21 Meanings
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Heathens Lyrics

All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse
All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse

Welcome to the room of people
Who have rooms of people that they loved one day
Docked away
Just because we check the guns at the door
Doesn't mean our brains will change from hand grenades
You're lovin' on the psychopath sitting next to you
You're lovin' on the murderer sitting next to you
You'll think, how'd I get here, sitting next to you?
But after all I've said, please don't forget

All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse

We don't deal with outsiders very well
They say newcomers have a certain smell
Yeah, I trust issues, not to mention
They say they can smell your intentions
You're lovin' on the freakshow sitting next to you
You'll have some weird people sitting next to you
You'll think "how did I get here, sitting next to you?"
But after all I've said, please don't forget
(Watch it, watch it)

(Watch it)
All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse

All my friends are heathens, take it slow
(Watch it)
Wait for them to ask you who you know
(Watch it)
All my friends are heathens, take it slow
(Watch it)
Wait for them to ask you who you know

Why'd you come, you knew you should have stayed
I tried to warn you just to stay away
And now they're outside ready to bust
It looks like you might be one of us
Song Info
Submitted by
keitul On Jul 18, 2016
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21 Meanings

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Cover art for Heathens lyrics by Twenty One Pilots

I've heard Tyler's pastor speak. This is his philosophy and the philosophy of most modern non-denominational churches these days. Those of us who are Christians should be part of the non-Christian world. We aren't great at accepting "heathens" into our midst, but we absolutely need to accept them AND LOVE THEM WHERE THEY ARE, HOW THEY ARE, WHO THEY ARE. Engage with the culture. Love them. Love people in trouble, people in prison, people in need. Don't preach. Just build relationships with them. Don't jump immediately into sharing your faith - take it slowly and get to know them first. You don't know how they may have been abused by so-called Christians in the past. And be sincere in your love for them - if you're just there trying to convert them, they'll smell your intentions. Wait for them to ask YOU about who you know (Jesus). By then, you will be a trusted friend and you can share the story of the love and grace you have received. And whether or not they convert doesn't matter - that's not your job - your job is to just share the love you have received with the rest of the world, share your faith if the opportunity arises, and let God do the rest.

@Moonbeam86 I want to thank you for all of your interpretations of both this song and others by Twenty One Pilots - they really help me appreciate the music better. It is very hard to listen to anything without having an idea/knowledge of what the lyrics mean and you explain things very clearly.

@Moonbeam86 I should also add that I THINK the room of people is referring to a church - he's talking about a bunch of not-sure, busted up, confused people sitting together in a church sanctuary -- many of them "heathens" -- singing to the sky. We check our guns at the door of the church (smile at each other and be nice because God says to) but it doesn't mean we're healthy inside our brains (hand grenades). And it's within this church that we don't deal with outsiders very well, and we can tell the newcomers, etc., etc. And then...

@Moonbeam86 Funny how this is the only correct explanation on this site. I kind of love the fact that the song is "covert" otherwise it probably wouldn't get played on the radio like it has and does! More on Tyler Joseph (the song writer) here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyler_Joseph

Cover art for Heathens lyrics by Twenty One Pilots

Who do YOU know?!

Only a heathen with rooms of people will know the meaning and that is the way it needs to be or it would never get played on a single radio. To all you heathens out there that gets it: I'm loving on all of you!

My Interpretation

@Heathen Bitch lolololololololololololololololololololololololololol hides

Cover art for Heathens lyrics by Twenty One Pilots

I'm not completely sure if this is what it means but here we go.

Heathens means a couple things, unreligious or/and uncivilized.

I'm assumeing this song is referring Uncivilized.

I believe this song is refferring to people who are recovering for war/ have fought in a war and just returned ( I'm not 100% though)

First off a lot of people who return from war can have some mental issues, flashbacks or night terrors.

That could explain the "please don't make any sudden moves, you don't know their half of their abuse" It could be reffering to that.

"Welcome to the room of people who have rooms of people that they loved one day, docked away"

Maybe it's actually a therapy session or something like that, the people who have lost many friends that they made in the military in war.. Like I said, I'm still kind of sceptical about this theory

"Your loving on the phsycopath sitting next to you, Your loving on the murderer sitting next to you"

Like I mentioned before, this might be referring to people who have mental issues from killing people in war"

"Just because we check for guns at the door, doesn't mean our brains will change for hand granades"

Also could be mental issues from war

It would also explain other things mentioned in the song (trust issues, being skittish, etc.)

I'm a bit sceptical on this theory but whatever

My Interpretation

@Evamaxf *skeptical

Cover art for Heathens lyrics by Twenty One Pilots

I think the song is referring to the clique (twenty one pilots fans) and the new people in it and telling them to be careful as the clique doesn't handle newcomers or outsiders (heathens) very well. I think Tyler is also talking about the fans who only know stressed out or ride when he says "wait for them to ask you who you know". When the voice in between parts of the song says "watch it" hes telling the new fans to watch their back. At the end of the song he says "I tried to warn you just to stay away" hes referring to the song and hes warned you about the fan base and now "it looks like you might be one of us" one of us being the Skeleton Clique. |-/

My Interpretation
Cover art for Heathens lyrics by Twenty One Pilots

Personally I think it's a story, the singer is the narrator and is telling you about what's going to happen next before it happens but at the same time says "take it slow" as if all knowing and don't worry about it, almost in a relaxed manner and in the end it says "looks like you might be one of us" as a you have come this far and you so tangled up in it even though they where warned not to get involved and in the end the person is no better than the murders and psychopaths and there's no turning back to being a normal person.And in the end your like everyone else, doing what ever it takes to keep the people you care about safe even if it means sitting next to a strange person that could change your life forever ether in a good way or a bad.

Cover art for Heathens lyrics by Twenty One Pilots

Amazing this is the best song on earth i love it it is perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Opinion

@Stydia what do you love about it in particular??

Cover art for Heathens lyrics by Twenty One Pilots

This is the only 21 Pilots song I know. I usually don't like this genre of music, but this song is interesting. I heard someone say that this was a Christian band. Who agrees with that? Just curious.

@ChloeCurlier I have been listening to twenty one pilots for years now...before they blew up and i have to say that they are not to me as they were before. Maybe because i have changed so much in these past few years myself. i see them differently. i hear Tyler's words differently. Christian band....i use to thinks so. Tyler is a "christian", and almost every song has something to do with his life or belief in God, but i wouldn't say it glorifies God. For the most part he sounds honest. That is one of the main things that...

Cover art for Heathens lyrics by Twenty One Pilots

I really appreciate this song and what i feel like it means to me (kitchen sink philosophy ) and I really don't mind that it is overplayed,because it is that good. l-/

My Opinion
Cover art for Heathens lyrics by Twenty One Pilots

I interpreted this song in a different way.

I think this could be referring to time spent in a mental hospital for suicidal behaviors. Everyone in there is from a tough background and is just having a hard time dealing with life. Most times it's from past abuse that people are having a hard time grieving from. And while someone is checked into a mental hospital life that you get to really know the psychopaths that are sitting next to you. People that are literally on sedatives because they are diagnosed psychopathic. It's pretty interesting to look at it from that point of view.

My Interpretation
Cover art for Heathens lyrics by Twenty One Pilots

OK so don't get mad just is this MY interpretation of the song only because a news story is stuck in my head regarding Muskogee and a man jailed for stalking. So here it goes The name of the group 21 pilots. ....I think it refers to the number of satalites that a certain group owns . All my friends are heathens....I think it is reference to the bible as well Wait for them....reference to the latest of conversations of thesame things that Shined own is referring to in their cd Darkside. A's do the abuse they speak of.... So I believe the song is coming from one of the pilots that is watching their captured frequencies And trying to form not a clique but a cult.... We are on to you. I am. Is watching yall

My Interpretation