Perfect Places Lyrics
Every night, I live and die
Feel the party to my bones
Watch the wasters blow the speakers
Spill my guts beneath the outdoor light
It's just another graceless night
I hate the headlines and the weather
I'm 19 and I'm on fire
But when we're dancing I'm alright
It's just another graceless night
Are you lost enough?
Have another drink, get lost in us
This is how we get notorious, oh
'Cause I don't know
If they keep tellin' me where to go
I'll blow my brains out to the radio, oh
All of the things we're taking
'Cause we are young and we're ashamed
Send us to perfect places
All of our heroes fading
Now I can't stand to be alone
Let's go to perfect places
Every night, I live and die
Meet somebody, take 'em home
Let's kiss and then take off our clothes
It's just another graceless night
'Cause all of the things we're taking
'Cause we are young and we're ashamed
Send us to perfect places
All of our heroes fading
Now I can't stand to be alone
Let's go to perfect places
All the nights spent off our faces
Trying to find these perfect places
What the fuck are perfect places anyway?
All the nights spent off our faces
Trying to find these perfect places
What the fuck are perfect places anyway?
All the nights spent off our faces
Trying to find these perfect places
What the fuck are perfect places anyway?

She's tired of searching for something that doesn't exit.
We think the perfect lover is out there, the "one" for us. So we keep looking. We travel the skies, and the seas.
Perfect place isn't necessarily a location or geography in this song, but a person. Sometimes someone can make you feel comfortable, and being around them is like you're home, because they are familiar.
She's tired of emotionless, meaningless hook ups with strangers ("meet somebody, take 'em home). That line is sarcastic, to me. Notice how the next line she calls this act "graceless". Because it is. We fuck people we don't even know, out of some sick pleasure or kink. But she's sick of random casual sex. She wants someone she can count on, something meaningful. She wants to give love to one person. So there's a monogamous theme to the song, which is so rare in contemporary pop music. It's interesting she disguises it in a song about seeking casual sex, when it's really an indictment or criticism of that and the emptiness it creates.
She's used alcohol to self-medicate ("all these nights spent off our faces"). She uses alcohol us liquid confidence, or a tool for seduction. She goes out, she drinks, she scopes out the guys she's around, which one is for me? "Trying to find these perfect places". Remember, the "place" represents a person here.
In the end, a perfect person doesn't exist ("what the fuck are perfect places?") What is a perfect person, anyway? People will always let you down ("All of our heroes fading"). You just have to find someone who's problems are worth working through.
@fra281139 my eyes kinda get wet with this interpretation. i only sign up on these page to say this. i read it and i felt exactly the same about these lyrics.
@fra281139 my eyes kinda get wet with this interpretation. i only sign up on these page to say this. i read it and i felt exactly the same about these lyrics.