Black Hole Sun Lyrics
In disguises no one knows
Hides the face, lies the snake
The sun in my disgrace
Boiling heat, summer stench
'Neath the black the sky looks dead
Call my name through the cream
And I'll hear you scream again
Black hole sun
Won't you come
And wash away the rain
Black hole sun
Won't you come
Won't you come
Steal the warm wind tired friend
Times are gone for honest men
And sometimes far too long for snakes
In my shoes, a walking sleep
And my youth I pray to keep
Heaven send hell away
No one sings like you anymore
Till you all just disappear

I know I new to the site, but some research before you assume
I pulled this from an article, "Regarding "Black Hole Sun", Cornell stated, "It's just sort of a surreal dreamscape, a weird, play-with-the-title kind of song."[5] He also said that "lyrically it's probably the closest to me just playing with words for words' sake, of anything I've written. I guess it worked for a lot of people who heard it, but I have no idea how you'd begin to take that one literally."[6] In another interview he elaborated further, stating, "It's funny because hits are usually sort of congruent, sort of an identifiable lyric idea, and that song pretty much had none. The chorus lyric is kind of beautiful and easy to remember. Other than that, I sure didn't have an understanding of it after I wrote it. I was just sucked in by the music and I was painting a picture with the lyrics. There was no real idea to get across."[4] Commenting upon how the song was misinterpreted as being positive, Cornell said, "No one seems to get this, but "Black Hole Sun" is sad. But because the melody is really pretty, everyone thinks it's almost chipper, which is ridiculous."[7] When asked about the line, "Times are gone for honest men," Cornell said:
It's really difficult for a person to create their own life and their own freedom. It's going to become more and more difficult, and it's going to create more and more disillusioned people who become dishonest and angry and are willing to fuck the next guy to get what they want. There's so much stepping on the backs of other people in our profession. We've been so lucky that we've never had to do that. Part of it was because of our own tenacity, and part of it was because we were lucky.[8]
Thank God for people like you. New or not you have the wherewithal to realize somewhere out there on the Internet the artist has commented on the lyrics or whatever. Again, I applaud you.
Thank God for people like you. New or not you have the wherewithal to realize somewhere out there on the Internet the artist has commented on the lyrics or whatever. Again, I applaud you.
Not being rude, but the meaning is more than clear:
Not being rude, but the meaning is more than clear:
BLACK HOLE SUN: The external opening of the rectum SNAKE: A Willy (Man sexual organ)
BLACK HOLE SUN: The external opening of the rectum SNAKE: A Willy (Man sexual organ)
Once you know that the rest is easy to understand. ;) All the best and hope this is not a shock to many.
Once you know that the rest is easy to understand. ;) All the best and hope this is not a shock to many.
PD. Limp Bizkit has similar a song called Chocolate StarFish.
PD. Limp Bizkit has similar a song called Chocolate StarFish.
If TRIPLEHP is right, it wold be a good motivation to lie about the meaning...
If TRIPLEHP is right, it wold be a good motivation to lie about the meaning...

It's just sort of a surreal dreamscape, a weird, play-with-the-title kind of song. He also that "lyrically it's probably the closest to me just playing with words for words' sake, of anything written. I guess it worked for a lot of people who heard it, but I have no idea how you'd begin to take that one literally. "It's funny because hits are usually sort of congruent, sort of an identifiable lyric idea, and that song pretty much had none. The chorus lyric is kind of beautiful and easy to remember. Other than that, I sure didn't have an understanding of it I was just sucked in by the music and I was painting a picture with the lyrics. There was no real idea to get across." the song was misinterpreted as being positive, No one seems to get this, but 'Black Hole Sun' is sad. But because the melody is really pretty, everyone thinks it's almost chipper, which is ridiculous

A couple of the biggest secrets of the occult are revealed in this song. No joke. The truth really is stranger than fiction sometimes, and I think it's safe to say anyone who knows the true meaning would no doubt be labeled insane if they were to share it with others.
sineistime:your the only one that is right about the meaning of this song and you nust know the others are just assuming...
sineistime:your the only one that is right about the meaning of this song and you nust know the others are just assuming...
this is true...your the only one on this page that spoke the must know the truth then.....
this is true...your the only one on this page that spoke the must know the truth then.....
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who sees this. Welcome to the aeon of Horus.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who sees this. Welcome to the aeon of Horus.

I've always thought that this song is a reference to suicide. The verses are a little vague, but the chorus is a tell tale sign to me that this song might be, or at least can be, about suicide...
The first lines describe how the character hides his sadness. His eyes are indisposed, and the snake (his depression or sadness) is in disguise. It hides behind his eyes, but is omnipresent in his mind. He's always depressed, but no one knows but him.
Now onto the chorus. "Black Hole Sun"... I've always thought that a Black Hole Sun was referring to the way a gun barrel looks when it goes off. When a gun goes off, there is a black hole in the middle of a ring of fire, which is exactly what a "Black holed Sun" would look like. "Won't you come and wash away the rain." I've always thought that Cornell was asking the Black Hole Sun to come and wash away his sadness, meaning that he wanted to shoot himself to end his pain.
I dont know. It's late at night and I can't sleep so i thought i'd present this theory. I'm a huge Soundgarden fan, and this is one of my favorites. I'd never seen this take on this song before, so these are my thoughts.
@jep321 "" I've always thought that a Black Hole Sun was referring to the way a gun barrel looks when it goes off... a black hole in the middle of a ring of fire.. exactly what a "Black holed Sun" would look like... come and wash away his sadness,"
@jep321 "" I've always thought that a Black Hole Sun was referring to the way a gun barrel looks when it goes off... a black hole in the middle of a ring of fire.. exactly what a "Black holed Sun" would look like... come and wash away his sadness,"
WOA~! Now that's one deep interpretation. I never really heard it like that myself, as I only half-listened and thought it was somehow the feeling of 'being with a woman' and 'her' dark-hole-sun washing away my loneliness'. But WOW! Yours was...
e> WOA~! Now that's one deep interpretation.
I never really heard it like that myself, as I only half-listened and thought it was somehow the feeling of 'being with a woman' and 'her' dark-hole-sun washing away my loneliness'.
But WOW! Yours was way deep - I pictured that shotgun blast in my mind - your thoughts about the lyrics and yes it definitely fits well with the words.
I have a theory when it comes to how people interpret song lrics in particular. That most of us simply hear what it is that we're feeling and hearing in our heads you know? Like I've been more of a lonely/missing someone, so for me.. the "black-hole-sun" was about wanting 'her' - wanting her to want me, and being 'with her' - to enter into 'her' black hole sun (so-to-speak) and for her rain to wash me clean of my lonely misery. (i really hope that made some bit of sense!)
But were I in a depressed suicidal type of mood or even thinking about someone I had loved who left this world by way or a gun then I have little doubt Your Interpretation would be very much hae been mine as well. For especially songs with imagery, imagery that isn't clearly one thing or another.., we tend to fill in those with our own unspoken or deeply felt feelings of the time. if i may ask then... Was the case with you? - or someone close to you?
Or did you come up with your lyrical view and meaning simply because that's what you heard in it - despite having no personal experiences with such deep depression
thanks. Peace.
"I've always thought that a Black Hole Sun was referring to the way a gun barrel looks when it goes off. When a gun goes off, there is a black hole in the middle of a ring of fire, which is exactly what a "Black holed Sun" would look like."
"I've always thought that a Black Hole Sun was referring to the way a gun barrel looks when it goes off. When a gun goes off, there is a black hole in the middle of a ring of fire, which is exactly what a "Black holed Sun" would look like."
Yeah, that's what I came to think since entering the state of mind I have fairly recently, which OP was/is likely also in.
Yeah, that's what I came to think since entering the state of mind I have fairly recently, which OP was/is likely also in.

I think the song's meaning is pretty straightforward.
The narrator is so tired of humanity that they're longing and hoping for the world to end. Pretty similar to "Aenema" by Tool.
"Times are gone for honest men And sometimes far too long for snakes"
The 70s, 80s, and 90s are the age when, at least in the United States, capitalism and corporations began to have an influence on every aspect of our daily lives. The good came with the bad, as people stepped all over each other just to get their piece of the pie. Things like honesty and integrity went out the window and the opportunists took over. "Nice guys finish last" became a mantra for many people.
"In my shoes, a walking sleep And my youth I pray to keep Heaven sent hell away No one sings like you anymore"
The narrator would rather die young than see society and humanity head in the direction that it's going. "Heaven sent hell away" refers to nature ending society on Earth. "No one sings like you anymore" seems to refer to how all of the old moral tenets – such a honesty, substance, and compassion – aren't really celebrated anymore.
"Hang my head, drown my fear Till you all just disappear"
The narrator will wait in despair until the annihilation of the human race.
Seems pretty screwed up, but misanthropy is common in a lot of Cornell's writing. He writes a lot of songs about the apocalypse ("New Damage," "4th of July") but also how he's looking forward to it. "Limo Wreck" is pretty much about the same thing. Also, "The Day I Tried To Live" seems to continue the whole theme of being an outsider and not feeling like a part of society.
The real question is whether or not there ever was a "Time for honest men," unfortunately. History doesn't seem to indicate that there ever was. You always get the good with the bad.
This is absolutely and completely what I have always believed this song to be. And I sometimes empathize these days. Great explanation.
This is absolutely and completely what I have always believed this song to be. And I sometimes empathize these days. Great explanation.
@lastanzabianca Love your interpretation. Although Cornell stated he would just let the words flow lyrically and hasn't thought so much about the meaning and that it has no actual meaning at all, I do very much believe that his subconsciousness would let flow his actual views and feelings about the world and society into it. In "automatical writing" it happens too that the subconsciousness plays it's part, so I agree very much to every word you wrote here.
@lastanzabianca Love your interpretation. Although Cornell stated he would just let the words flow lyrically and hasn't thought so much about the meaning and that it has no actual meaning at all, I do very much believe that his subconsciousness would let flow his actual views and feelings about the world and society into it. In "automatical writing" it happens too that the subconsciousness plays it's part, so I agree very much to every word you wrote here.
@lastanzabianca Any song means whatever you need it to mean at any given time. Many songs have hit me differently throughout the years.
@lastanzabianca Any song means whatever you need it to mean at any given time. Many songs have hit me differently throughout the years.

I think this is basically about the apocalypse and how its going to clean the earth of eveyrthing bad
wash away the rain

I think this song is about doing drugs maybe like heroin or something. Like black hole sun being drugs. Like taking drugs to distort reality and forget about all the shit that pisses you off. Thats why the video was all tripped out. I dont know what it means thats just my opinion.

This song fucking rocks. and if you've seen the music video, i think it kinda backs up the "every one of you fucking retarded idiots can just get sucked into the sun for all i care" theme. Its the freakin' oddest video I've ever seen but its pretty damn cool at the same time.

I think you guys should ear the Chris Cornell Live in Stockholm version. It's only Chris voice with his acoustic guitar. It really kick asses !!! The whole cd is filled of classic Soundgarden, Temple of the Dog and Audioslave songs. All acoustic !!!

When I hear the song and see the Video clip I cannot help thinking of that feeling when you see the world as dull and superficial. and you see the negetivity in everything, behind every smile. and you miss the good stuff that made you smile though they arent gone, u just don't see 'em at that moment.
and what could be better at that moment then a black hole in the sky to wash all that shit away, but there is none.
I can't really interpetate every phrase but that's what I feel the song is about. and hey, sometimes when writing the words just fit in with no explenation
Who wrote the lyrics to 'Black Hole Sun' by Soundgarden?