Biting Down Lyrics
(It feels better biting down)
(It feels better biting down)
(It feels better biting down)
(It feels better biting down) (x3)
(It feels better biting down)
(It feels better biting down)
It feels better biting down (x2)
See how fast they fall apart
(It feels better biting down)
See how fast they fall apart
(It feels better biting down) (x2)
(It feels better biting down)

This song is about doing drugs.
Yes you're right, but, more specifically, it's about how she felt peer-pressured into doing drugs. She didn't like it (breathed so deep I thought I'd drown), but she didn't want to seem like a wimp in front of her friends so she just pretended to hit the blunt by biting down on it (it feels better biting down).
Yes you're right, but, more specifically, it's about how she felt peer-pressured into doing drugs. She didn't like it (breathed so deep I thought I'd drown), but she didn't want to seem like a wimp in front of her friends so she just pretended to hit the blunt by biting down on it (it feels better biting down).

Its about ecstasy because one of the side affects is a clenched jaw

I really enjoy singing along to this one. It's like a chain-gang song, easy and fun.

I thought this song is about rape, its easier to get through it if you bite down on the pillow.

Actually I was reading an interview on Rookie (, and Lorde says that '...“biting down” was small moments of intensity that help you understand something greater, whether that be intense pain or shock or even being super cold or something. Sometimes those things, whether or not they’re pleasant can really tell you something about yourself or what you’re feeling. So that’s what that song was about for me.'. On the other hand I really like the interpretation of it as ecstasy because that would be a really witty reference.
Is it weird that I originally interpreted it as purposefully giving someone a really bad blowjob? lol
@idgrimm I enjoyed your response as it resonated with me.
@idgrimm I enjoyed your response as it resonated with me.
Psst: (speaks in a quietly sharing, secretive voice) I also initially had a similar "biting down" image (fellatio), but not necessarily in a vindictive way. It was more like a pause taken during fellatio- a pause taken to revel in the pleasure of the experience.
Psst: (speaks in a quietly sharing, secretive voice) I also initially had a similar "biting down" image (fellatio), but not necessarily in a vindictive way. It was more like a pause taken during fellatio- a pause taken to revel in the pleasure of the experience.
(This pause also applies to other moments of pleasure felt during a shared or solo experience, segsually or otherwise.)
(This pause also applies to other moments of pleasure felt during a shared or solo experience, segsually or otherwise.)
Much like what you initially stated, "...small moments of intensity that help you understand something greater...".
Much like what you initially stated, "...small moments of intensity that help you understand something greater...".
I personally haven't tried "E", mostly...
I personally haven't tried "E", mostly bc I'm certain it's a drug I would become addicted to, being a glutton for pleasure (just one part of the many dualities of my nature).
So, I avoid "E", resting in the satisfaction of knowing it's a feeling I can confidently fabricate naturally, segsually or otherwise (such as trail running or rock climbing to an amazing view, pausing, taking in the sensation of the sun & wind on the skin, heightened by the natural high running through the bloodstream).
Another "biting down" moment to consider: This would likely occur when I've done or said something I feel remorse or regret for having done or said.
I would typically clench my jaw while biting down, close my eyes briefly, replay the experience with a slight shake of my head (in a "no" kind of way), and futily wish I could reverse time to undo or erase that moment entirely- preferably with the chance to redo or restate what I've done or said in a different, better way.
@idgrimm I enjoyed your response as it resonated with me.
@idgrimm I enjoyed your response as it resonated with me.
Psst: (speaks in a quietly sharing, secretive voice) I also initially had a similar "biting down" image (fellatio), but not necessarily in a vindictive way. It was more like a pause taken during fellatio- a pause taken to revel in the pleasure of the experience.
Psst: (speaks in a quietly sharing, secretive voice) I also initially had a similar "biting down" image (fellatio), but not necessarily in a vindictive way. It was more like a pause taken during fellatio- a pause taken to revel in the pleasure of the experience.
(This pause also applies to other moments of pleasure felt during a shared or solo experience, segsually or otherwise.)
(This pause also applies to other moments of pleasure felt during a shared or solo experience, segsually or otherwise.)
Much like what you initially stated, "...small moments of intensity that help you understand something greater...".
Much like what you initially stated, "...small moments of intensity that help you understand something greater...".
I personally haven't tried "E", mostly...
I personally haven't tried "E", mostly bc I'm certain it's a drug I would become addicted to, being a glutton for pleasure (just one part of the many dualities of my nature).
So, I avoid "E", resting in the satisfaction of knowing it's a feeling I can confidently fabricate naturally, segsually or otherwise (such as trail running or rock climbing to an amazing view, pausing, taking in the sensation of the sun & wind on the skin, heightened by the natural high running through the bloodstream).
Another "biting down" moment to consider: This would likely occur when I've done or said something I feel remorse or regret for having done or said.
I would typically clench my jaw while biting down, close my eyes briefly, replay the experience with a slight shake of my head (in a "no" kind of way), and futily wish I could reverse time to undo or erase that moment entirely- preferably with the chance to redo or restate what I've done or said in a different, better way.

It's a medical procedure such as an MRI. They sound like the main rhythm.