I’m gonna be the one who breaks you
Put the screws to you, yeah, my way
Yeah, come on and come on, come and make my day
Make my day
The joy of violent movement, pulls you under
Bite the bullet, well hard
Yeah, but I die harder, so go too far
Too far
I can’t hear you, talk to me
I can’t hear you, so talk to me
I can’t hear you, are you talking to me?
I can’t hear you, are you talking to me?
I can’t hear you, time to meet my lord
I can’t hear you, talk to two by four
I’m gonna be that one who breaks you
Put the screws to you, my way
Hey, come on and come on, come and make my day
Make my day
I can’t hear you, talk to me
I can’t hear you, come talk to me
I can’t hear you, are you talking to me?
I can’t hear you, are you talking to me?
I can’t hear you, time to meet my lord
I can’t hear you, talk to two by four
It don’t take no more
I’m gonna make you talk to me
I’m gonna trick you, so talk to me
I can’t hear you, are you talking to me?
I can’t hear you, you talking to me?
I can’t hear you, time to meet my lord
I can’t hear you, talk to two by four
She don’t take no more

Ya know, I challenge ANYONE to form a band, work their ass off, beat Overwhelming odds, stick to your guns, rely on touring and live shows to win your fan-base, live through losing a band member who's just like family, NEVER give an inch, Live It, Eat It, Sleep It, Breathe It and BE IT for 22 years AND NOT try to get some variety in what you play. Remember, it's ALL about going with your gut and sticking with what's in your heart, and Metallica has done Nothing but exactly that, so everyone who says sell-out, washed-up, has-beens, losers and any of the other unthought crap that seems to get said of these guys, put yourself in their shoes, oh wait, you dont have the Balls to!!!!!!!
Nice WorkerAnt, I totally agree.
Nice WorkerAnt, I totally agree.
wow, somebody who actually has something to say that is smart. i couldn't agree with you more. that's why they are my favorite band they do what they want. them changing their sound shows range not lack of kicking ass.
wow, somebody who actually has something to say that is smart. i couldn't agree with you more. that's why they are my favorite band they do what they want. them changing their sound shows range not lack of kicking ass.
@WorkerAnt fuck your comment and your schizophrenic mind.thought id learn from it but you just wasted my time u drunk fuck
@WorkerAnt fuck your comment and your schizophrenic mind.thought id learn from it but you just wasted my time u drunk fuck

I think this song is about a man beating and raping a woman to death.
@ZLightrider It's probobly 8.
@ZLightrider It's probobly 8.

yeah, king nothing, when somone has lost his mind and looking to beat somone up

This song is awesome, it just has that kick ass power groove going through it.

I think it's about someone always resorting to violence when the situation really doesn't call for it. The clencher is: The joy of violent movement, pulls you under.
It means the person is enjoying the violent side and is looking for a fight.

what does he mean by "2 by 4" ??

This song is not about Walking Tall. Walking Tall came out 8 years after this song did. I'd like to believe too that they can foretell the future, which would prove my idea that Metallica is god, but thats another story. =]
This song is about one-upping, outdoing, getting in someone's face, ect., because you have this raging spitefulness for them. The second verse expresses this, especially where he basically says "I'll even die better than you will. I'll take it that far just to prove I'm better than you." And by the chorus he's saying "If you've got something to say fugger, you can say it to my brick-sized piece of wood."
- chriss*
if your talking about the walking tall with the rock that was a remake
if your talking about the walking tall with the rock that was a remake

Basically just beating that shit out of someone with a 2x4...lol

when the album first came out I thought the line was "i can't hear ya tryin to meet my lord" so I thought of it as a song about religious abuse but later I found out that the line is "time to meet my lord" so I don't think that anymore.
I have heard that the "I can't hear ya, are ya talkin to me?" Is a quote from Robert Deniro posturing in front of a mirror in the movie Taxi Driver. So its about a weak man trying to posture and seem tough. I tried to find a reference online but couldn't find one.

Probably about people who love to fight.
the use of a 2x4 to beat the crap outta someone is most likely. i agree with King Nothing.
the use of a 2x4 to beat the crap outta someone is most likely. i agree with King Nothing.