Somewhere Lyrics
I try to try and I live to live
And I die to die and I cry to cry
But I know why
Things that should
Still the willow weeps
On roses for the dead
In laughs of love
To the time of me
Like to moon to earth
Or the sky to sea
Only we're no longer
Allowed to be, to be
Of those who should
Live in all the keeps
Echo all the worlds
In laughs of love
I'll search for the sky
That she wanders by
That the skies hold
Still the willow weeps
On roses for her bed
In laughs of love

yeah it is probably about this girlfriend he used to have and still loves but he went over to her house at 4 in the morning one time and her parents called the cops on him and his friend and told them never to come back to warrenton or you will be arrested and sent to jail

Lovely idea jason7420, funniest thing I've read in while

A love song.
This is one of my favorite songs by Soundgarden.
The first verse is quite catchy I would say.
"I wish a wish I dream to dream I try to try and I live to live And die to die and I cry to cry But I know why"
He says his actions and his life feel pointless and automatic, but at the same time that, in his inner world, he is dying to live a true life. He just wants and even needs this too much.
The other lines are more clear, in my opinion. Musically speaking, my favorite part by far is this: "For times that pass my life I'll search for the sky That she wonders by".

I think the beginning of the song speaks to his purity of intentions, no pretense, he’s very honest about the way he lives & feels, and because of it he suffers for being real, and he knows it. He acknowledges that seemingly things should be a certain way, and alas they are not, yet there is still a longing for it to be so. His love is in beautiful juxtaposition to him, but they can’t be together. And so, fore lorn he will always look for her and search for her, hoping she will one day cross his path again. Somewhere out there in the expanse is a place for them together, in happiness. Powerful song, one of my faves. I love how the guitar solo at the end starts to fade then comes back strong.

probably about searching for a soul mate

seems like more of a personal experience to me, jason. thanks for sharing.

I don't seem to get what he means with: "Still the willow weeps On roses for the dead In laughs of love" Is love here being his love for a girl or love in general (and if it's love in general-are that laughs cynical or sort of when you smile through tears?)

i think i hate this song the most out of all the soundgarden songs. chris didnt write it. some other foo did. soundgardens cool, and this is arguably the worst song on badmotorfinger. ok ill give a shot at what its about... dreaming about things and living in a fantasy world thats all good while the real life sucks. sounds like me kind of. fantasizing is all fun and games until... you wake up.

Wally the Walrus, it may be the worst song on Badmotorfinger, but since every song on Badmotorfinger is an instant classic, that's not really a bad thing, is it?
I think it is about mourning over a dead lover.
"I'll search for the sky/ That she wanders by".
He can't get over the loss of his loved one.

This is definitely one of my favorite songs but it might be my favorite song ever and might be the only song that could hold that title for me. All hail Ben Shepherd!