Evil Eye Lyrics
Ooh, What's the colour of the next car?
(Yeah, RED, ya bastard)
Yeah, RED, ya bastard
I don't believe in god, but I believe in this shit
Not me
I like to bring them down
Not me
Some fool who dumb dumb do
But not, not, not me
Some people can see that I can see
Some people want to see what I see
Some people put an evil eye on me
I see your soul
You wear it on your face
It's worn in what you do
(Yeah, RED, ya bastard)
Yeah, RED, ya bastard
I don't believe in god, but I believe in this shit
Not me
I like to bring them down
Not me
Some fool who dumb dumb do
But not, not, not me
But I can see
The crawling, crawling creatures
Suspended in solution
No, no there's no solution

This song is kinda self explanatory, the narrator can see things (probably shadowy creatures) normal people can't see, and it drives him insane. The way I see it, he finds different people react to him different ways some people get a freak out of him - people who think he's a weirdo (maybe know about what he can see?) some people can see what I can see - other people with his "gift," who he probably sees as allies some people wanna see what I see - people (maybe therapists) who are intrigued with him and want his gift some people put an evil eye on me - people who are either suspicious of him, or have pinned his gift with the name "evil eye" which is how he seems to refer to it ("I have the evil eye/I see into your soul...")

UPDATE FROM THE SOURCE: Alex said on Twitter that this song could be loosely based off of The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe

I think it's about someone suffering from schizophrenia.

The song is referring to the spiritual meaning of the “evil eye.”
The lyric, “What’s the color of the next car? / Yeah, RED, you bastard” probably refers to someone materialistic who freely projects this envy onto others.
According to the book “Spiritual Cleansing” by Draja Mickaharic, the Evil Eye is something you can cast upon others by looking at them with ill intent (usually envy), either consciously or subconsciously.
Being the victim of the “Evil Eye” can cause symptoms of varying intensity, including flu-like symptoms and mild to severe psychological issues.
The lyrics refer to the singer acknowledging this spiritual interpretation (“Don’t believe in God, but I believe in this shit”), and speculating that someone, or multiple people, are envious of him: “Some people wanna see what I can see.”
He says that can tell that people direct this at him: “I have the Evil Eye / I can see your soul / You wear it on your face / It’s worn in what you do.” He references that most people can’t tell when they’ve had the Evil Eye cast on them, but he recognizes the symptoms: “It looks so clean / But I can see / The crawling, crawling creatures.”
That’s just my interpretation. Love the song, no matter what it means.