Head Down Lyrics
I see that smile
I see that smile on your face
We hear you wail
We see that smile on your face
We see you dance
We take that away every day
We turn your head
Then we slap your face
Bow down
Bow down with your life
Head down
Head down hide that smile
Head high
Head high you've got to smile
Head high
Head high you've got to smile
I see you fail
Some things will never change
We hear you wail
We steal that smile on your face
Bow down
Bow down with your life
Head down
Head down hide that smile
Head high
Head high you've got to smile
Head high
Head high like a song you like

it's a sarcastic welcome song to a newborn about how the numbed, resigned, and cynical adults will finally succeed in shaping even the most creative, optimistic and freethinking children into molds resembling their own worn-out, senseless and emotionally crippled image. have a look at the background photo to this song in the sleeve.

I somewhat agree with ex77. I've listened to this song a lot through the years and I strongly feel that it is about the expectations that society places on us, especially in the business/corporate world, which Soundgarden rejects.
Moreover, this song is about how our social norms are self-contradictory. For example, if you act all happy-go-lucky in the world of business, you will rub people the wrong way, especially if you're male. People will find you dislikable because you seem happy while their lives are often not. Or maybe they think you're weak. On the other hand, you are expected to make THEM feel important and boost THEIR ego and self-confidence by smiling and being polite and laughing at all their stupid jokes. If you don't, you're not a "team player." You are weird and "stand-offish." People will think you're planning to go postal or something.
So you start off trying to be polite and nice, and people are like "Hey! Head Down! Hide that Smile" like us. Stop being Mr. Happy Pants. But when you accomodate their request, suddenly it's like, "Hey man, Head High, You've Got To Smile. People are starting to think you're rude and antisocial and dont' want to be a team player."
I think this song is Chris or Ben's rejection of that whole charade. I think that is why a lot of Soundgarden's songs express a certain rejection of bourgeousie social conditioning. It's just a trite, stupid game.
I think this song attempts to portrays two perspectives. It switches between the "I" and the "we". "I" being the depressed party, and the "we" being the happy go lucky youth maybe. The "we" are the sheeps (you got to smile), and "I" the depressed youths are feeling the pain. Another interesting perspective can be how the song might be a commentary on separation of social classes. Either way it's a commentary on "the fortunate" vs. the "unfortunate" on some level.
I think this song attempts to portrays two perspectives. It switches between the "I" and the "we". "I" being the depressed party, and the "we" being the happy go lucky youth maybe. The "we" are the sheeps (you got to smile), and "I" the depressed youths are feeling the pain. Another interesting perspective can be how the song might be a commentary on separation of social classes. Either way it's a commentary on "the fortunate" vs. the "unfortunate" on some level.
@iwas_at I totally relate to this song,more than most....I have experienced this in every single job I have had...I can't quite get it right...I feel so differently shaped to everyone else it's like I am in another room....
@iwas_at I totally relate to this song,more than most....I have experienced this in every single job I have had...I can't quite get it right...I feel so differently shaped to everyone else it's like I am in another room....
@iwas_at I totally relate to this song,more than most....I have experienced this in every single job I have had...I can't quite get it right...I feel so differently shaped to everyone else it's like I am in another room....
@iwas_at I totally relate to this song,more than most....I have experienced this in every single job I have had...I can't quite get it right...I feel so differently shaped to everyone else it's like I am in another room....

whoa. psychedelic arrangements. confusing lyrics. amazing song.

These lyrics are horribly off. Great song and great lyrics.. though these aren't them.
Catchy tune.

I think Lepra Messias is right. the singing is also kind of like a lullaby.

Head down. I always thought about how people avoid eye contact when your walking around. People stairing at their feet rather than looking up. I always thought it had to do with low self-esteem and how music makes you feel good.

It was written by Ben Shepard. The picture in the book and the title make me think of depression. Maybe it has to do with acts of submission. Prayer, birth, pain, sadness, and shame. I don't think it's a sad song though. Just keep your head high and sing to "a song you like".

Considering there's a picture of a baby in the original booklet of lyrics, I'd guess it's about babies. Sort of just the end of innocence and how cynicism develops. "head down" itself is exactly how this song feels : A person with a extremely unoptimistic view of the world who just trudges around frowning and being sad because others have convinced them the world has no hope.

this song is seriously underrated, i think it's the best song on superunknown next to mailman and let me drown, and it's possibly one of my favorite songs of all time. i love the sad ambiguity of not only the lyrics but the melody and harmonies between the instruments. i'm going to agree with che45 and lepra messias on this, but i also think that it's about just generally being pushed down and forced to commit or submit to something oppressive. it's a very open song.

Lepras Messias has it down pretty good. There's discipline, and then there's just plain anger. The parent has been broken by lifes experiences and is forcing the child to life a life of uniformity. Go to work, come home, repeat. The last line is really what ties it all together:
"Head high like a song you like"
"Head down" is mentioned alot, but "Head high" is only mentioned twice, once of "a song you like, and once of the need to smile (be positive). In my life, music is an upbuilding thing, and it gets me through troubles, but "a song you like" might be you finding comfort in whatever you like.