child, / I’ve turned it over in my mind. / I sang by that piano, tore my yellow dress and, / Cried and cried and cried.”
When Daisy was younger, she and Gatsby were lovers. I believe the “it” which she’s turned over in her mind is “the love” referenced in the title. Two girls in yellow dresses attend Gatsby’s first party, which is (if I remember correctly) when this song is played in the film. I think the reference to a yellow dress does more than just pay homage to the unnamed characters; rather, I believe it’s a nod to the symbolism of the color yellow. Throughout the book, yellow represents false wealth, as it is a fake gold. In tearing her yellow dress in this song, Daisy tears herself away from false wealth (which I feel represents Gatsby, the personification of new money). This would also explain why she cries.
“Now there’s green light in my eyes, / And my lover on my mind. / And I’ll sing from the piano, tear my yellow dress and, / Cry and cry and cry, / Over the love of you.”
The “green light” is the light of Daisy’s house Gatsby sees from his backyard. The light symbolizes Gatsby’s hopes and dreams, particularly in association with Daisy and “green,” or money. It is the one thing in the darkness he reaches towards. On a broader level, the green light represents the American dream. Since I interpret the song from Daisy’s perspective, the “green light in my eyes” shows she sees the same dream Gatsby does, but the light seems to blind her rather than illuminate the world around her. Gatsby is also the “lover” of whom she thinks. The singer also reveals here that she’s crying “over the love of you.” This could be interpreted two ways; either Daisy cries to get over her love of Gatsby or she cries for her love of Gatsby. Knowing Daisy, I tend to agree with the first.
“On this champagne, drunken hope, / Against the current, all alone, / Everybody, see, I love him.”
Despite taking place during the prohibition, alcohol played a prominent role in the 1920s. I interpret this to mean the speaker only has hope when drunk. It’s hopeless to think she could be with Gatsby. The individual who fights “the current, all alone” is not named. It could be Gatsby, fighting the realists for a taste of illusion. It could also be Daisy, unsure of what exactly she wants, isolated by her situation. I think it’s interesting that someone could feel “all alone” in an atmosphere filled with elaborate parties, but that’s really how the novel paints Gatsby–isolated, even when surrounded. The “him” the speaker says she loves could either be a sarcastic comment about her husband or a genuine comment about Gatsby. I think that she would say “you” if she meant Gatsby, but I could be wrong. All in all, this passage is fairly ambiguous.
“‘Cause it’s a feeling that you get, / When the afternoon is set, / On a bridge into the city.”
Again, I think the “it” refers to love. Love is a feeling you get in the evening on a bridge into the city. The bridge mentioned is the Queensboro Bridge, which connects New York City to Manhattan. At one point, the novel actually remarks, “The city seen from the Queensboro Bridge is always the city seen for the first time, in its first wild promise of all the mystery and beauty in the world.” I think these lines refer to that quote.
Overall, I think this song is about more than just Daisy’s perspective in The Great Gatsby. It’s about the tragedy of hoping when it’s hopeless. It’s about a love that part of you knows will never come into fruition. It’s about the green light and the yellow dress and everything that’s fake, everything that deceives us. It’s a raw, hauntingly beautiful song–as hauntingly beautiful as the book itself.
For analysis of other parts of the lyrics, check out my blog post at https://toriphelps.wordpress.com/2015/04/10/focus-on-the-lyrics-friday-over-the-love/

Not in depth or anything, but for anyone unaware, this song is about "the great gatsby", written for the 2013 Baz Lurhmann film.