The Moment Lyrics
And I can't just spend my whole lifetime wondering
I fell in love with the sound of my heels on the wooden floor
I don't want our footsteps to be silent anymore
Storm clouds are closing in
But I'm still not certain just how I'm gonna feel
And anticipation is growing
It's getting closer
It's getting closer, oh
It's getting closer (it's right on time)
It's getting closer (don't cry you'll be okay)
It's getting closer (closer call it a day)
It's getting closer (hold on, breathe if you can)
It's getting closer (I'm not dead yet)
It's getting closer (it's right on time)
It's getting closer (breathe if you can)
It's getting closer (I'm not dead yet)
It's getting closer (right on time)
It's getting closer, oh
It's getting closer

Well, not sure about this one. Really clutching at straws, but i believe this is describing being in relationship that can't happen. Probably being with someone who is cheating on their other half. But this is how i see it;
In the end, it's stronger than I know how to be And I can't just spend my whole lifetime wondering
- The relationship is stronger then he originally thought, and he's wondering what it would've been like if they were able to have a relationship that they didn't have to hide anymore.
I fell in love with the sound of my heels on the wooden floor I don't want our footsteps to be silent anymore
- This is where the perception of cheating plays it's part. He grew to love the rush of the cheating aspect, tip-toeing around to not get caught. But, he's had enough of that now, and wants more out of the fling/affair. He's wanting to not hide what they have anymore.
Want them to be in the moment Storm clouds are closing in
- Again, reiterating the fact he wants to be together in the open, and in the current moment. Storm clouds are closing shows that he knows it has to come to an end or even an ultimatum for the girl.
In the end, it's gone, and there's nothing left to do But I'm still not certain just how I'm gonna feel
- This is where the girl chooses the other guy. There's nothing he can do about it now, but although he's ended an affair that is obviously wrong, he still has under-lining feelings for her and he's split between doing the right thing, and what he actually wants.
@Factoryrecords Love when the spiritually blind will interpret a song that's clearly spiritual in nature and about life/death as being about a relationship between a man and a woman. Not everything in life is about relationships with girls.
@Factoryrecords Love when the spiritually blind will interpret a song that's clearly spiritual in nature and about life/death as being about a relationship between a man and a woman. Not everything in life is about relationships with girls.
Reasons why your comment is stupid; 1) I wrote this 3 years ago 2) you've probably just got in to tame impala now they're massive 3) just because you've had your first splif doesn't mean you're more spiritual than me 4) you obviously don't understand th concept of interpretation.
Reasons why your comment is stupid; 1) I wrote this 3 years ago 2) you've probably just got in to tame impala now they're massive 3) just because you've had your first splif doesn't mean you're more spiritual than me 4) you obviously don't understand th concept of interpretation.
@Factoryrecords While I appreciate your imagination, I also am of the opinion it's life not being infinite.
@Factoryrecords While I appreciate your imagination, I also am of the opinion it's life not being infinite.
Where I took issue was your response to a public posting. I assume by the tone and wording of the reply, you are very young. I haven't even considered the notion of a person lucky enough to enjoy someone's talent longer
Where I took issue was your response to a public posting. I assume by the tone and wording of the reply, you are very young. I haven't even considered the notion of a person lucky enough to enjoy someone's talent longer

A pretty straightforward contemplation of mortality and death; a matter-of-fact acknowledgement of the present moment as the only thing there will ever be, forever? Incomplete verb fragments rended out by the incredible and terrifying experiences of being alive, but in a good way, in a sacred way.

I think this song is basically saying that you got to live life in the moment and not waste your time worrying about what will happen or what has happened because the end is coming closer every day and you should make the most the moment you have now and enjoy it.

I think this song is about dropping acid