Mailman Lyrics
I'm the dirt beneath your feet
The most important fool you forgot to see
I've seen how you give it
Now I want you to receive
I'm sure that you would do the same for me
But I'm riding you all the way
For all that reminds me which is my place
For all of the times when you made me disappear
This time I'm sure you will know that I'm here
But I'm riding you all the way (4x)
Riding! Riding away
And now I send you a message of love
A simple reminder of what you won't see
A future so holy without me
I know I'm headed for the . . .
But I'm riding you all the way
Yeah I'm riding you all the way
A-riding you all the way
Oh I'm riding you
Yes I'm riding you!
I'm-a riding you!
Yes I'm riding you!
Oh I'm riding you all the way

I think that this song is about a situation where he came across an old crush or maybe just a girl he used to know not neccessarily someone he was interested in.. I think she was all about trying to get his attention now... now that he's a big star and gorgeous, and everybody loves him now. But what about back in the day when she knew him as a regular person and she wouldn't have given him the time of day. Doesn't she recognize him, doesn't she know him, doesn't she remember he's just a no-name, someone below her... but now he's above, and that makes her want him. Well he knows his fame won't last and that her attention is real or worthy, but to hell with her superficialiaty, he'll take her ride just despite her and know in his own heart that she's a worthless drone of society, a materialistic snob who only wants what's shiny and new. At least he has the comfort of knowing that he may be heading nowhere and fast, but she's always gonna be one step further to nowhere than he is.
I really don't think the person was a truly significant person in his life, just a typical situation that was the needle in his side making him even more disgusted with the world and causing him write a song about it.
...just my take

I think it's about the way people treat the sort of ... "worker ants" of society. Like how there'll be people there to do menial jobs, or do the things tht we just take for granted or don't see as really important. And people will look down on them, their responsiblity and their imporatance, and see them as bottem of the barrel, lowest wrung, etc. But all these people are seeing the indiffernce and apathy towards them and know that if not for them, the people who are so above them wouldn't have any way to get where they are, and that if they fall sometime in their life, the people who look down on them will fall twice as hard, and twice as easliy. Or maybe it's just about people who think they're powerful and important not seeing how ordinary and flawed they really are, leaving that "job" up to people they see as being below them. I hope that was more coherent, sorry.

When I first heard this song I interpreted it, uh, similarly to how crazy_horse did, but after reading WinterOnyx's interpretation, all I can say is "wow". That's probably the best interpretation of any song I've ever seen. Kudos to you, man.
@rock_hawk thanks but I'm a girl lol
@rock_hawk thanks but I'm a girl lol

Why are they dumbasses? That's THEIR interpretation for you NOT to judge. You have your own and they have their own.
Anyway, I love this song. I'm having a hard time with the interpretation. Meh.

Dude, look on the last page, Chris himself said it's about killing your boss xD I think we can all relate...
Chris Cornell explained that this is what the song was about. They practiced in a shop in the evening right across the street from a post office and used to half heartedly joke about what might happen if the mailman decided to go "postal" while they were practicing.
Chris Cornell explained that this is what the song was about. They practiced in a shop in the evening right across the street from a post office and used to half heartedly joke about what might happen if the mailman decided to go "postal" while they were practicing.
Chris Cornell explained that this is what the song was about. They practiced in a shop in the evening right across the street from a post office and used to half heartedly joke about what might happen if the mailman decided to go "postal" while they were practicing.
Chris Cornell explained that this is what the song was about. They practiced in a shop in the evening right across the street from a post office and used to half heartedly joke about what might happen if the mailman decided to go "postal" while they were practicing.

Hmm.. It does seem to be about wanting to shoot your boss, except:
- Kisses turned to spit in my face. Well, your boss never kissed you, or showed you any love...
- A future so holy without me. They're still alive whoever they are, so either he's dead (suicide) or he's moved on...
I think it's a very personal song, and can't be explained with generalisations. I think it's a letter to a specific person (the song is the mailman), a person who perhaps he had a very bad break up with, that put him on a self destructive path, but a path that provides inspiration to write very personal and artistic music. So I thinks like, look at me now bitch, thanks for the inspiration that made me famous, and the bad habits that go along with that lifestyle.

this song is so creepy that its amazing

Dumbasses all of you. See the title? What are ppl afraid of at work? Somebody coming in to work with an assault rifle, and enough ammo to kill a small village. Somebody going "postal". This is about a man who has had enough bs spoon-fed to him at work, tired of being the rug everybody wipes their shitty shoes on, tired of not being heard. But not anymore, no way baby, cuz tomorrow when I see that little bitch at her desk talking on the phone to her hairdresser and not getting those papers like i asked for, Im gonna grab that little bitch by her neck and.....whoa. excuse, sorry about that, umm, ahem well now, how about them Lakers?
While I think you have a very possible meaning there, crazy horse, I don't see how others seeing something different makes them dumbasses.
While I think you have a very possible meaning there, crazy horse, I don't see how others seeing something different makes them dumbasses.

Actually tobehuman, let me clear something up. Matt Cameron wrote the "music" for mailman not the "lyrics". Cornell did write the lyrics for mailman. Look in the booklet yourself.

Personally, I had always thought perhaps this song was literally about a mailman who had gone postal. But some of what everybody else has to say makes sense. I can especially see the "'lower ranking' people of society being put down by the 'higher ups' of society" idea.