It's Time Lyrics
And now it's time to build from the bottom of the pit right to the top,
Don't hold back
Packing my bags and giving the academy a rain check
I don't ever want to leave this town
'Cause after all
This city never sleeps at night...
I get a little bit bigger, but then,
I'll admit, I'm just the same as I was
Now don't you understand
That I'm never changing who I am?
the path that heaven runs through miles of clouded hell,
right to the top
Don't look back
Turning to rags and give the commodities a rain check
I don't ever want to leave this town
'Cause after all
This city never sleeps at night...
I get a little bit bigger, but then,
I'll admit, I'm just the same as I was
Now don't you understand
That I'm never changing who I am?
It's time to begin, isn't it?
I get a little bit bigger, but then,
I'll admit, I'm just the same as I was
Now don't you understand
That I'm never changing who I am?
This house doesn't burn down slowly,
to ashes, to ashes...
I get a little bit bigger, but then,
I'll admit, I'm just the same as I was
Now don't you understand
That I'm never changing who I am?
I get a little bit bigger, but then,
I'll admit, I'm just the same as I was
Now don't you understand
That I'm never changing who I am?

I don't think this song can get any more perfect... To me I think it means he was trying his all to be what someone else wanted him to be, but after trying to change he just realizes he's never going to change who he really is and learns to be proud of it
Haha you posted this comment on my birthday:3
Haha you posted this comment on my birthday:3
@believeinyou Interpretation Perfection
@believeinyou Interpretation Perfection

This song really speaks to me and how I've been feeling since I graduated high school.
I feels like my time in this town is done, that I don't belong here anymore, and I need to venture off to some other place to pursue my dreams and learn to live my own life.
"It's time to begin, isn't it? I get a little bit bigger, but then, I'll admit, I'm just the same as I was Now don't you understand That I'm never changing who I am."
My father thinks that if I move out and move on with my life, it's going to change who I am but deep down inside, I'll always be same person. I just need to turn the page and start a new chapter of my life. I absolutely love this song, it tells the listeners a lesson that no matter where life takes you, you don't have to change- just be who you are or who you've always been. :)
I love this song, and i kept searching for the meaning of this song which brought me here. Your opinion about this song really hit me straight on my face, now i know why i struggling living my life now. I must get out my comfort zone and start a new life somewhere. Thanks, you made me realize and this perfect song.
I love this song, and i kept searching for the meaning of this song which brought me here. Your opinion about this song really hit me straight on my face, now i know why i struggling living my life now. I must get out my comfort zone and start a new life somewhere. Thanks, you made me realize and this perfect song.

I don't want to take the mystery or the personal meaning out of it for anyone. This can be an emotional song, as it surely was for Dan Reynolds. So stop reading if you want it to be special for you.
I'll just leave it at this for now: Imagine you're raised Mormon and you believe it deeply, so much that you honorably serve two years as a missionary in Nebraska, you come back to major in music at BYU, and it isn't working out the way you want it to, or the way you think it should. Your interest in it is waning. Now you've started a band and you're going to drop out of your church's most renowned school to pursue your career (Packing my bags and giving the academy a rain check). A lot of emotions probably go with that. And some of those emotions are in this song. People might even call your decision-making ability into question (I don't ever want to let you down). And you might wonder if they're right.
Great Summary.
Great Summary.
@Yzermaneely I'm gay and Mormon and coming to grips with it....So I have somewhat similar feelings with this song
@Yzermaneely I'm gay and Mormon and coming to grips with it....So I have somewhat similar feelings with this song

It's about growing up and following your heart. Having to walk your own path and letting the people you love follow theirs without holding them back or letting them hold you back. Forgetting about school if it doesn't make sense. Forgetting about a crappy job. In the process of reaching for them we make the hero's journey, going out into the world, telling ourselves we haven't changed despite enormous growth. As time goes on though the relationships begin to break down slowly, each person has grown beyond the place they started.

I don't ever want to let you down I don't ever want to leave this town 'Cause after all This city never sleeps at night**
**the band is from vegas. the city doesn't sleep at night. the guy did not want to leave his hometown and change.

I believe that this song was about someone who's parents or someone wanted him to become 'better' than they were. However they did this by pushing him to become something he is not. He then realized that what they wanted was not what he wanted. He faces them and they are disappointed. He then feels like he is on his own and tries to start over on his own. A lonely road and the old house burned to the ground to erect a new one.
@FallenOnes Perfect Interpretation
@FallenOnes Perfect Interpretation

I love the clapping in the beginning that carries out through the rest of the song. It's so powerful and awesome. Based on what the band said, the song's about "being true to who you are"

This song means a lot to me. I think this song is about someone who is incredibly shy (like myself) and is going through some tough times (depression) and just wants someone to notice ore be his friend, and just when he thinks that very thing will happen, he sinks back down again, However, he eventually realizes he not gonna change for their benefit. I have a lot of real experiences of that sort. People always tell me, oh you should talk more, but they never listen when I do, they just ignore me like always. There will be times when I think, this is it, someone might finally notice me and understand what I'm going through. But then I just sink back into my original form. I'm starting realize, though, that I don't need them. If they can't appreciate me for who I am, what are they really wort? That's what I think this song is all about.
Curious: how did you treat those people? Did you include them in your REAL life? Did you lie to them about something similar for not days, weeks, or months; rather, for years? Did you pick others over them repeatedly? Are you still absent, but yet not absent from the lives of others? Could you perhaps be trying to use people for your own selfish wants/needs? And most importantly, do you not change because it's difficult and risky or because you actually love the payoff you currently get (and have been perhaps getting for years)? I'm sorry. I'm just curious....
Curious: how did you treat those people? Did you include them in your REAL life? Did you lie to them about something similar for not days, weeks, or months; rather, for years? Did you pick others over them repeatedly? Are you still absent, but yet not absent from the lives of others? Could you perhaps be trying to use people for your own selfish wants/needs? And most importantly, do you not change because it's difficult and risky or because you actually love the payoff you currently get (and have been perhaps getting for years)? I'm sorry. I'm just curious. You brought up some interesting sentiment that seemed relevant.
I really must say I am not surprised with your interpretation. You just don't appear to get it.
I really must say I am not surprised with your interpretation. You just don't appear to get it.
^^^ To the person above, I don't think you get it. When people ignore you you feel insignificant. You start to feel inhuman and that you don't matter. I have (and still am) gone through the same.
^^^ To the person above, I don't think you get it. When people ignore you you feel insignificant. You start to feel inhuman and that you don't matter. I have (and still am) gone through the same.

So this is what you meant when you said that you were spent? And now it's time to build from the bottom of the pit right to the top, Don't hold back Packing my bags and giving the academy a rain check
I believe this song is about a young musician/artist who has been constantly resisting and pushing back against his parents who want "better" for him, and are trying to push him in a direction his heart is not in. finally they give up trying and give him free rein to make his own decisions, telling him they will try their best to support him in whatever he does. He then takes full advantage of his situation, and drops out of school to pursue his dreams,not holding back anything because he is so passionate about his art. However, since his parents had disconnected him from his dreams as much as possible, he has to start from the bottom.
I don't ever want to let you down I don't ever want to leave this town 'Cause after all This city never sleeps at night...
I assume this part means he lives in NY, NY because NY is known as "the city that never sleeps." This provides him with a plethora of opportunity. Even though he strays from his parents' preferred path he still sets his sights on doing his best not to disappoint them with his decision.
It's time to begin, isn't it?
he's nervous
I get a little bit bigger, but then, I'll admit, I'm just the same as I was Now don't you understand That I'm never changing who I am?
reassuring his parents that as he gains popularity he won't change into the stereo-typical self-absorbed movie-star-monster.
So this is where you fell, and I am left to sell the path that heaven runs through miles of clouded hell, right to the top
He has come across some adversity. His parents say he is on his own because they can't either handle it financially or they just don't like the path he is on. Either that, or a label drops him.
Don't look back Turning to rags and give the commodities a rain check
He is still not giving up. He spends all of his money to try and make his dream come true and gives up a lot of things. Probably getting a job or at least more hours at work, not getting enough sleep.
He is still continuing to gain popularity
This road never looked so lonely, This house doesn't burn down slowly, to ashes, to ashes...
Basically he has done all he can do without killing himself, and his dream isn't turning out like he planned, and basically it fails. Yes, dream = crushed, failed, flopped.
BUT, The song is not over people! only his plan A failed. Now he moves onto plan B! NEVER giving up his dream, and ALWAYS listening to his heart. Never changing who he is!
Now THAT is inspirational my friends! perseverance at its finest

I believe this song is about how even though its time for him to leave and start a new chapter in his life, he's scared. opinion, yes he is scared but also charged for the challange ... he learns something about himself ... all good, the song lets us know that it is okay to take a different path and it is okay to be anxious about it and it is more than ok to be true to yourself... opinion, yes he is scared but also charged for the challange ... he learns something about himself ... all good, the song lets us know that it is okay to take a different path and it is okay to be anxious about it and it is more than ok to be true to yourself...