Eventually Lyrics
Cause it feels like murder to put your heart through this
I know I always said that I could never hurt you
Well this is the very, very last time I'm ever going to
And I know you will too
Said, "I know that I'll be happier
And I know you will too
Cause if I was never in your life, you wouldn't have to change it
And I know you will too
Said, "I know that I'll be happier
And I know you will too
And it's got to be soon
Cause I know that I'll be happier
And I know you will too

I'm taking this as a literal breakup song, but as one that's not overly sad from the eyes of Kevin. It comes across more as a feeling of guilt rather than heartbreak, like they put the person through tons of shit and when it feels like "murder" to put their "heart through this" it's because they know they've already put them through enough, rather than it feeling like murder because it's heartbreaking. And the way he says "I know that I'll be happier" then follows it up with "...and I know you will, too!" it comes across to me as Kevin being less invested than the other person which is also substantiated by the evidence in this song he's mistreated them quite a bit/made them unhappy, and the adding of "eventually" after saying they'll be happy too seems as if to say; I'm going to be a lot happier single, and you will too but it may take longer than me. I'm sure Kevin cares a lot about this person, there's no questioning that, but I wouldn't say it's a sad breakup song, at least not for him. It's almost like a relief "I know just what I've got to do, and it's got to be soon"
@obstacle2 this is literally my ex this is how I know how he felt.
@obstacle2 this is literally my ex this is how I know how he felt.

think obstacle2 really hit the nail on the head.. The song seems to be about the singer being 110% aware and explicit that he wants (and needs) to be "out" of this relationship he's in (for whatever reason[s]). Whether a relationship was a great and genuine or one with many bumps along the way, breakups are inevitable (but, easier said than DONE). The singer doesn't seem to be all that upset personally about (the-near-future) breakup, but is about "the talk" and how this will impact the girlfriend at that moment and down the road (maybe he knows her demons, how she reacts to stress, her lack of self-confidence. whatever it may be). There's always a party that cares more, and will be impacted/broken down more psychologically. When Parker explains (or practices explaining) the summary after the blow... ("But I know that I'll be happier....and I know you will, too.....EVENTUALLY"), it's a double-edged sword. It could be a gulping cop-out (not in an asshole-way, but more or less a courtesy call), knowing he has to put a "positive" spin on making this other person feel shitty. But on the flip side, it's also a "hey, I know life will go on, this sucks now, but I genuinely know you deserve better and WILL be happier by yourself or with somebody else".
Also, Parke describes his own take/feelings about the song in an interview (on Stereogum.com)
http://www.stereogum.com/1795134/tame-impala-hope-people-dont-think-cause-im-a-man-is-sexist/news/: "The song is about knowing that you’re about to damage someone almost irreparably, and the only consolation you get is this distant hope that they’ll be alright eventually, because you know they aren’t going to be now or soon. It’s like “Fuck!” . . . I guess I can’t really deny [that it’s a breakup song], but at the same time I like songs to be ambiguous. I hate to say that a song is about this and you must interpret it this way, because one of the cool things is to hear someone’s interpretation of one of your songs that’s completely different. That’s when you feel like you’ve done something that belongs not just to you. That’s when you feel like your music belongs to the world".
The last stanza also sort of jars you back into the present moment. Although we might think the singer is recalling the breakup (or in the very midst of saying these words), it doesn't seem like he's actually even initiated "the talk" yet - the first lines of the last stanza stress "And I know just what I've got to do / And it's got to be soon") suggests that he's still in the process of ruminating over how/when he'll do it; he knows these feelings/thoughts are building up inside within him and "[the breakup talk has] got to be soon). He is worried about how it'll REALLY ) go. Right now all the right phrases of "what to say" are merely swimming inside his mind. The word "eventually" holds hope (and ironically, despair) at the same time. The singer is yearning for the former for his future ex.

@jonjonwinny I wouldn't say "duh" when giving your opinion about a song. There's many ways to interpret a song.
Just the first part "If only there could be another way to do this Cause it feels like murder to put your heart through this I know I always said that I could never hurt you Well this is the very, very last time I'm ever going to"
I can see it as someone contemplating suicide. Most people, when committing suicide don't feel there is another way out of what they're going through. They also don't want to hurt the people they love, though they know that it will.
"I know that I'll be happier And I know you will too Eventually Wish I could turn you back into a stranger Cause if I was never in your life, you wouldn't have to change it" (wrong lyrics here on SM)"
Again, some people contemplating suicide often feel like the people around them would be happier without them around. They also feel like they'll be happier not being around what's hurting them. Even if it does hurt the ones they love, the believe that their loved ones will "eventually" get over it.
The intention of the song could very well be just a breakup song. But I believe it can be interpreted as both a breakup song, and someone apologizing for the hurt they're going to cause from ending their life.
There's never one meaning to a song. There's the one the artist intended, and the millions of interpretations from the listeners. ^-^

This song is before "Yes I'm changing" song, in this one he is thinking of doing the breakup, in the another one he is doing, and saying about the other opportunities that the world hold for both of them.

If you interpret the lyrics as literally about a breakup, it is one of the nicest breakup songs of all time. Kevin's intentions are so loving and selfless. There is no blame or anger anywhere. He is just conveying his feelings, and repeatedly wishing there was a way to end it without causing pain to his significant other. He would even prefer it if they forgot all about him and the relationship ("turn you back into a stranger"). To completely erase your own memory is about the most selfless thing possible.
Maybe he doesn't want the relationship to end; he is still in love but knows he is hurting / holding back his significant other. He knows the best way to make them happy is to cause pain one last time instead of dragging it out. Even if he is ending it for his own reasons, his thoughts are purely on his significant other.
Beautiful sentiment, I hope all my breakups can be like this.

I see this song being about a person in an abusive toxic relationship knowing that it must come to an end. The other person won’t let go so this song is about them having to find the strength to end it. Though the other person has done a lot of damage to them they still feel like it’s murder to put their heart through this. It’s that gut wrenching feeling of having to let go of someone that you never wanted to. They still very much love this person but there’s too much that cannot be fixed. So they know that they’ll be happier and the other person will too... eventually.

I'm taking this as a literal breakup song, but as one that's not overly sad from the eyes of Kevin. It comes across more as a feeling of guilt rather than heartbreak, like they put the person through tons of shit and when it feels like "murder" to put their "heart through this" it's because they know they've already put them through enough, rather than it feeling like murder because it's heartbreaking. And the way he says "I know that I'll be happier" then follows it up with "...and I know you will, too!" it comes across to me as Kevin being less invested than the other person which is also substantiated by the evidence in this song he's mistreated them quite a bit/made them unhappy, and the adding of "eventually" after saying they'll be happy too seems as if to say; I'm going to be a lot happier single, and you will too but it may take longer than me. I'm sure Kevin cares a lot about this person, there's no questioning that, but I wouldn't say it's a sad breakup song, at least not for him. It's almost like a relief "I know just what I've got to do, and it's got to be soon"

I think the relationship/breakup is symbolism for the situations a person goes through or puts others through while in the transitioning of change. Eventually they will be happy once they have accepted their full self and even though it'll be hard for them and whoever else it effects, everyone will be happy eventually.

I think this song is about having to say goodbye to someone close to you and maybe not feeling 100% right about it but still going through with it because you think it’s for the best, more so on their part.

The romantic in me hopes this is a story of inner struggle turned clarity. I hope what happened is he smoked a blunt and pulled up at home and sat in his car and realized some things he missed. I hope he’s declaring the thing he has to do and soon is heal himself so that he can heal her “you wouldn’t have to change it”. That’s the only way to come full circle. Heal it so you don’t walk around limping.