Levitate Lyrics
There's so much on my mind
I don't know where to start
There's that light in your eye filling up the dark
Though I lost myself
I know it's not the end
You're my shooting star
You make my heart ascend
Just levitate, just levitate
Just levitate, just levitate
I know that we're far from where we need to be
But the world wasn't made in just one day
Though our journey's long, I know our love is strong
You're my shooting star
We're flying high above
Just levitate, just levitate
Just levitate, just levitate
Just levitate, just levitate
Just levitate, just levitate
When I'm stuck in the middle of hell and faith
I don't know where to turn
To bend my mind as the silver gate
You lead me on my way
Just levitate, just levitate
Just levitate, just levitate
Just levitate, just levitate
Just levitate, just levitate
Just levitate, just levitate
Just levitate, just levitate

Ok, I'm drunk, but sobering up because I just puked my guts. So bare with me. I hate Imagine Dragons....I mean hate...so much so I turn the shit off when it comes on the radio. But this fuckin song man. God it hits hard. I mean in the feels. I think because it was obviously only written for the movie credits to Passengers. That movie struck a chord with me. Some times I feel so abandoned like I'm on a sinking ship since my divorce back in 2004.....but yeah. This song....that flick...right in the feels man. Sooooooo here we go.....
"There's so much on my mind I don't know where to start"
Obvious intro....
"There's that light in your eye filling up the dark Though, I lost myself (in the past) I know it's not the end......"
Bruh.....when Jim was pouring his heart out over the PA while Aurora was running from her problems......that......that's EXACTLY what being suicidal and at the brink was for him and me. I took a fuckin standup jetski out into the fuckin ATLANTIC ocean in a cat 5 mother fuckin hurricane folks. Let me tell you. Fear is not the end. Fear is the fuckin beginning. I should have died that day....running from my sorrows.....newly divorced.....lost the love of my life...ready to end it....and not giving a shit any more. But somehow I survived. The devil was there the whole time....luring me.....out to sea. And....I lost myself that day.
That intro tells of a man on the brink of suicide over a love lost and how he made it back only because of hope. Hope he might find that kinda love again.
"You're my shooting star you make my heart ascend."......
Wishing on a shooting star....aren't we all? He has hope.....even still .
"I know that we're far from where we need to be But the world wasn't made in just one day"
He knows that she's in the same boat he is and that they are just starting out on this new journey and they need to take it slow. They've both been hurt before and trust is going to take a while to build.
"Though our journey's long, I know our love is strong You're my shooting star We're flying high above"
He's realizing they have a long road ahead to build trust but they have so much in common and she's his shooting star who "saved him" kinda like Jim mentoned in the show...instead of the word "suicide"......they are both flying high above all that shit that tried to tear them down. They are so much stronger than that.
"When I'm stuck in the middle of hell and faith And I don't know where to turn To bend my mind as the silver gate You lead me on my way"
So I can only say here that he's repeating that the confusion that comes again and again on life in general....she helps to clear his thoughts and grounds him once again. As far as the bending mind and silver gate shit....that's a whole nother level. Maybe she's helping him to escape the prison that he creates for himself. Like Creed. ....The walls cold and pale a cage made of steel......