12 Meanings
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A World Alone Lyrics

That slow burn wait while it gets dark,
Bruising the sun, I feel grown up with you in your car
I know it's dumb

We've both got a million bad habits to kick
Not sleeping is one
We're biting our nails, you're biting my lip
I'm biting my tongue

When people are talking, people are talking
When People are talking, people are talking

Raise a glass, 'cause I'm not done saying it
They all wanna get rough, get away with it
Let 'em talk 'cause we're dancing in this world alone
We're all alone
We're alone

All my fake friends and all of their noise
Complain about work
They're studying business, I study the floor
And you haven't stopped smoking all night
Maybe the Internet raised us
Or maybe people are jerks

When people are talking, people are talking (But not you)
When people are talking, people are talking

Raise a glass, 'cause I'm not done saying it
They all wanna get rough, get away with it
Let 'em talk 'cause we're dancing in this world alone
We're all alone
We're alone

All the double-edged people and schemes
They make a mess then go home and get clean
You're my best friend, and we're dancing in a world alone,
We're all alone
We're all alone

I know we're not everlasting
We're a train wreck waiting to happen
One day the blood won't flow so gladly
One day we'll all get still
When people are talking, people are talking
Get still

When people are talking, people are talking
When people are talking, people are talking

Raise a glass, 'cause I'm not done saying it
They all wanna get rough, get away with it
Let 'em talk 'cause we're dancing in this world alone
We're all alone
We're alone

All the double-edged people and schemes
They make a mess then go home and get clean
You're my best friend, so we're dancing in a world alone
We're all alone
We're all alone

When people are talking, people are talking
When people are talking, people are talking
When people are talking, people are talking
When people are talking, people are talking

Let 'em talk
Song Info
Submitted by
stagnate On Sep 24, 2013
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12 Meanings

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Cover art for A World Alone lyrics by Lorde

Incredible! I get completely pulled in by this song. <3

I think it's about feeling surrounded by petty, dishonest people and their empty chatter, and finding peace and silence dancing in the arms of her boy.

My Interpretation
Cover art for A World Alone lyrics by Lorde

this song is about her saying that the people she is surrounded by, her 'friends' are so simple and narrow minded and superficial and due to this she feels alone in the world. she and her lover are living a different way of life and although they know it wont last forever they would rather be true than be like everyone else. i think that this song is a realization that the people around her, with their meaningless chatter dont matter much and that their opinions make no real significance in her life and this is the way she ends her song.

Cover art for A World Alone lyrics by Lorde

Lorde is recognizing that people may think that her boyfriend James is a sex offender because he's 24 years old and she's only 17. In the United States, that may be the case, but I don't know what the age of consent is in New Zealand. He's been getting a lot of flak because he's Asian, so she's telling him to ignore it and she's pretending that they're the only people in their world.

Cover art for A World Alone lyrics by Lorde

This song is fkinsik.

Cover art for A World Alone lyrics by Lorde

I love her use of the double edge term. The idea of a double edge knife. No matter how you hold it, its going to be sharp on either end and its going to cut you. Much like the "friends" she speaks about. No matter how she behaves, they'll always make a scene of her for the topic of their conversation.

Cover art for A World Alone lyrics by Lorde

I always thought she said, “I'm biding my time" rather than “I'm biting my tongue."

Like she knows that it won't last forever and maybe something better is waiting for her but at the moment she's content with dancing in the world alone. Y'know?

I think the idea of biting my tongue is holding back your thoughts or opinions. Perhaps, its her way of saying she doesn't want to be involve in their meaningless conversations or petty remarks.

Cover art for A World Alone lyrics by Lorde

Does the "All the double-edged people and schemes They make a mess then go home and get clean" part make anyone else think of Tom and Daisy from the Great Gatsby?

@xXIzzieBeeXx Not until you said it, but yes, it fits, doesn't it? "They were careless people, Tom and Daisy — they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness..."

Cover art for A World Alone lyrics by Lorde

I love this song! I think its about forgetting what people think about you or say behind your back and that in the end, it's all just talk. People, sometimes those you think are your friends, talk crap behind your back just to get a reaction or feel good about it (All the double edged people ad schemes).

another thing- when she lists her bad habits, "I'm biting my tongue" could refer to resisting the urge to talk about these people...?

Cover art for A World Alone lyrics by Lorde

For me, it's about to think that people are gonna judge you no matter what, so just do what you like.

My Interpretation
Cover art for A World Alone lyrics by Lorde

Someone please tell me what does that mean :maybe the Internet raised us Or maybe people are jerks

@Parmiss It is a rhetorical back-and-forth for people saying mean things online: the internet raised us, or the behavior is a result of environment, or people are jerks, a pinning of the behaviour on people's character. The juxtaposition would suggest that Lorde feels that the second one is correct, as if she is the second speaker beginning her statement with a sarcastic, "or maybe."