Stressed Out Lyrics
I wish I had a better voice that sang some better words
I wish I found some chords in an order that is new
I wish I didn't have to rhyme every time I sang
But now I’m insecure and I care what people think
My name's Blurryface and I care what you think
When our momma sang us to sleep but now we’re stressed out
Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days
When our momma sang us to sleep but now we’re stressed out
How come I’m never able to identify where it’s coming from
I’d make a candle out of it if I ever found it
Try to sell it, never sell out of it, I’d probably only sell one
Same clothes homegrown a stone’s throw from a creek we used to roam
But it would remind us of when nothing really mattered
Out of student loans and tree-house homes we all would take the latter
My name's Blurryface and I care what you think
When our momma sang us to sleep but now we’re stressed out
Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days
When our momma sang us to sleep but now we’re stressed out
We would build a rocket ship and then we’d fly it far away
Used to dream of outer space but now they’re laughing at our face
Saying, "Wake up, you need to make money"
We would build a rocket ship and then we'd fly it far away
Used to dream of outer space but now they're laughing at our face
Saying, "Wake up, you need to make money"
When our momma sang us to sleep but now we’re stressed out
Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days
When our momma sang us to sleep but now we’re stressed out
We used to play pretend, wake up, you need the money
Used to play pretend, used to play pretend, bunny
We used to play pretend, wake up, you need the money
We used to play pretend, give each other different names
We would build a rocket ship and then we’d fly it far away
Used to dream of outer space but now they’re laughing at our face
Saying, "Wake up, you need to make money"

I think this song is about growing up and realizing that you are human and that you don't quite live up to the ideals that society tells you you should. For example, society tells you "Don't care what other people think!" I think this song references that by saying "My names Blurryface and I care what you think." Plus I think Blurryface refers to the fact that he doesn't feel like he is just one person to the world. He is different things to different people, which goes against another rule that society imposes on us which is to have integrity is to be the same to all people.
I think he goes on to reminisce about life when he was younger and life was simpler. You could say "I don't care what anyone thinks of me!" and be unique and thrive off of that. As you get older you realize that you can't be so headstrong all the time, because we are just human after all. We care what other people think because we can't always be Superman all the time.
@jwcalifo That's a good point! Before I began reading thecomments, I just wanted to put my thoughts to words…
@jwcalifo That's a good point! Before I began reading thecomments, I just wanted to put my thoughts to words…
What I relate to while listening to this song is that our childhood days were our best days. We had nothing to look more forward to other than getting out of school so we could play and be happy. Sadly we all know now this isn’t the case. Everybody has got bills up the wazoo, jobs we hate, and lives in which we are less than satisfied with! Now I may catch some flack here (lol,) but...
What I relate to while listening to this song is that our childhood days were our best days. We had nothing to look more forward to other than getting out of school so we could play and be happy. Sadly we all know now this isn’t the case. Everybody has got bills up the wazoo, jobs we hate, and lives in which we are less than satisfied with! Now I may catch some flack here (lol,) but I’m sure you’ll understand. We’re not the first. And we certainly won’t be the last who experience this turn point in life. I’m thinking it from my parent’s point of view. They are the ones who are struggling to get by. Oh I could go on and say that their life’s choices put them exactly where they are today. And look where we are!! Great song! I have to say. But in my humble opinion, I would think that it would be selfish to “wish I could turn back time,” because our parents had to go through what we "endure" today.

The actual meaning of this song is that he simly wants to turn back time to the good old days. He misses his childhood and how easy life was back then.

That bit about catching a whiff of a certain smell sending you back to when you were young . . . Gods, I always thought for some reason that I was the only one who did that. It's always there and then gone again, so quickly that I can never even identify what it is, or where it's coming from, and I don't think it's even really a smell so much as a memory of a smell, because I've found that sometimes I can catch a whiff of it when I play certain music ( Genesis, for some reason, brings it up frequently, as does Rush on occasion, and certain Springsteen songs, and sometimes Paul Simon ), but I tell ya, if someone could find that smell and turn it into a scented candle? I'd probably go broke.
Y'know, it's funny, I'm not a big fan of this band, but this one song? Just that one little line took it from being just an OK little ditty that I wouldn't seek out, but wouldn't necessarily change the stereo if it came on, and turned it into one of my favourite newer songs on the radio.
@cantide8405 deja vue
@cantide8405 deja vue
@cantide8405 deja vue
@cantide8405 deja vue
@musicismyart No, not deja vu, it's something else.
@musicismyart No, not deja vu, it's something else.

Ok I feel like "my names blurryface and i care what you think' means a inward demon, obviously. But he cares what you think because he doesnt want you to see the horrors of the outside world, he blurs you out with emotion so you dont get hurt my society

This song is SO powerful. WISH WEWish we could turn back time, to the good old days When our momma sang us to sleep but now we’re stressed out Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days When our momma sang us to sleep but now we’re stressed out that power oh. and thenUsed to play pretend, used to play pretend, bunny We used to play pretend, wake up, you need the money Used to play pretend, used to play pretend, bunny We used to play pretend, wake up, you need the money We used to play pretend, give each other different names We would build a rocket ship and then we’d fly it far away Used to dream of outer space but now they’re laughing at our face Saying, "Wake up, you need to make money" Yeah. YEAH that is just pure beauty!!! I look back on my childhood and just cry. I was a foster child. I was adopted at seven after being sexually abused from my father. he was good but then mom left when i was 5 and bam when i was 6 he changed to a whole other person. then i was taken away at 1:30 one morning wearing only a t-shirt and a pair of barbie PJ pants. I was given to a family who showed me what I should be like but I missed out on a major part of my childhood. And even though I cant I wish i could turn back time, to the good old days when our mother sang us to sleep but now were stressed out.
@musicismyart I feel so bad for you me and my siblings were abused by your step dad. that shold,nt have to happen to anybody
@musicismyart I feel so bad for you me and my siblings were abused by your step dad. that shold,nt have to happen to anybody

This is the "Slow Town" of Blurryface

Im 14 and my life is already stressful and crappy. Are they saying it just gets worse?! Anyway, awesome song! Twenty one pilots rule!
@jonjonwinny Sorry kid. Don't want to frighten you or anything. But it is the choices we make today that put us in the place we are tomorrow. It's as simple as that. Some have it easy because their elders are wealthier. But most of us catch a few breaks here and there. And I think at those times, we reflect back to our child hood days when things were easier to cope with. I am one who caught a big break shortly after high school with a job offering of what ALL of...
@jonjonwinny Sorry kid. Don't want to frighten you or anything. But it is the choices we make today that put us in the place we are tomorrow. It's as simple as that. Some have it easy because their elders are wealthier. But most of us catch a few breaks here and there. And I think at those times, we reflect back to our child hood days when things were easier to cope with. I am one who caught a big break shortly after high school with a job offering of what ALL of my classmates would, "I don't want to say the word," but you get the idea. I was blessed early on with a good paying job, although a job that would eventually wear me out over 20 years or so.It has, by the way…
@jonjonwinny Everybody has some stress throughout life but I prefer being older to being younger. I think life gets easier after you get out of school. Working is easier than school. I think too many people idolize their youth and forget how difficult it truly was. I'm in charge of me now and I don't need to ask my parents or my teachers for permission for anything. It does get better. Songs like this are coping mechanisms. I listened to C'est la Vie by Robbie Nevil in college to cope and now I'm the mother of a college student....
@jonjonwinny Everybody has some stress throughout life but I prefer being older to being younger. I think life gets easier after you get out of school. Working is easier than school. I think too many people idolize their youth and forget how difficult it truly was. I'm in charge of me now and I don't need to ask my parents or my teachers for permission for anything. It does get better. Songs like this are coping mechanisms. I listened to C'est la Vie by Robbie Nevil in college to cope and now I'm the mother of a college student. School pressure is tough. In my opinion, it gets easier so hang in there!
@jonjonwinny I'm 13 and Yep my life is already stressful and crappy too. But like Johnnie Guilbert says "Stay happy not crappy, lifes a bitch, peace out thug pugs!!!"
@jonjonwinny I'm 13 and Yep my life is already stressful and crappy too. But like Johnnie Guilbert says "Stay happy not crappy, lifes a bitch, peace out thug pugs!!!" says that it's about the harsh end of adolescence and the transition to adulthood.

I like to focus on the blurryface mention, my names blurryfsce and I care wat you think, blurry face to me means the people who are quiet. And you forget their faces easily or don't see them at all, sometimes (often) people make fun of the blurryfaces of the world. I think it means what you say hurts me cuz I care wat you think. The red has been covered well by u guys

Deep yet simple song about the loss of carefree innocent days of youth and the transition to the stresses and complexities of being an adult in our modern world. I heard this song on the way in to work this morning and the repeated lyric "Wake up, you need to make money" was practically taunting me. That's when you know someone has written a song that's pretty real.