White Teeth Teens Lyrics
I guess you're lucky that it's dark now
And if I like it then we'll stay
Impress the empress, take a shot now
White teeth teens are out
White teeth teens are
I know you love it when the hairpins started to drop
I like your reckoning
But we got our methods and there's nothing here to stop
To stop this
Give the bruises out like gifts
You'll get the picture of your dreams
I won't be smiling but the notes from my admirers
Fill my dashboard just the same
White teeth teens are out
White teeth teens are
I know you love it when the hairpins start to drop
I like your reckoning,
But we got our methods and there's nothing here to stop
To stop this when we're
I know you love it when the hairpins start to drop
I like your reckoning,
But we got our methods and there's nothing here to stop
To stop this
(I wear the robe like no one could)
I am not a white teeth teen
I tried to join but never did
The way they are, the way they seem is something else, it's in the blood
Their molars blinking like the lights, in the underpass where we all sit
And do nothing and love it
I wear the robe like no one could
I wear the robe like no one could
I wear the robe like no one could
And everything works out so good
(I wear the robe like no one could)
White teeth teens are out

I feel that this song is about the Hollywood obsessed teens that are abundant in today's youth. They all want the white teeth, the drama, the attention, the perfect pictures..etc.
Seems like artist Lorde has tried before to fit in with these so called "popular" crowd, but never was able to live that life style. She likes it, but just can't live it and loves her bad ass self just as much.
@AurasEnigma yes and I've also tried to fit in with crowds like these people
@AurasEnigma yes and I've also tried to fit in with crowds like these people
@Farronk Don't bother with that crowd. Not worth it. Love you for who you are and the rest falls into place. When you try your all to fit in with that crowd, you are trying to hard to gain the world but lose a big piece of you...your soul. That much attention can make anyone crazy.
@Farronk Don't bother with that crowd. Not worth it. Love you for who you are and the rest falls into place. When you try your all to fit in with that crowd, you are trying to hard to gain the world but lose a big piece of you...your soul. That much attention can make anyone crazy.
Stay true to you and gain people who really care for you. Its better than having a million fans who don't have genuine care for you as a person and know your heart.
Stay true to you and gain people who really care for you. Its better than having a million fans who don't have genuine care for you as a person and know your heart.
I've for years growing up tried fitting in to that...
I've for years growing up tried fitting in to that crowd, but in the end .. i'm happier with a small crowd I know loves the true me. I'm sure you can relate ;D

This is the group of "white teeth teens" talking. White teeth teens referring to perfect, beautiful teenagers, hence the perfectly stainless "glowing" white teeth.
"We wouldn't be seen dead here in the day yeah I guess you're lucky that it's dark now And if I like it then we'll stay Impress the empress, take a shot now"
- theyre talking to the persona (lorde) and telling her to impress them so she can be part of their goup.
The next verse just shows how incredibly powerful and admired the white teeth teens are among their peers:
"If you want we'll help tonight to split his SEAMS (not schemes)" -The white teeth teens are offering the persona assistance in impressing a boy.
"Give the bruises out like gifts" -Bruises are not pleasant.... unless it's from a white teeth teen.
"You'll get the picture of your dreams I won't be smiling but the notes from my admirers Fill my dashboard just the same" -these white teeth teens dont need to put in any effort to be admired. They don't even have to "smile" in pictures.
"(And everything works out so good) (I wear the robe like no one could)" -Everything works out good for the white teeth teens. Their lives run perfect. They pull off clothes no one could.
"I'll let you in on something big I am not a white teeth teen I tried to join but never did" -Lorde knows she isn't a white teeth teen, but she tried to be in the past.
"The way they are, the way they seem is something else, it's in the blood" -Lorde looks at white teeth teens as special, how they seem so flawless and that it's just something one's born with.
"Their molars blinking like the lights, in the underpass where we all sit And do nothing and love it" -Lorde sits in the metaphorical underpass. She's underneath with the rest of the not-white-teeth-teens, but she loves it. I guess she finds it more interesting. :)
I love Lorde. A lot of her songs radiate the same idea, and take a stand for the kids who aren't so perfect. I guess she feels that she's one of us. Examples: She'll never be "royal" Her "boys" and "their skin in craters like the moon" "Not very pretty but we sure know how to run things"
@lordevernon this helps me a lot
@lordevernon this helps me a lot
@lordevernon I think this song is actually sang from Lorde's perspective. "We wouldn't be seen dead here in the day." What would a white teeth teen have to hide from in the daylight? I think "We" is Lorde's friend circle set apart from the white teeth teens. "If I like it then we'll stay." ... her friends at this mixed party group. "Impress the empress (Lorde) Take ~your~ shot now." Lorde said she's not a white teeth teen, I really think theres a double meaning to "we've got the glow in our mouths, white teeth teens are OUT-" I think she's saying that crooked...
@lordevernon I think this song is actually sang from Lorde's perspective. "We wouldn't be seen dead here in the day." What would a white teeth teen have to hide from in the daylight? I think "We" is Lorde's friend circle set apart from the white teeth teens. "If I like it then we'll stay." ... her friends at this mixed party group. "Impress the empress (Lorde) Take ~your~ shot now." Lorde said she's not a white teeth teen, I really think theres a double meaning to "we've got the glow in our mouths, white teeth teens are OUT-" I think she's saying that crooked teethed teens have the glow, that white teeth members are disincluded from what she's saying/out. They're lucky it's dark because they cant see the non-members smiles (darkness covering insecurity) otherwise they wouldn't have come. I think that the glow isn't from the way the white teeth teens appear/are, but it runs in "our" blood... all inclusively. She's talking about authenticity shining. I love this song too.

'I won't be smiling but the notes from my admirers Fill my dashboard just the same'
This is an obvious reference to the website Tumblr, which reiterates the idea she mentioned in an interview with The Guardian: "Everyone is so obsessed with how everything looks, how the party will look through a lens the next day. We all have Tumblr and we all have Instagram and everything. People care so much about it because, now, any random can be famous on the internet if their world looks good on Tumblr. And so everyone at high school strives for this kind of aesthetic correctness. I do it as well, you know. I curate my life in a way. It's always playing on my mind, kind of a love-hate relationship. I'm not one of those people who's, like, 'I wish Facebook wasn't around,' because, you know, it is what it is."

The white teeth are the popular rich kids in school they are top of the food chain in high school i think this "Give the bruises out like gifts" part means that the popular teens are looking down on the teens who aren't in their league they are bullying them , they are so arrogant and mean that they are thinking that they are giving non popular kids a favor by hurting them Hench the "gift".
to me "Impress the empress, take a shot now" means that the non popular kids are kissing up to the popular kids so they would accept them
" we got our methods and there's nothing here to stop To stop this when we're" Everyone looks up to them , they know the way around they are rich and popular they can be mean and no one can stop them.

White teeth= perfection, all the hollywood people have perfect, white teeth. Glowing white teeth, not natural, fake. She's telling about a group of popular, perfect looking, but fake teens. They are everything you want to be. Lorde tried to join this group once, but she felt that she didn't belonged by them, so she left and did her own thing and succeeded.

I just played this song on the piano and felt I understood the lyrics very suddenly considering I've listened to it many, many times.
"We wouldn't be seen dead here in the day yeah"
Spoiler alert: Lorde is not a white teeth teen. She's saying we party in the dark we we are less insecure.
"I guess you're lucky that it's dark now"
As someone who is also not a white teeth teen cough young adult IT'S A LOT EASIER TO SMILE AND FACE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE IN THE DARK.
"And if I like it then we'll stay"
She's the empress of a circle, but she never joined the white teeth teens. Her friends have a glow that comes from authenticity, it's not about have perfect teeth.
"We got the glow in our mouths White teeth teens are out"
Out? Like out of the big picture?
"I like your reckoning But we got our methods and there's nothing here to stop" I definitely think shes talking to the white teeth teens and defending the authenticity of her group.
"You'll get the picture of your dreams I won't be smiling but the notes from my admirers Fill my dashboard just the same" Not only can she smile when she wants to without perfect teeth, but she isnt going to smile to compete for attention, and she doesn't need to.
"I'll let you in on something big I am not a white teeth teen I tried to join but never did"
"The way they are, the way they seem is something else, it's in the blood Their molars blinking like the lights,"
She's talking about where the real glow comes from.
"in the underpass where we all sit And do nothing and love it"
I still think this is an all inclusive glow. That's the whole point! I love this song.

Lorde actually is happy that she is happy not being a white teeth teen and she is happy that she couldnt be one. Becoz theres a lot of fake stuffs going around them.

I always felt like she was singing about white teeth teens, but everything was about them and what they were doing. I thought that the person who she is singing this to is a white teeth teen and she was singing about their anti clique. Like in "The Love Club."

I think that the meaning of this song could be seen in the title. "White teeth teens" is slightly self explanatory, meaning white teeth teens are somewhat "perfect" or "not original".
Besides the title, Lorde mentions that she tried to become a white teeth teen but she never did. And that the white teeth teens were a type of person that you are born as, not progressing over time.
Throughout the entire song, I think that Lorde gracefully moves through a story within each verse. The story is very powerful and relevant to the world today, and possibly any kind of teen could relate to this song.

obviousssly "white teeth" is also alluded to in 400 lux, a song about heroin. "white teeth teens"--the majority of teenagers that look the same. They abide by their parents, authoritative figures, and never think outside the box. They just do what they're supposed to, and everything is "supposed to work out for them." While those kids who may deviate from the norm, try drugs, think for themselves, or just exist unconventionally, are generally told that they wont amount to anything, and they will live very forgettable and unremarkable lives.
If you could just picture Lorde, sitting under an overpass with her friends doing heroin, and ironically laughing at all the "white teeth teens" who listened and she didn't. She took the "unconventional route" and it paid off. This is essentially the entire meaning of the song. Irony about how she thought outside the box, did her own thing, was not like the "white teeth teens" and succeeded. "White teeth teens are out" meaning that, being a nodding sycophant is no longer relevant or needed for success.
"And everything works out so good I wear the robe like no one could" Speaks for itself.
also... "we got the glow in our mouths" = heroin use..teeth turn yellow
also... "we got the glow in our mouths" = heroin use..teeth turn yellow