You have come to see the show
We do our best You're the rest
You make it real you know
There is a feeling deep inside
That drives you fuckin' mad
A feeling of a hammerhead
You need it oh so bad
You're thrashing all around
Acting like a maniac
Like you never did before
Make it ring Make it bleed
Make it really sore
In a frenzied madness
with your leather and your spikes
Heads are bobbing all around
It is hot as hell tonight
You're thrashing all around
Acting like a maniac
is piercing through your ears
It kicks your ass kick your face
Exploding feeling nears
Now is the time to let it rip
To let it fuckin' loose
We are gathered here to I’m and kill
Cause this is what we choose
You're thrashing all around
Acting like a maniac
It is time to hit the road
Another town Another gig
Again we will explode
Hotel rooms and motorways
Life out here is raw
But we will never stop
We will never quit
cause we are MetallicA
You're thrashing all around
Acting like a maniac

This and Motorbreath are by far the best Metallica songs.

Don't u love a sec. and a half of pulling teeth starting this track? I don't poor editing. The song itself 10/10. It's about streetfighting. The fights r suposed to be clean, but some fuckers use spikes and fire as weapons, resulting in whiplash and it being "hot as hell." And to the dumbazz above, emo is a sub genre of punk, a faggot is a bundle of sticks, and Sandman is a great song. Metal (rusty n' sharp) up ur azz bitch!
lmfao, I'm such a jackass...

I think this song is very straightforward...its about Metallica and their music....

Best lyric ever "But we will never stop We will never quit cause we are MetallicA " Hope they remember this lyric every time they think about quiting.

They already have quit. This song praises metal music and tells of the never-ending metal spirit of the band. Sadly these words have proven false.
@Testahead What are you talking about they are doing so well right now with so many tours and new songs they aren't going to for a long time
@Testahead What are you talking about they are doing so well right now with so many tours and new songs they aren't going to for a long time

Oh yeah, they've quit. EXCEPTING the new album and the tour. What are you talking about, just cause the hairs gone- Metallica are still going strong!

People above are right, and the song is fairly straight forward, not nearly reaching the lyrical brilliance of Load.
Whiplash, musically speaking, means that when you dont have earplugs or anything, you can hear the words coming back to you, and your not sure if its your own voice or the crowds.

testahead is right the mighty metallica has fallen damn it all, whiplash is about banging your head so fast that you get whiplash, Eriu0 you suck, its not about their hair, ST. ANGER sucks

This was the first Metallica song to be released as a single (Not counting Hit the Lights which was on a demo tape. It's also the only song where they mention the band's name.

just a song about rocking out and touring and playing live and shit like that.