Surprise- your inadmissible testimony might be true
You Better Pull The Hood (Get It Off Get It Off)
You'll be lucky to tear the place down
Then You're Gone For Good (Set It Off Set It Off)
Scorched Earth is your favorite Sacred Ground
Turn away if you know you wanna stay but you're never gonna like what's left of me
When the carcass is down and the predator's around
You gotta play dead if you wanna run free
... You say you're not involved, but all you do is talk about it
(Go bless the shit... where you belong)
For Your Own Entertainment
This Hell Comes To You LIVE
And If You Need Some Assistance, A Little Time To Convince It
Dial In Your Sordid Hive Mind
Scrawl- your little bits of hate, your little digital graffiti breaks
So Don't Close Your Eyes (Get It Off Get It Off)
When you're pulling your messages down
Don't Wanna Go To Sleep (Set It Off Set It Off)
You'll be lucky if they take you without making a sound
What a guy, God I hope you fuckin die and your sympathies don't mean a shit to me
When the competence goes and the predator knows
You better be dead if you wanna be free
... You say you're not involved, but all you do is talk about it
(One more thing... don't forget to burn)
For Your Own Entertainment
This Hell Comes To You LIVE
And If You Need Some Assistance, A Little Time To Convince It
Dial In The Sordid- Protect The- Hive Mind
Swim hard for the other side
Don't drown to spite your critics
Just blow a kiss goodbye
Swim hard for the other side
Don't drown to spite your critics
Just blow a kiss goodbye
Protect the hive

Slipknot frontman Corey Taylor - A song that gathers everyone together. That feeling that you get at a concert, when you’re a part of the group, but you’re also yourself, especially for people like me. The only time I feel connected to a group of other people is when I’m at a show. Any other time, I don’t like being part of a group; I’ve never joined a club or whatever. And even when I’m in an audience, I don’t really have a connection, but some bands bring it out in me, like when I see Iron Maiden or the Misfits. That brings it out, because you’re just so caught up in the motion of it. So, that’s what “Hivemind” is about — people coming together for one beautiful moment, but then they scatter like fucking ‘roaches once the house lights come on!

I don't think I'm the only one hearing puns against Chris Fehn in this song despite Corey's eventual denial. I'm absolutely convinced that this song follows the line of 'The Negative One' talking about Joey, I repeat, despite Corey's denial about it. For me its crystal clear. "You say you're not involved but all you do is talk about it", come on dude, its well known the turbulent circumstances surrounding Chris departure and all his statements to the press. This only seems like a covered response of "the hive" against the now intruder.

I think it’s political. Pretty sure it’s toward the former president .
@Grim119 It's not political. The first person who commented here quoted Corey Taylor explaining what it is about. I don't agree with Trump on everything, but if there is anyone who has a hive mind, it is the useful idiots with Trump derangement syndrome, who are always letting the pathetic media think for them. They just repeat NPC talking points from the media without ever hearing what the other side is saying. I also don't agree with Corey Taylor on everything (although I think he at least thinks for himself much of the time), but the Slipknot song "The Chappletown...
@Grim119 It's not political. The first person who commented here quoted Corey Taylor explaining what it is about. I don't agree with Trump on everything, but if there is anyone who has a hive mind, it is the useful idiots with Trump derangement syndrome, who are always letting the pathetic media think for them. They just repeat NPC talking points from the media without ever hearing what the other side is saying. I also don't agree with Corey Taylor on everything (although I think he at least thinks for himself much of the time), but the Slipknot song "The Chappletown Rag" seems to address the problem of people letting the media think for them rather than thinking for themselves.